Source code for madminer.limits.asymptotic_limits

import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2, poisson

from madminer import sampling
from madminer.analysis import DataAnalyzer
from import ParameterizedRatioEstimator, Ensemble, ScoreEstimator, LikelihoodEstimator, load_estimator
from madminer.utils.histo import Histo
from madminer.utils.various import mdot, less_logging
from madminer.sampling import SampleAugmenter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AsymptoticLimits(DataAnalyzer): """ Statistical inference based on asymptotic properties of the likelihood ratio as test statistics. This class provides two high-level functions: * `AsymptoticLimits.observed_limits()` calculates p-values over a grid in parameter space for a given set of observed data. * `AsymptoticLimits.expected_limits()` calculates expected p-values over a grid in parameter space based on "Asimov data", a large hypothetical data set drawn from a given parameter point. This method is typically used to define expected exclusion limits or significances. Both functions support inference based on... * histograms of kinematic observables, * based on histograms of score vectors estimated with the `` class (SALLY and SALLINO techniques), * based on likelihood or likelihood ratio functions estimated with the `` and `` classes (NDE, SCANDAL, CARL, RASCAL, ALICES, and so on). Currently, this class requires a morphing setup. It does *not* yet support nuisance parameters. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to MadMiner file (for instance the output of ``). include_nuisance_parameters : bool, optional If True, nuisance parameters are taken into account. Currently not implemented. Default value: False. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, include_nuisance_parameters=False): if include_nuisance_parameters: raise NotImplementedError("AsymptoticLimits does not yet support nuisance parameters.") super().__init__(filename, False, include_nuisance_parameters=False)
[docs] def observed_limits( self, mode, x_observed, grid_ranges=None, grid_resolutions=25, include_xsec=True, model_file=None, hist_vars=None, score_components=None, hist_bins=None, thetaref=None, luminosity=300000.0, weighted_histo=True, n_histo_toys=100000, histo_theta_batchsize=1000, n_observed=None, dof=None, test_split=0.2, return_histos=True, return_observed=False, fix_adaptive_binning="auto-grid", postprocessing=None, n_binning_toys=100000, thetas_eval=None, ): """ Calculates p-values over a grid in parameter space based on a given set of observed events. `x_observed` specifies the observed data as an array of observables, using the same observables and their order as used throughout the MadMiner workflow. The p-values with frequentist hypothesis tests using the likelihood ratio as test statistic. The asymptotic approximation is used, see Depending on the keyword `mode`, the likelihood ratio is calculated with one of several different methods: * With `mode="rate"`, MadMiner only calculates the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events. * With `mode="histo"`, the kinematic likelihood is estimated with histograms of a small number of observables given by the keyword `hist_vars`. `hist_bins` determines the binning of the histograms. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="ml"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with a parameterized neural network. `model_file` has to point to the filename of a saved `LikelihoodEstimator` or `ParameterizedRatioEstimator` instance or a corresponding `Ensemble` (i.e. be the same filename used when calling ``). `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="sally"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with histograms of the components of the estimated score vector. `model_file` has to point to the filename of a saved `ScoreEstimator` instance. With `score_components`, the histogram can be restricted to some components of the score. `hist_bins` defines the binning of the histograms. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="adaptive-sally"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with histograms of the components of the estimated score vector. The approach is essentially the same as for `"sally"`, but the histogram binning is optimized for every parameter point by adding a new `h = score * (theta - thetaref)` dimension to the histogram. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="sallino"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with one-dimensional histograms of the scalar variable `h = score * (theta - thetaref)` for each point `theta` along the parameter grid. `model_file` has to point to the filename of a saved `ScoreEstimator` instance. `hist_bins` defines the binning of the histogram. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. MadMiner calculates one p-value for every parameter point on an evenly spaced grid specified by `grid_ranges` and `grid_resolutions`. For instance, in a three-dimensional parameter space, `grid_ranges=[(-1., 1.), (-2., 2.), (-3., 3.)]