Source code for

import logging
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

from .base import ConditionalEstimator, TheresAGoodReasonThisDoesntWork
from import evaluate_ratio_model
from import DenseDoublyParameterizedRatioModel
from import DoubleParameterizedRatioTrainer
from import get_optimizer, get_loss
from ..utils.various import load_and_check, shuffle, restrict_samplesize

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DoubleParameterizedRatioEstimator(ConditionalEstimator): """ A neural estimator of the likelihood ratio as a function of the observation x, the numerator hypothesis theta0, and the denominator hypothesis theta1. """
[docs] def train( self, method, x, y, theta0, theta1, r_xz=None, t_xz0=None, t_xz1=None, x_val=None, y_val=None, theta0_val=None, theta1_val=None, r_xz_val=None, t_xz0_val=None, t_xz1_val=None, alpha=1.0, optimizer="amsgrad", n_epochs=50, batch_size=128, initial_lr=0.001, final_lr=0.0001, nesterov_momentum=None, validation_split=0.25, early_stopping=True, scale_inputs=True, shuffle_labels=False, limit_samplesize=None, memmap=False, verbose="some", scale_parameters=True, n_workers=8, clip_gradient=None, early_stopping_patience=None, ): """ Trains the network. Parameters ---------- method : str The inference method used for training. Allowed values are 'alice', 'alices', 'carl', 'cascal', 'rascal', and 'rolr'. x : ndarray or str Observations, or filename of a pickled numpy array. y : ndarray or str Class labels (0 = numerator, 1 = denominator), or filename of a pickled numpy array. theta0 : ndarray or str Numerator parameter point, or filename of a pickled numpy array. theta1 : ndarray or str Denominator parameter point, or filename of a pickled numpy array. r_xz : ndarray or str or None, optional Joint likelihood ratio, or filename of a pickled numpy array. Default value: None. t_xz0 : ndarray or str or None, optional Joint scores at theta0, or filename of a pickled numpy array. Default value: None. t_xz1 : ndarray or str or None, optional Joint scores at theta1, or filename of a pickled numpy array. Default value: None. x_val : ndarray or str or None, optional Validation observations, or filename of a pickled numpy array. If None and validation_split > 0, validation data will be randomly selected from the training data. Default value: None. y_val : ndarray or str or None, optional Validation labels (0 = numerator, 1 = denominator), or filename of a pickled numpy array. If None and validation_split > 0, validation data will be randomly selected from the training data. Default value: None. theta0_val : ndarray or str or None, optional Validation numerator parameter points, or filename of a pickled numpy array. If None and validation_split > 0, validation data will be randomly selected from the training data. Default value: None. theta1_val : ndarray or str or None, optional Validation denominator parameter points, or filename of a pickled numpy array. If None and validation_split > 0, validation data will be randomly selected from the training data. Default value: None. r_xz_val : ndarray or str or None, optional Validation joint likelihood ratio, or filename of a pickled numpy array. If None and validation_split > 0, validation data will be randomly selected from the training data. Default value: None. t_xz0_val : ndarray or str or None, optional Validation joint scores at theta0, or filename of a pickled numpy array. If None and validation_split > 0, validation data will be randomly selected from the training data. Default value: None. t_xz1_val : ndarray or str or None, optional Validation joint scores at theta1, or filename of a pickled numpy array. If None and validation_split > 0, validation data will be randomly selected from the training data. Default value: None. alpha : float, optional Hyperparameter weighting the score error in the loss function of the 'alices', 'rascal', and 'cascal' methods. Default value: 1. optimizer : {"adam", "amsgrad", "sgd"}, optional Optimization algorithm. Default value: "amsgrad". n_epochs : int, optional Number of epochs. Default value: 50. batch_size : int, optional Batch size. Default value: 128. initial_lr : float, optional Learning rate during the first epoch, after which it exponentially decays to final_lr. Default value: 0.001. final_lr : float, optional Learning rate during the last epoch. Default value: 0.0001. nesterov_momentum : float or None, optional If trainer is "sgd", sets the Nesterov momentum. Default value: None. validation_split : float or None, optional Fraction of samples used for validation and early stopping (if early_stopping is True). If None, the entire sample is used for training and early stopping is deactivated. Default value: 0.25. early_stopping : bool, optional Activates early stopping based on the validation loss (only if validation_split is not None). Default value: True. scale_inputs : bool, optional Scale the observables to zero mean and unit variance. Default value: True. shuffle_labels : bool, optional If True, the labels (`y`, `r_xz`, `t_xz`) are shuffled, while the observations (`x`) remain in their normal order. This serves as a closure test, in particular as cross-check against overfitting: an estimator trained with shuffle_labels=True should predict to likelihood ratios around 1 and scores around 0. limit_samplesize : int or None, optional If not None, only this number of samples (events) is used to train the estimator. Default value: None. memmap : bool, optional. If True, training files larger than 1 GB will not be loaded into memory at once. Default value: False. verbose : {"all", "many", "some", "few", "none}, optional Determines verbosity of training. Default value: "some". Returns ------- result: ndarray Training and validation losses from DoubleParameterizedRatioTrainer.train """"Starting training")" Method: %s", method) if method in ["cascal", "rascal", "alices"]:" alpha: %s", alpha)" Batch size: %s", batch_size)" Optimizer: %s", optimizer)" Epochs: %s", n_epochs)" Learning rate: %s initially, decaying to %s", initial_lr, final_lr) if optimizer == "sgd":" Nesterov momentum: %s", nesterov_momentum)" Validation split: %s", validation_split)" Early stopping: %s", early_stopping)" Scale inputs: %s", scale_inputs)" Shuffle labels %s", shuffle_labels) if limit_samplesize is None:" Samples: all") else:" Samples: %s", limit_samplesize) # Load training data"Loading training data") memmap_threshold = 1.0 if memmap else None theta0 = load_and_check(theta0, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) theta1 = load_and_check(theta1, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) x = load_and_check(x, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) y = load_and_check(y, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) r_xz = load_and_check(r_xz, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) t_xz0 = load_and_check(t_xz0, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) t_xz1 = load_and_check(t_xz1, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) self._check_required_data(method, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1) # Infer dimensions of problem n_samples = x.shape[0] n_observables = x.shape[1] n_parameters = theta0.shape[1]"Found %s samples with %s parameters and %s observables", n_samples, n_parameters, n_observables) # Limit sample size if limit_samplesize is not None and limit_samplesize < n_samples:"Only using %s of %s training samples", limit_samplesize, n_samples) x, theta0, theta1, y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1 = restrict_samplesize( limit_samplesize, x, theta0, theta1, y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1 ) # Validation data external_validation = ( x_val is not None and y_val is not None and theta0_val is not None and theta1_val is not None ) if external_validation: theta0_val = load_and_check(theta0_val, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) theta1_val = load_and_check(theta1_val, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) x_val = load_and_check(x_val, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) y_val = load_and_check(y_val, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) r_xz_val = load_and_check(r_xz_val, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) t_xz0_val = load_and_check(t_xz0_val, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold) t_xz1_val = load_and_check(t_xz1_val, memmap_files_larger_than_gb=memmap_threshold)"Found %s separate validation samples", x_val.shape[0]) assert x_val.shape[1] == n_observables assert theta0_val.shape[1] == n_parameters