Source code for madminer.plotting.fisherinformation

import logging
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def plot_fisher_information_contours_2d( fisher_information_matrices, fisher_information_covariances=None, reference_thetas=None, contour_distance=1.0, xlabel=r"$\theta_0$", ylabel=r"$\theta_1$", xrange=(-1.0, 1.0), yrange=(-1.0, 1.0), labels=None, inline_labels=None, resolution=500, colors=None, linestyles=None, linewidths=1.5, alphas=1.0, alphas_uncertainties=0.25, sigma_uncertainties=1, ax=None, ): """ Visualizes 2x2 Fisher information matrices as contours of constant Fisher distance from a reference point `theta0`. The local (tangent-space) approximation is used: distances `d(theta)` are given by `d(theta)^2 = (theta - theta0)_i I_ij (theta - theta0)_j`, summing over `i` and `j`. Parameters ---------- fisher_information_matrices : list of ndarray Fisher information matrices, each with shape (2,2). fisher_information_covariances : None or list of (ndarray or None), optional Covariance matrices for the Fisher information matrices. Has to have the same length as fisher_information_matrices, and each entry has to be None (no uncertainty) or a tensor with shape (2,2,2,2). Default value: None. reference_thetas : None or list of (ndarray or None), optional Reference points from which the distances are calculated. If None, the origin (0,0) is used. Default value: None. contour_distance : float, optional. Distance threshold at which the contours are drawn. Default value: 1. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x axis. Default value: r'$\theta_0$'. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y axis. Default value: r'$\theta_1$'. xrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the x axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). yrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the y axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). labels : None or list of (str or None), optional Legend labels for the contours. Default value: None. inline_labels : None or list of (str or None), optional Inline labels for the contours. Default value: None. resolution : int Number of points per axis for the calculation of the distances. Default value: 500. colors : None or str or list of str, optional Matplotlib line (and error band) colors for the contours. If None, uses default colors. Default value: None. linestyles : None or str or list of str, optional Matploitlib line styles for the contours. If None, uses default linestyles. Default value: None. linewidths : float or list of float, optional Line widths for the contours. Default value: 1.5. alphas : float or list of float, optional Opacities for the contours. Default value: 1. alphas_uncertainties : float or list of float, optional Opacities for the error bands. Default value: 0.25. sigma_uncertainties : float, optional Number of gaussian sigmas used when presenting uncertainty bands. Default value: 1. ax: axes or None, optional Predefined axes as part of figure instead of standalone figure. Default: None Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # Input data fisher_information_matrices = np.asarray(fisher_information_matrices) n_matrices = fisher_information_matrices.shape[0] if fisher_information_matrices.shape != (n_matrices, 2, 2): raise RuntimeError( f"Fisher information matrices have shape {fisher_information_matrices.shape}. " f"Not (n, 2,2)!" ) if fisher_information_covariances is None: fisher_information_covariances = [None for _ in range(n_matrices)] if reference_thetas is None: reference_thetas = [None for _ in range(n_matrices)] d2_threshold = contour_distance ** 2.0 # Line formatting if colors is None: colors = ["C" + str(i) for i in range(10)] * (n_matrices // 10 + 1) elif not isinstance(colors, list): colors = [colors for _ in range(n_matrices)] if linestyles is None: linestyles = ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dashdot"] * (n_matrices // 4 + 1) elif not isinstance(linestyles, list): linestyles = [linestyles for _ in range(n_matrices)] if not isinstance(linewidths, list): linewidths = [linewidths for _ in range(n_matrices)] if not isinstance(alphas, list): alphas = [alphas for _ in range(n_matrices)] if not isinstance(alphas_uncertainties, list): alphas_uncertainties = [alphas_uncertainties for _ in range(n_matrices)] # Grid xi = np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], resolution) yi = np.linspace(yrange[0], yrange[1], resolution) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xi, yi, indexing="xy") xx, yy = xx.flatten(), yy.flatten() thetas = np.vstack((xx, yy)).T # Theta from reference thetas d_thetas = [] for reference_theta in reference_thetas: if reference_theta is None: d_thetas.append(thetas) else: d_thetas.append(thetas - reference_theta) d_thetas = np.array(d_thetas) # Shape (n_matrices, n_thetas, n_parameters) # Calculate Fisher distances fisher_distances_squared = np.einsum("mni,mij,mnj->mn", d_thetas, fisher_information_matrices, d_thetas) fisher_distances_squared = fisher_distances_squared.reshape((n_matrices, resolution, resolution)) # Calculate