` and `grid_resolutions=[10,10,10]` will start the calculation along 10^3 parameter points in a cube with edges `(-1, 1)` in the first parameter and so on. Parameters ---------- mode : {"rate", "histo", "ml", "sally", "sallino", "adaptive-sally"} Defines how the likelihood ratio test statistic is calculated. See above. x_observed : ndarray Observed data with shape `(n_events, n_observables)`. The observables have to be the same used throughout the MadMiner analysis, for instance specified in the `DelphesReader` class with `add_observables`. grid_ranges : list of (tuple of float) or None, optional Specifies the boundaries of the parameter grid on which the p-values are evaluated. It should be `[(min, max), (min, max), ..., (min, max)]`, where the list goes over all parameters and `min` and `max` are float. If None, thetas_eval has to be given. Default: None. grid_resolutions : int or list of int, optional Resolution of the parameter space grid on which the p-values are evaluated. If int, the resolution is the same along every dimension of the hypercube. If list of int, the individual entries specify the number of points along each parameter individually. Doesn't have any effect if grid_ranges is None. Default value: 25. include_xsec : bool, optional Whether the Poisson likelihood representing the total number of events is included in the analysis. Default value: True. model_file : str or None, optional Filename of a saved neural network estimating the likelihood, likelihood ratio, or score. Required if mode is anything except "rate" or "histo". Default value: None. hist_vars : list of str or None, optional Kinematic variables used in the histograms when mode is "histo". The names are the same as used for instance in `DelphesReader`. Default value: None. score_components : None or list of int, optional Defines the score components used when mode is "sally" or "adaptive-sally". Default value: None. hist_bins : int or list of (int or ndarray) or None, optional Defines the histogram binning when mode is "histo", "sally", "adaptive-sally", or "sallino". If int, gives the number of bins automatically chosen for each summary statistic. If list, each entry corresponds to one summary statistic (e.g. kinematic variable specified by hist_vars or estimated score component); an int entry corresponds to the number of automatically chosen bins, an ndarray specifies the bin edges along this dimension explicitly. If None, the bins are chosen according to the defaults: for one summary statistic the default is 25 bins, for 2 it's 8 bins along each direction, for more it's 5 per dimension. Default value: None. thetaref : ndarray or None, optional Defines the reference parameter point at which the score is evaluated for mode "sallino" or "adaptive-sally". If None, the origin in parameter space, [0., 0., ..., 0.], is used. Default value: None. luminosity : float, optional Integrated luminosity in pb^{-1} assumed in the analysis. Default value: 300000. weighted_histo : bool, optional If True, the histograms used for the modes "histo", "sally", "sallino", and "adaptive-sally" use one set of weighted events to construct the histograms at every point along the parameter grid, only with different weights for each parameter point on the grid. If False, independent unweighted event samples are drawn for each parameter point on the grid. Default value: True. n_histo_toys : int or None, optional Number of events drawn to construct the histograms used for the modes "histo", "sally", "sallino", and "adaptive-sally". If None and weighted_histo is True, all events in the training fraction of the MadMiner file are used. If None and weighted_histo is False, 100000 events are used. Default value: 100000. histo_theta_batchsize : int or None, optional Number of histograms constructed in parallel for the modes "histo", "sally", "sallino", and "adaptive-sally" and if weighted_histo is True. A larger number speeds up the calculation, but requires more memory. Default value: 1000. n_observed : int or None, optional If not None, the likelihood ratio is rescaled to this number of observed events before calculating p-values. Default value: None. dof : int or None, optional If not None, sets the number of parameters for the calculation of the p-values. If None, the overall number of parameters is used. Default value: None. test_split : float, optional Fraction of weighted events in the MadMiner file reserved for evaluation. Default value: 0.2. return_histos : bool, optional If True and if mode is "histo", "sally", "adaptive-sally", or "sallino", the function returns histogram objects for each point along the grid. fix_adaptive_binning : [False, "center", "grid", "auto-grid", "auto-center"], optional If not False and if mode is "histo", "sally", "adaptive-sally", or "sallino", the automatic histogram binning is the same for every point along the parameter grid. For "center", the central point in the parameter grid is used to determine the binning, for "grid" all points in the parameter grid are combined for this. For "auto-grid" or "auto-center", this option is turned on if mode is "histo" or "sally", but not for "adaptive-sally" or "sallino". Default value: "auto-grid". return_observed : bool, optional Whether the observed values of the summary statistics are returned. Default value: False. postprocessing : None or function If not None, points to a function that processes the summary statistics before being fed into histograms. Default value: None. n_binning_toys : int or None Number of toy events used to determine the binning of adaptive histograms. Default value: 100000. thetas_eval : ndarray or None Manually specifies the parameter point at which the likelihood and p-values are evaluated. If None, grid_ranges and resolution are used instead to construct a regular grid. Default value: None. Returns ------- parameter_grid : ndarray Parameter points at which the p-values are evaluated with shape `(n_grid_points, n_parameters)`. p_values : ndarray Observed p-values for each parameter point on the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. mle : int Index of the parameter point with the best fit (largest p-value / smallest -2 log likelihood ratio). log_likelihood_ratio_kin : ndarray or None log likelihood ratio based only on kinematics for each point of the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. log_likelihood_rate : ndarray or None log likelihood based only on the total rate for each point of the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. histos : None or list of Histogram None if return_histos is False. Otherwise a list of histogram objects for each point on the grid. This can be useful for debugging or for plotting the histograms. """ if n_observed is None: n_observed = len(x_observed) return self._analyse( n_observed, x_observed, grid_ranges, grid_resolutions, mode, model_file, hist_vars, hist_bins, include_xsec, None, luminosity, n_histo_toys, return_histos=return_histos, return_observed=return_observed, dof=dof, histo_theta_batchsize=histo_theta_batchsize, weighted_histo=weighted_histo, score_components=score_components, test_split=test_split, thetaref=thetaref, fix_adaptive_binning=fix_adaptive_binning, postprocessing=postprocessing, n_binning_toys=n_binning_toys, thetas_eval=thetas_eval, )
[docs] def expected_limits( self, mode, theta_true, grid_ranges=None, grid_resolutions=25, include_xsec=True, model_file=None, hist_vars=None, score_components=None, hist_bins=None, thetaref=None, luminosity=300000.0, weighted_histo=True, n_histo_toys=100000, histo_theta_batchsize=1000, dof=None, test_split=0.2, return_histos=True, return_asimov=False, fix_adaptive_binning="auto-grid", sample_only_from_closest_benchmark=True, postprocessing=None, n_asimov=None, n_binning_toys=100000, thetas_eval=None, ): """ Calculates expected p-values over a grid in parameter space. `theta_true` specifies which parameter point is assumed to be true. Based on this parameter point, the function generates a large artificial "Asimov data set". p-values are then calculated with frequentist hypothesis tests using the likelihood ratio as test statistic. The asymptotic approximation is used, see Depending on the keyword `mode`, the likelihood ratio is calculated with one of several different methods: * With `mode="rate"`, MadMiner only calculates the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events. * With `mode="histo"`, the kinematic likelihood is estimated with histograms of a small number of observables given by the keyword `hist_vars`. `hist_bins` determines the binning of the histograms. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="ml"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with a parameterized neural network. `model_file` has to point to the filename of a saved `LikelihoodEstimator` or `ParameterizedRatioEstimator` instance or a corresponding `Ensemble` (i.e. be the same filename used when calling ``). `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="sally"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with histograms of the components of the estimated score vector. `model_file` has to point to the filename of a saved `ScoreEstimator` instance. With `score_components`, the histogram can be restricted to some components of the score. `hist_bins` defines the binning of the histograms. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="adaptive-sally"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with histograms of the components of the estimated score vector. The approach is essentially the same as for `"sally"`, but the histogram binning is optimized for every parameter point by adding a new `h = score * (theta - thetaref)` dimension to the histogram. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. * With `mode="sallino"`, the likelihood ratio is estimated with one-dimensional histograms of the scalar variable `h = score * (theta - thetaref)` for each point `theta` along the parameter grid. `model_file` has to point to the filename of a saved `ScoreEstimator` instance. `hist_bins` defines the binning of the histogram. `include_xsec` sets whether the Poisson likelihood of the total number of events is included or not. MadMiner calculates one p-value for every parameter point on an evenly spaced grid specified by `grid_ranges` and `grid_resolutions`. For instance, in a three-dimensional parameter space, `grid_ranges=[(-1., 1.), (-2., 2.), (-3., 3.)]