assert theta1_val.shape[1] == n_parameters if r_xz is not None: assert r_xz_val is not None, "When providing r_xz and sep. validation data, also provide r_xz_val" if t_xz0 is not None: assert t_xz0_val is not None, "When providing t_xz0 and sep. validation data, also provide t_xz0_val" if t_xz1 is not None: assert t_xz1_val is not None, "When providing t_xz1 and sep. validation data, also provide t_xz1_val" # Scale features if scale_inputs: self.initialize_input_transform(x, overwrite=False) x = self._transform_inputs(x) if external_validation: x_val = self._transform_inputs(x_val) else: self.initialize_input_transform(x, False, overwrite=False) # Scale parameters if scale_parameters:"Rescaling parameters") self.initialize_parameter_transform(np.concatenate((theta0, theta1), 0)) theta0 = self._transform_parameters(theta0) theta1 = self._transform_parameters(theta1) t_xz0 = self._transform_score(t_xz0, inverse=False) t_xz1 = self._transform_score(t_xz1, inverse=False) if external_validation: t_xz0_val = self._transform_score(t_xz0_val, inverse=False) t_xz1_val = self._transform_score(t_xz1_val, inverse=False) else: self.initialize_parameter_transform(np.concatenate((theta0, theta1), 0), False) # Shuffle labels if shuffle_labels:"Shuffling labels") y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1 = shuffle(y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1) # Features if self.features is not None: x = x[:, self.features]"Only using %s of %s observables", x.shape[1], n_observables) n_observables = x.shape[1] if external_validation: x_val = x_val[:, self.features] # Check consistency of input with model if self.n_observables is None: self.n_observables = n_observables if self.n_parameters is None: self.n_parameters = n_parameters if n_parameters != self.n_parameters: raise RuntimeError(f"Number of parameters does not match: {n_parameters} vs {self.n_parameters}") if n_observables != self.n_observables: raise RuntimeError(f"Number of observables does not match: {n_observables} vs {self.n_observables}") # Data data = self._package_training_data(method, x, theta0, theta1, y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1) if external_validation: data_val = self._package_training_data( method, x_val, theta0_val, theta1_val, y_val, r_xz_val, t_xz0_val, t_xz1_val, ) else: data_val = None # Create model if self.model is None:"Creating model") self._create_model() # Losses loss_functions, loss_labels, loss_weights = get_loss(method + "2", alpha) # Optimizer opt, opt_kwargs = get_optimizer(optimizer, nesterov_momentum) # Train model"Training model") trainer = DoubleParameterizedRatioTrainer(self.model, n_workers=n_workers) result = trainer.train( data=data, data_val=data_val, loss_functions=loss_functions, loss_weights=loss_weights, loss_labels=loss_labels, epochs=n_epochs, batch_size=batch_size, optimizer=opt, optimizer_kwargs=opt_kwargs, initial_lr=initial_lr, final_lr=final_lr, validation_split=validation_split, early_stopping=early_stopping, verbose=verbose, clip_gradient=clip_gradient, early_stopping_patience=early_stopping_patience, ) return result
[docs] def evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio(self, x, theta0, theta1, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False): """ Evaluates the log likelihood ratio as a function of the observation x, the numerator hypothesis theta0, and the denominator hypothesis theta1. Parameters ---------- x : str or ndarray Observations or filename of a pickled numpy array. theta0 : ndarray or str Numerator parameter points or filename of a pickled numpy array. theta1 : ndarray or str Denominator parameter points or filename of a pickled numpy array. test_all_combinations : bool, optional If False, the number of samples in the observable and theta files has to match, and the likelihood ratio is evaluated only for the combinations `r(x_i | theta0_i, theta1_i)`. If True, `r(x_i | theta0_j, theta1_j)` for all pairwise combinations `i, j` are evaluated. Default value: True. evaluate_score : bool, optional Sets whether in addition to the likelihood ratio the score is evaluated. Default value: False. Returns ------- log_likelihood_ratio : ndarray The estimated log likelihood ratio. If test_all_combinations is True, the result has shape `(n_thetas, n_x)`. Otherwise, it