uncertainties of Fisher distances fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties = [] for d_theta, inf_cov in zip(d_thetas, fisher_information_covariances): if inf_cov is None: fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties.append(None) continue var = np.einsum("ni,nj,ijkl,nk,nl->n", d_theta, d_theta, inf_cov, d_theta, d_theta) uncertainties = (var ** 0.5).reshape((resolution, resolution)) fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties.append(uncertainties) logger.debug("Std: %s", uncertainties) # Plot results do_fig = False if ax is None: do_fig = True fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5.0, 5.0)) ax = plt.gca() # Error bands for i in range(n_matrices): if fisher_information_covariances[i] is not None: d2_up = fisher_distances_squared[i] + sigma_uncertainties * fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties[i] d2_down = fisher_distances_squared[i] - sigma_uncertainties * fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties[i] band = (d2_up > d2_threshold) * (d2_down < d2_threshold) + (d2_up < d2_threshold) * (d2_down > d2_threshold) plt.contourf(xi, yi, band, [0.5, 2.5], colors=colors[i], alpha=alphas_uncertainties[i]) # Predictions for i in range(n_matrices): cs = ax.contour( xi, yi, fisher_distances_squared[i], np.array([d2_threshold]), colors=colors[i], linestyles=linestyles[i], linewidths=linewidths[i], alpha=alphas[i], label=None if labels is None else labels[i], ) if inline_labels is not None and inline_labels[i] is not None and len(inline_labels[i]) > 0: ax.clabel(cs, cs.levels, inline=True, fontsize=12, fmt={d2_threshold: inline_labels[i]}) # Legend and decorations if labels is not None: ax.legend() if do_fig: plt.axes().set_xlim(xrange) plt.axes().set_ylim(yrange) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.tight_layout() return fig else: return ax
[docs]def plot_fisherinfo_barplot( fisher_information_matrices, labels, determinant_indices=None, eigenvalue_colors=None, bar_colors=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- fisher_information_matrices : list of ndarray Fisher information matrices labels : list of str Labels for the x axis determinant_indices : list of int or None, optional If not None, the determinants will be based only on the indices given here. Default value: None. eigenvalue_colors : None or list of str Colors for the eigenvalue decomposition. If None, default colors are used. Default value: None. bar_colors : None or list of str Colors for the determinant bars. If None, default colors are used. Default value: None. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # Prepare data if determinant_indices is None: matrices_for_determinants = fisher_information_matrices else: matrices_for_determinants = [m[determinant_indices, determinant_indices] for m in fisher_information_matrices] size_upper = len(fisher_information_matrices[1]) size_lower = len(matrices_for_determinants[1]) exponent_lower = 1.0 / float(size_lower) determinants = [np.linalg.det(m) ** exponent_lower for m in matrices_for_determinants] assert len(determinants) == len(labels) n_entries = len(determinants) # Calculate eigenvalues + eigenvalue composition eigenvalues = [] eigenvalues_dominant_components = [] eigenvalues_composition = [] for m in fisher_information_matrices: v, w = np.linalg.eig(m) w = np.transpose(w) v, w = zip(*sorted(zip(v, w), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)) temp = [] temp_dominant_components = [] temp_composition = [] for vi, wi in zip(v, w): temp.append(vi) temp_dominant_components.append(np.argmax(np.absolute(wi))) temp_composition.append(wi * wi / (sum(wi * wi))) eigenvalues.append(temp) eigenvalues_dominant_components.append(temp_dominant_components) eigenvalues_composition.append(temp_composition) # x positioning base_xvalues = np.linspace(0.0, float(n_entries) - 1.0, n_entries) base_xmin = base_xvalues[0] base_xmax = base_xvalues[n_entries - 1] + 1.0 xmin_eigenvalues = base_xvalues + 0.08 xmax_eigenvalues = base_xvalues + 0.92 xpos_ticks = base_xvalues + 0.5 xpos_lower = base_xvalues + 0.5 width_lower = 0.8 # Colors if bar_colors is None: bar_colors = ["0.5" for _ in range(n_entries)] bar_colors_light = ["0.9" for _ in range(n_entries)] else: bar_colors_light = bar_colors if eigenvalue_colors is None: eigenvalue_colors = [f"C{i}" for i in range(10)] eigenvalue_linewidth = 1.5 # Upper plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.0, 7.0)) ax1 = plt.subplot(211) # Plot eigenvalues for i in range(n_entries): for eigenvalue, composition in zip(eigenvalues[i], eigenvalues_composition[i]): # Gap sizing n_gaps = -1 minimal_fraction_for_plot = 0.01 for fraction in composition: if fraction >= minimal_fraction_for_plot: n_gaps += 1 gap_fraction = 0.04 gap_correction_factor = 1.0 - n_gaps * gap_fraction fraction_finished = 0.0 for component in range(len(composition)): fraction = composition[component] if fraction >= minimal_fraction_for_plot: plt.hlines( [eigenvalue], xmin_eigenvalues[i] + fraction_finished * (xmax_eigenvalues[i] - xmin_eigenvalues[i]), xmin_eigenvalues[i] + (fraction_finished + gap_correction_factor * fraction) * (xmax_eigenvalues[i] - xmin_eigenvalues[i]), eigenvalue_colors[component], linestyles="solid", linewidth=eigenvalue_linewidth, ) fraction_finished += gap_correction_factor * fraction + gap_fraction ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_xlim([base_xmin - 0.2, base_xmax + 0.2]) y_max = max([max(ev) for ev in eigenvalues]) ax1.set_ylim(0.0001 * y_max, 2.0 * y_max) ax1.set_xticks(xpos_ticks) ax1.set_xticklabels(["" for _ in labels], rotation=40, ha="right") ax1.set_ylabel(r"$I_{ij}$ eigenvalues") # Lower plot ax3 = plt.subplot(212) bar_plot =, determinants, width=width_lower, log=False) for i in range(n_entries): bar_plot[i].set_color(bar_colors_light[i]) bar_plot[i].set_edgecolor(bar_colors[i]) ax3.set_xlim([base_xmin - 0.2, base_xmax + 0.2]) ax3.set_ylim([0.0, max(determinants) * 1.05]) ax3.set_xticks(xpos_ticks) ax3.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=40, ha="right") ax3.set_ylabel(r"$(\det \ I_{ij})^{1/" + str(size_lower) + r"}$") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_distribution_of_information( xbins, xsecs, fisher_information_matrices, fisher_information_matrices_aux=None, xlabel=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, log_xsec=False, norm_xsec=True, epsilon=1.0e-9, figsize=(5.4, 4.5), fontsize=None, ): """ Plots the distribution of the cross section together with the distribution of the Fisher information. Parameters ---------- xbins : list of float Bin boundaries. xsecs : list of float Cross sections (in pb) per bin. fisher_information_matrices : list of ndarray Fisher information matrices for each bin. fisher_information_matrices_aux : list of ndarray or None, optional Additional Fisher information matrices for each bin (will be plotted with a dashed line). xlabel : str or None, optional Label for the x axis. xmin : float or None, optional Minimum value for the x axis. xmax : float or None, optional Maximum value for the x axis. log_xsec : bool, optional Whether to plot the cross section on a logarithmic y axis. norm_xsec : bool, optional Whether the cross sections are normalized to 1. epsilon : float, optional Numerical factor. figsize : tuple of float, optional Figure size, default: (5.4, 4.5) fontsize: float, optional Fontsize, default None Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # prepare Plot if fontsize is not None: matplotlib.rcParams.update({"font.size": fontsize}) # Prepare data n_entries = len(fisher_information_matrices) size = len(fisher_information_matrices[1]) exponent = 1.0 / float(size) determinants = [np.nan_to_num(np.linalg.det(m) ** exponent) for m in fisher_information_matrices] if fisher_information_matrices_aux is not None: determinants_aux = [np.nan_to_num(np.linalg.det(m) ** exponent) for m in fisher_information_matrices_aux] if xlabel is None: xlabel = "" # Normalize xsecs if norm_xsec: norm = 1.0 / max(sum([xs for xs in xsecs]), epsilon) else: norm = 1.0 xsec_norm = [norm * xs for xs in xsecs] # Get xvals from xbins xvals = [(xbins[i] + xbins[i + 1]) / 2 for i in range(0, len(xbins) - 1)] xvals = [xbins[0] - epsilon] + xvals + [xbins[len(xbins) - 1] + epsilon] assert len(xvals) == n_entries # Plotting options xs_color = "black" xs_linestyle = "-" xs_linewidth = 1.5 det_color = "red" det_linestyle = "-" det_linewidth = 1.5 det_fill_alpha = 0.1 det_aux_color = "red" det_aux_linestyle = "--" det_aux_linewidth = 1.5 # xsec plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax1 = plt.subplot(111) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1667, right=0.8333, bottom=0.17, top=0.97) if log_xsec: ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.hist( xvals, weights=xsec_norm, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="step", color=xs_color, linewidth=xs_linewidth, linestyle=xs_linestyle, ) if norm_xsec: ax1.set_ylabel(r"Normalized distribution", color=xs_color) else: ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\sigma$ [pb/bin]") ax1.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax1.set_ylim([0.0, max(xsec_norm) * 1.05]) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color(xs_color) # det plot ax2 = ax1.twinx() if fisher_information_matrices_aux is not None: ax2.hist( xvals, weights=determinants_aux, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="step", color=det_aux_color, linewidth=det_aux_linewidth, linestyle=det_aux_linestyle, ) ax2.hist( xvals, weights=determinants, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="stepfilled", alpha=det_fill_alpha, color=det_color, linewidth=0.0, ) ax2.hist( xvals, weights=determinants, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="step", color=det_color, linewidth=det_linewidth, linestyle=det_linestyle, ) ax2.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax2.set_ylim([0.0, max(determinants) * 1.1]) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$(\det \; I_{ij})^{1/" + str(size) + "}$", color=det_color) for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color(det_color) return fig