` and `grid_resolutions=[10,10,10]` will start the calculation along 10^3 parameter points in a cube with edges `(-1, 1)` in the first parameter and so on. Parameters ---------- mode : {"rate", "histo", "ml", "sally", "sallino", "adaptive-sally"} Defines how the likelihood ratio test statistic is calculated. See above. theta_true : ndarray Parameter point assumed to be true to calculate the Asimov data. grid_ranges : list of (tuple of float) or None, optional Specifies the boundaries of the parameter grid on which the p-values are evaluated. It should be `[(min, max), (min, max), ..., (min, max)]`, where the list goes over all parameters and `min` and `max` are float. If None, thetas_eval has to be given. Default: None. grid_resolutions : int or list of int, optional Resolution of the parameter space grid on which the p-values are evaluated. If int, the resolution is the same along every dimension of the hypercube. If list of int, the individual entries specify the number of points along each parameter individually. Default value: 25. include_xsec : bool, optional Whether the Poisson likelihood representing the total number of events is included in the analysis. Default value: True. model_file : str or None, optional Filename of a saved neural network estimating the likelihood, likelihood ratio, or score. Required if mode is anything except "rate" or "histo". Default value: None. hist_vars : list of str or None, optional Kinematic variables used in the histograms when mode is "histo". The names are the same as used for instance in `DelphesReader`. Default value: None. score_components : None or list of int, optional Defines the score components used when mode is "sally" or "adaptive-sally". Default value: None. hist_bins : int or list of (int or ndarray) or None, optional Defines the histogram binning when mode is "histo", "sally", "adaptive-sally", or "sallino". If int, gives the number of bins automatically chosen for each summary statistic. If list, each entry corresponds to one summary statistic (e.g. kinematic variable specified by hist_vars or estimated score component); an int entry corresponds to the number of automatically chosen bins, an ndarray specifies the bin edges along this dimension explicitly. If None, the bins are chosen according to the defaults: for one summary statistic the default is 25 bins, for 2 it's 8 bins along each direction, for more it's 5 per dimension. Default value: None. thetaref : ndarray or None, optional Defines the reference parameter point at which the score is evaluated for mode "sallino" or "adaptive-sally". If None, the origin in parameter space, [0., 0., ..., 0.], is used. Default value: None. luminosity : float, optional Integrated luminosity in pb^{-1} assumed in the analysis. Default value: 300000. weighted_histo : bool, optional If True, the histograms used for the modes "histo", "sally", "sallino", and "adaptive-sally" use one set of weighted events to construct the histograms at every point along the parameter grid, only with different weights for each parameter point on the grid. If False, independent unweighted event samples are drawn for each parameter point on the grid. Default value: True. n_histo_toys : int or None, optional Number of events drawn to construct the histograms used for the modes "histo", "sally", "sallino", and "adaptive-sally". If None and weighted_histo is True, all events in the training fraction of the MadMiner file are used. If None and weighted_histo is False, 100000 events are used. Default value: 100000. histo_theta_batchsize : int or None, optional Number of histograms constructed in parallel for the modes "histo", "sally", "sallino", and "adaptive-sally" and if weighted_histo is True. A larger number speeds up the calculation, but requires more memory. Default value: 1000. dof : int or None, optional If not None, sets the number of parameters for the calculation of the p-values. If None, the overall number of parameters is used. Default value: None. test_split : float, optional Fraction of weighted events in the MadMiner file reserved for evaluation. Default value: 0.2. return_histos : bool, optional If True and if mode is "histo", "sally", "adaptive-sally", or "sallino", the function returns histogram objects for each point along the grid. fix_adaptive_binning : [False, "center", "grid", "auto-grid", "auto-center"], optional If not False and if mode is "histo", "sally", "adaptive-sally", or "sallino", the automatic histogram binning is the same for every point along the parameter grid. For "center", the central point in the parameter grid is used to determine the binning, for "grid" all points in the parameter grid are combined for this. For "auto-grid" or "auto-center", this option is turned on if mode is "histo" or "sally", but not for "adaptive-sally" or "sallino". Default value: "auto-grid". sample_only_from_closest_benchmark : bool, optional If True, only events originally generated from the closest benchmarks are used when generating the Asimov data (and, if weighted_histo is False, the histogram data). Default value: True. return_asimov : bool, optional Whether the values of the summary statistics in the Asimov ("expected observed") data set are returned. Default value: False. postprocessing : None or function, optional If not None, points to a function that processes the summary statistics before being fed into histograms. Default value: None. n_binning_toys : int or None, optional Number of toy events used to determine the binning of adaptive histograms. Default value: 100000. n_asimov : int or None, optional Size of the Asimov sample. If None, all