has shape `(n_samples,)`. score0 : ndarray or None None if evaluate_score is False. Otherwise the derived estimated score at `theta0`. If test_all_combinations is True, the result has shape `(n_thetas, n_x, n_parameters)`. Otherwise, it has shape `(n_samples, n_parameters)`. score1 : ndarray or None None if evaluate_score is False. Otherwise the derived estimated score at `theta1`. If test_all_combinations is True, the result has shape `(n_thetas, n_x, n_parameters)`. Otherwise, it has shape `(n_samples, n_parameters)`. """ if self.model is None: raise ValueError("No model -- train or load model before evaluating it!") # Load training data logger.debug("Loading evaluation data") x = load_and_check(x) theta0 = load_and_check(theta0) theta1 = load_and_check(theta1) # Scale observables x = self._transform_inputs(x) # Restrict features if self.features is not None: x = x[:, self.features] # Balance thetas if len(theta1) > len(theta0): theta0 = [theta0[i % len(theta0)] for i in range(len(theta1))] elif len(theta1) < len(theta0): theta1 = [theta1[i % len(theta1)] for i in range(len(theta0))] all_log_r_hat = [] all_t_hat0 = [] all_t_hat1 = [] if test_all_combinations: logger.debug("Starting ratio evaluation for %s x-theta combinations", len(theta0) * len(x)) for i, (this_theta0, this_theta1) in enumerate(zip(theta0, theta1)): logger.debug( "Starting ratio evaluation for thetas %s / %s: %s vs %s", i + 1, len(theta0), this_theta0, this_theta1, ) _, log_r_hat, t_hat0, t_hat1 = evaluate_ratio_model( model=self.model, method_type="double_parameterized_ratio", theta0s=[this_theta0], theta1s=[this_theta1], xs=x, evaluate_score=evaluate_score, ) all_log_r_hat.append(log_r_hat) all_t_hat0.append(t_hat0) all_t_hat1.append(t_hat1) all_log_r_hat = np.array(all_log_r_hat) all_t_hat0 = np.array(all_t_hat0) all_t_hat1 = np.array(all_t_hat1) else: logger.debug("Starting ratio evaluation") _, all_log_r_hat, all_t_hat0, all_t_hat1 = evaluate_ratio_model( model=self.model, method_type="double_parameterized_ratio", theta0s=theta0, theta1s=theta1, xs=x, evaluate_score=evaluate_score, ) logger.debug("Evaluation done") return all_log_r_hat, all_t_hat0, all_t_hat1
[docs] def evaluate_log_likelihood(self, *args, **kwargs): raise TheresAGoodReasonThisDoesntWork( "This estimator can only estimate likelihood ratios, not the likelihood " "itself!" )
[docs] def evaluate_score(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Please use evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio(evaluate_score=True).")
[docs] def calculate_fisher_information(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "Please use evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio(evaluate_score=True) and calculate the " "Fisher information manually." )
[docs] def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio(*args, **kwargs)
def _create_model(self): self.model = DenseDoublyParameterizedRatioModel( n_observables=self.n_observables, n_parameters=self.n_parameters, n_hidden=self.n_hidden, activation=self.activation, dropout_prob=self.dropout_prob, ) @staticmethod def _check_required_data(method, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1): if method in ["cascal", "alices", "rascal"] and (t_xz0 is None or t_xz1 is None): raise RuntimeError(f"Method {method} requires joint score information") if method in ["rolr", "alice", "alices", "rascal"] and r_xz is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Method {method} requires joint likelihood ratio information") @staticmethod def _package_training_data(method, x, theta0, theta1, y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1): data = OrderedDict() data["x"] = x data["theta0"] = theta0 data["theta1"] = theta1 data["y"] = y if method in ["rolr", "alice", "alices", "rascal"]: data["r_xz"] = r_xz if method in ["cascal", "alices", "rascal"]: data["t_xz0"] = t_xz0 data["t_xz1"] = t_xz1 return data def _wrap_settings(self): settings = super()._wrap_settings() settings["estimator_type"] = "double_parameterized_ratio" return settings def _unwrap_settings(self, settings): super()._unwrap_settings(settings) estimator_type = str(settings["estimator_type"]) if estimator_type != "double_parameterized_ratio": raise RuntimeError(f"Saved model is an incompatible estimator type {estimator_type}.")