weighted events in the MadMiner file are used. Default value: None. thetas_eval : ndarray or None Manually specifies the parameter point at which the likelihood and p-values are evaluated. If None, grid_ranges and resolution are used instead to construct a regular grid. Default value: None. Returns ------- parameter_grid : ndarray Parameter points at which the p-values are evaluated with shape `(n_grid_points, n_parameters)`. p_values : ndarray Observed p-values for each parameter point on the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. mle : int Index of the parameter point with the best fit (largest p-value / smallest -2 log likelihood ratio). log_likelihood_ratio_kin : ndarray or None log likelihood ratio based only on kinematics for each point of the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. log_likelihood_rate : ndarray or None log likelihood based only on the total rate for each point of the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. histos : None or list of Histogram None if return_histos is False. Otherwise a list of histogram objects for each point on the grid. This can be useful for debugging or for plotting the histograms. """"Generating Asimov data") x_asimov, x_weights = self._asimov_data( theta_true, sample_only_from_closest_benchmark=sample_only_from_closest_benchmark, test_split=test_split, n_asimov=n_asimov, ) n_observed = luminosity * self._calculate_xsecs([theta_true])[0]"Expected events: %s", n_observed) return self._analyse( n_observed, x_asimov, grid_ranges, grid_resolutions, mode, model_file, hist_vars, hist_bins, include_xsec, x_weights, luminosity, n_histo_toys, return_histos=return_histos, return_observed=return_asimov, dof=dof, histo_theta_batchsize=histo_theta_batchsize, theta_true=theta_true, weighted_histo=weighted_histo, score_components=score_components, test_split=test_split, thetaref=thetaref, fix_adaptive_binning=fix_adaptive_binning, postprocessing=postprocessing, n_binning_toys=n_binning_toys, thetas_eval=thetas_eval, )
[docs] def asymptotic_p_value(self, log_likelihood_ratio, dof=None): """ Calculates the p-value corresponding to a given log likelihood ratio and number of degrees of freedom assuming the asymptotic approximation. Parameters ---------- log_likelihood_ratio : ndarray Log likelihood ratio (without the factor -2) dof : int or None, optional Number of parameters / degrees of freedom. None means the overall number of parameters is used. Default value: None. Returns ------- p_values : ndarray p-values. """ if dof is None: dof = self.n_parameters q = -2.0 * log_likelihood_ratio return chi2.sf(x=q, df=dof)
def _analyse( self, n_events, x, theta_ranges, theta_resolutions, mode, model_file=None, hist_vars=None, hist_bins=None, include_xsec=True, obs_weights=None, luminosity=300000.0, n_histo_toys=100000, return_histos=True, return_observed=False, dof=None, histo_theta_batchsize=1000, theta_true=None, weighted_histo=True, score_components=None, test_split=0.2, thetaref=None, fix_adaptive_binning="auto-grid", postprocessing=None, n_binning_toys=100000, thetas_eval=None, ): "Calculating p-values for %s expected events in mode %s %s rate information", n_events, mode, "including" if include_xsec else "without", ) # Inputs if thetaref is None and mode in ["sallino", "adaptive-sally"]: thetaref = np.zeros(self.n_parameters) logger.warning( "The SALLINO and adaptive SALLY methods require the reference point, but the argument thetaref was not" " provided. Assuming thetaref = %s.", thetaref, ) if fix_adaptive_binning == "auto-grid": fix_adaptive_binning = "grid" if mode in ["sally", "histo"] else False elif fix_adaptive_binning == "auto-center": fix_adaptive_binning = "center" if mode in ["sally", "histo"] else False assert fix_adaptive_binning in [False, "center", "grid"] # Observation weights if obs_weights is None: obs_weights = np.ones(len(x)) obs_weights /= np.sum(obs_weights) obs_weights = obs_weights.astype(np.float64) # Theta grid if thetas_eval is None and theta_resolutions is None: raise ValueError("thetas_eval and grid_resolutions cannot both be None") elif thetas_eval is not None and theta_resolutions is not None: raise ValueError("thetas_eval and grid_resolutions cannot both be set, make up your mind!") elif thetas_eval is None: theta_grid, theta_middle = self._make_theta_grid(theta_ranges, theta_resolutions)"Evaluating likelihood on a regular grid with %s parameter points", theta_grid.shape[0]) else: assert len(thetas_eval.shape) == 2, "thetas_eval has to be two-dimensional array" theta_grid = thetas_eval theta_middle = self._find_theta_middle(theta_grid)"Evaluating likelihood on %s user-provided parameter points", theta_grid.shape[0]) histos = None processed_summary_stats = None # Kinematic part if mode == "rate": log_r_kin = 0.0 elif mode == "ml": assert model_file is not None"Loading kinematic likelihood ratio estimator") model = load_estimator(model_file)"Calculating kinematic log likelihood ratio with estimator") log_r_kin = self._calculate_log_likelihood_ratio_kinematics(x, theta_grid, model, theta_true) log_r_kin = log_r_kin.astype(np.float64) log_r_kin = self._clean_nans(log_r_kin) logger.debug("Raw mean -2 log r: %s", np.mean(-2.0 * log_r_kin, axis=1)) log_r_kin = n_events * np.sum(log_r_kin * obs_weights[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) logger.debug("Rescaled -2 log r: %s", -2.0 * log_r_kin) elif mode in ["histo", "sally", "adaptive-sally", "sallino"]: if mode == "histo" and hist_vars is None: logger.warning( "SALLY inference with mode='histo' is deprecated. Please use mode='sally', " "mode='adaptive-sally', or mode='sallino' instead." ) mode = "sally" # Make summary statistic if mode == "histo": assert hist_vars is not None"Setting up standard summary statistics") summary_function = self._make_summary_statistic_function("observables", observables=hist_vars) processor = self._make_obs_processor(postprocessing=postprocessing) elif mode in ["sally", "adaptive-sally", "sallino"]: if score_components is None:"Loading score estimator and setting all components up as summary statistics") else: "Loading score estimator and setting components %s up as summary statistics", score_components ) model = load_estimator(model_file) summary_function = self._make_summary_statistic_function( "sally", model=model, observables=score_components ) processor = self._make_score_processor( mode, score_components=score_components, thetaref=thetaref, postprocessing=postprocessing ) else: raise RuntimeError("For 'histo' mode, either provide histo_vars or model_file!") # Calculate summary stats (before SALLINO / adaptive-SALLY transforms) summary_stats = summary_function(x) del x # Dimension of summary statistic space hist_bins, n_bins_each, n_summary_stats, total_n_bins = self._find_bins(mode, hist_bins, summary_stats) # Make histograms "Creating histograms of %s summary statistics. Using %s bins each, or %s in total.", n_summary_stats, n_bins_each, total_n_bins, ) histos = self._make_histos( summary_function, hist_bins, theta_grid, n_histo_toys, histo_theta_batchsize=histo_theta_batchsize, weighted_histo=weighted_histo, test_split=test_split, processor=processor, fixed_adaptive_binning=fix_adaptive_binning in ["center", "grid"], theta_binning=theta_middle if fix_adaptive_binning == "center" else None, n_binning_toys=n_binning_toys, ) # Evaluate histograms"Calculating kinematic log likelihood with histograms") log_r_kin, processed_summary_stats = self._calculate_log_likelihood_histo( summary_stats, theta_grid, histos, processor=processor, return_observed=return_observed ) log_r_kin = log_r_kin.astype(np.float64) log_r_kin = self._clean_nans(log_r_kin) log_r_kin = n_events * np.sum(log_r_kin * obs_weights[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {mode}") # xsec part if include_xsec:"Calculating rate log likelihood") log_p_xsec = self._calculate_log_likelihood_xsec(n_events, theta_grid, luminosity) logger.debug("Rate -2 log p: %s", -2.0 * log_p_xsec) else: log_p_xsec = 0.0 # Combine and get p-values"Calculating p-values") log_r = log_r_kin + log_p_xsec logger.debug("Combined -2 log r: %s", -2.0 * log_r) log_r, i_ml = self._subtract_mle(log_r) logger.debug("Min-subtracted -2 log r: %s", -2.0 * log_r) p_values = self.asymptotic_p_value(log_r, dof=dof) histo_data = None if return_histos and return_observed > 1: histo_data = (histos, processed_summary_stats, obs_weights[:return_observed]) elif return_histos and return_observed: histo_data = (histos, processed_summary_stats, obs_weights) elif return_histos: histo_data = histos return theta_grid, p_values, i_ml, log_r_kin, log_p_xsec, histo_data def _find_bins(self, mode, hist_bins, summary_stats): n_summary_stats = summary_stats.shape[1] if mode == "adaptive-sally" and n_summary_stats > 2: n_summary_stats += 1 elif mode == "sallino": n_summary_stats = 1 # Bin numbers if hist_bins is None: if mode == "adaptive-sally" and n_summary_stats == 2: hist_bins = (15, 5) total_n_bins = 15 * 5 elif mode == "adaptive-sally" and n_summary_stats > 2: hist_bins = tuple([12] + [5 for _ in range(n_summary_stats - 1)]) total_n_bins = 12 * 5 ** (n_summary_stats - 1) elif n_summary_stats == 1: hist_bins = (25,) total_n_bins = 25 elif n_summary_stats == 2: hist_bins = (8, 8) total_n_bins = 8 ** 2 else: hist_bins = tuple([5] * n_summary_stats) total_n_bins = 5 ** n_summary_stats n_bins_each = hist_bins elif isinstance(hist_bins, int): hist_bins = tuple([hist_bins] * n_summary_stats) n_bins_each = hist_bins total_n_bins = else: n_bins_each = [n_bins if isinstance(n_bins, int) else len(n_bins) - 1 for n_bins in hist_bins] total_n_bins = return hist_bins, n_bins_each, n_summary_stats, total_n_bins def _make_summary_statistic_function(self, mode, model=None, observables=None): if mode == "observables": assert observables is not None x_indices = self._find_x_indices(observables) logger.debug("Preparing observables %s as summary statistic function", x_indices) def summary_function(x): return x[:, x_indices] elif mode == "sally": if isinstance(model, ScoreEstimator): logger.debug("Preparing score estimator as summary statistic function") def summary_function(x): score = model.evaluate_score(x) score = score[:, : self.n_parameters] if observables is not None: score = score[:, observables] return score elif isinstance(model, Ensemble) and model.estimator_type == "score": logger.debug("Preparing score estimator ensemble as summary statistic function") def summary_function(x): score, _ = model.evaluate_score(x=x, calculate_covariance=False) score = score[:, : self.n_parameters] if observables is not None: score = score[:, observables] return score else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown mode {mode}") return summary_function def _make_obs_processor(self, postprocessing=None): if postprocessing is None: def processor(obs, theta): return obs else: def processor(obs, theta): return postprocessing(obs) return processor def _make_score_processor(self, mode, score_components, thetaref, postprocessing=None, epsilon=1.0e-6): dim = self.n_parameters if score_components is not None: dim = len(score_components) if postprocessing is None: postprocessing = lambda x: x if mode == "sally" or dim == 1: def processor(scores, theta): return postprocessing(scores) elif mode == "adaptive-sally" and dim == 2: def processor(scores, theta): delta_theta = (theta - thetaref).flatten() if score_components is not None: delta_theta = delta_theta[score_components] if np.linalg.norm(delta_theta) > epsilon: rotation_matrix = np.array([[delta_theta[0], -delta_theta[1]], [delta_theta[1], delta_theta[0]]]) rotation_matrix /= np.linalg.norm(delta_theta) else: rotation_matrix = np.identity(2) scores_rotated = return postprocessing(scores_rotated) elif mode == "adaptive-sally" and dim > 2: def processor(scores, theta): delta_theta = (theta - thetaref).flatten() if score_components is not None: delta_theta = delta_theta[score_components] if np.linalg.norm(delta_theta) > epsilon: h =, 1)) / np.linalg.norm(delta_theta) else: h = scores[:, 0] h = h.reshape((-1, 1)) combined = np.concatenate((h, scores), axis=1) return postprocessing(combined) elif mode == "sallino": def processor(scores, theta): delta_theta = (theta - thetaref).flatten() if score_components is not None: delta_theta = delta_theta[score_components] if np.linalg.norm(delta_theta) > epsilon: h =, 1)) / np.linalg.norm(delta_theta) else: h = scores[:, 0] h = h.reshape((-1, 1)) return postprocessing(h) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown score processing mode {mode} for summary stats dimension {dim}") return processor def _calculate_xsecs(self, thetas, test_split=0.2): # Test split start_event, end_event, correction_factor = self._train_test_split(False, test_split) # Total xsecs for benchmarks xsecs_benchmarks = 0.0 for observations, weights in self.event_loader(start=start_event, end=end_event): xsecs_benchmarks += np.sum(weights, axis=0) # xsecs at thetas xsecs = [] for theta in thetas: theta_matrix = self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) xsecs.append(mdot(theta_matrix, xsecs_benchmarks) * correction_factor) return np.asarray(xsecs) def _asimov_data(self, theta, test_split=0.2, sample_only_from_closest_benchmark=True, n_asimov=None): start_event, end_event, correction_factor = self._train_test_split(False, test_split) x, weights_benchmarks = next( self.event_loader( start=start_event, end=end_event, batch_size=n_asimov, generated_close_to=theta if sample_only_from_closest_benchmark else None, ) ) weights_benchmarks *= correction_factor theta_matrix = self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) weights_theta = mdot(theta_matrix, weights_benchmarks) weights_theta /= np.sum(weights_theta) return x, weights_theta @staticmethod def _make_theta_grid(theta_ranges, resolutions): if isinstance(resolutions, int): resolutions = [resolutions for _ in range(theta_ranges)] theta_each = [] theta_middle = [] for resolution, (theta_min, theta_max) in zip(resolutions, theta_ranges): theta_each.append(np.linspace(theta_min, theta_max, resolution)) theta_middle.append(0.5 * (theta_max + theta_min)) theta_grid_each = np.meshgrid(*theta_each, indexing="ij") theta_grid_each = [theta.flatten() for theta in theta_grid_each] theta_grid = np.vstack(theta_grid_each).T theta_middle = np.asarray(theta_middle) return theta_grid, theta_middle @staticmethod def _find_theta_middle(thetas): return np.mean(thetas, axis=0) def _make_histos( self, summary_function, x_bins, theta_grid, n_histo_toys=1000, histo_theta_batchsize=100, weighted_histo=True, test_split=0.2, processor=None, fixed_adaptive_binning=True, theta_binning=None, n_binning_toys=1000, ): if fixed_adaptive_binning and (isinstance(x_bins, int) or any(isinstance(x, int) for x in x_bins)): if theta_binning is None:"Determining fixed adaptive histogram binning for all points on grid") x_bins = self._fixed_adaptive_binning( n_binning_toys, processor, summary_function, test_split, theta_grid, x_bins ) else:"Determining fixed adaptive histogram binning for theta = %s", theta_binning) x_bins = self._fixed_adaptive_binning( n_binning_toys, processor, summary_function, test_split, [theta_binning], x_bins ) logger.debug("Fixed adaptive binning: %s", x_bins) if weighted_histo and n_histo_toys is None: logger.debug("Generating weighted histo data in batches") histos = [] n_thetas = len(theta_grid) n_batches = (n_thetas - 1) // histo_theta_batchsize + 1 for i_batch in range(n_batches): logger.debug("Generating histogram data for batch %s / %s", i_batch + 1, n_batches) theta_batch = theta_grid[i_batch * histo_theta_batchsize : (i_batch + 1) * histo_theta_batchsize] summary_stats, all_weights = self._make_weighted_histo_data( summary_function, theta_batch, n_histo_toys, test_split=test_split ) for theta, weights in zip(theta_grid, all_weights): if processor is None: data = summary_stats else: data = processor(summary_stats, theta) histos.append(Histo(data, weights, x_bins, epsilon=1.0e-12)) elif weighted_histo: logger.debug("Generating weighted histo data") summary_stats, all_weights = self._make_weighted_histo_data( summary_function, theta_grid, n_histo_toys, test_split=test_split ) logger.debug("Making histograms") histos = [] for theta, weights in zip(theta_grid, all_weights): if processor is None: data = summary_stats else: data = processor(summary_stats, theta) histos.append(Histo(data, weights, x_bins, epsilon=1.0e-12)) else: logger.debug("Generating sampled histo data and making histograms in batches") histos = [] n_thetas = len(theta_grid) n_batches = (n_thetas - 1) // histo_theta_batchsize + 1 for i_batch in range(n_batches): logger.debug("Generating histogram data for batch %s / %s", i_batch + 1, n_batches) theta_batch = theta_grid[i_batch * histo_theta_batchsize : (i_batch + 1) * histo_theta_batchsize] _, all_summary_stats = self._make_sampled_histo_data( summary_function, theta_batch, n_histo_toys, test_split=test_split ) for theta, summary_stats in zip(theta_batch, all_summary_stats): if processor is None: data = summary_stats else: data = processor(summary_stats, theta) histos.append(Histo(data, weights=None, bins=x_bins, epsilon=1.0e-12)) return histos def _fixed_adaptive_binning(self, n_toys, processor, summary_function, test_split, thetas_binning, x_bins): summary_stats, all_weights = self._make_weighted_histo_data( summary_function=summary_function, thetas=thetas_binning, n_toys=n_toys, test_split=test_split, ) all_weights = np.asarray(all_weights) weights = np.mean(all_weights, axis=0) if processor is None: data = summary_stats else: data = processor(summary_stats, thetas_binning) histo = Histo(data, weights, x_bins, epsilon=1.0e-12) return histo.edges def _make_weighted_histo_data(self, summary_function, thetas, n_toys, test_split=0.2): # Get weighted events start_event, end_event, _ = self._train_test_split(True, test_split) x, weights_benchmarks = self.weighted_events(start_event=start_event, end_event=end_event, n_draws=n_toys) # Calculate summary stats summary_stats = summary_function(x) # Calculate weights for thetas weights = self._weights(thetas, None, weights_benchmarks) return summary_stats, weights def _make_sampled_histo_data(self, summary_function, thetas, n_toys_per_theta, test_split=0.2): sampler = SampleAugmenter(self.madminer_filename, include_nuisance_parameters=self.include_nuisance_parameters) if n_toys_per_theta is None: n_toys_per_theta = 100000 with less_logging(): x, theta, _ = sampler.sample_train_plain( theta=sampling.morphing_points(thetas), n_samples=n_toys_per_theta * len(thetas), test_split=test_split, filename=None, folder=None, ) summary_stats = summary_function(x) summary_stats = summary_stats.reshape((len(thetas), n_toys_per_theta, -1)) return summary_stats def _find_x_indices(self, observables): x_names = list(self.observables.keys()) x_indices = [] for obs in observables: try: x_indices.append(x_names.index(obs)) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown observable {obs}") logger.debug("Using x indices %s", x_indices) return x_indices @staticmethod def _calculate_log_likelihood_histo(summary_stats, theta_grid, histos, processor=None, return_observed=False): log_p, all_data = [], [] for theta, histo in zip(theta_grid, histos): if processor is None: data = summary_stats else: data = processor(summary_stats, theta) if return_observed and return_observed > 1: all_data.append(data[:return_observed]) elif return_observed: all_data.append(data) log_p.append(histo.log_likelihood(data)) log_p = np.asarray(log_p) all_data = np.asarray(all_data) return log_p, all_data def _calculate_log_likelihood_xsec(self, n_observed, theta_grid, luminosity=300000.0): n_observed_rounded = int(np.round(n_observed, 0)) n_predicted = self._calculate_xsecs(theta_grid) * luminosity logger.debug("Observed events: %s", n_observed) logger.debug("Expected events: %s", n_predicted) log_p = poisson.logpmf(k=n_observed_rounded, mu=n_predicted) return log_p def _calculate_log_likelihood_ratio_kinematics(self, x_observed, theta_grid, model, theta1=None): if isinstance(model, ParameterizedRatioEstimator): log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False, ) elif isinstance(model, LikelihoodEstimator): log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False, ) elif isinstance(model, Ensemble) and model.estimator_type == "parameterized_ratio": log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False, calculate_covariance=False, ) elif isinstance(model, Ensemble) and model.estimator_type == "likelihood": log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False, calculate_covariance=False, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Likelihood ratio estimation is currently only implemented for " "ParameterizedRatioEstimator and LikelihoodEstimator instances" ) return log_r @staticmethod def _subtract_mle(log_r): i_ml = np.argmax(log_r) log_r_subtracted = log_r[:] - log_r[i_ml] return log_r_subtracted, i_ml @staticmethod def _clean_nans(array): not_finite = np.any(~np.isfinite(array), axis=0) if np.sum(not_finite) > 0: logger.warning("Removing %s inf / nan results from calculation") array[:, not_finite] = 0.0 return array