Source code for

import json
import logging
import numpy as np
from madminer.utils.various import create_missing_folders, load_and_check

from .base import Estimator
from .double_parameterized_ratio import DoubleParameterizedRatioEstimator
from .likelihood import LikelihoodEstimator
from .parameterized_ratio import ParameterizedRatioEstimator
from .score import ScoreEstimator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Ensemble: """ Ensemble methods for likelihood, likelihood ratio, and score estimation. Generally, Ensemble instances can be used very similarly to Estimator instances: * The initialization of Ensemble takes a list of (trained or untrained) Estimator instances. * The methods `Ensemble.train_one()` and `Ensemble.train_all()` train the estimators (this can also be done outside of Ensemble). * `Ensemble.calculate_expectation()` can be used to calculate the expectation of the estimation likelihood ratio or the expected estimated score over a validation sample. Ideally (and assuming the correct sampling), these expectation values should be close to zero. Deviations from zero therefore point out that the estimator is probably inaccurate. * `Ensemble.evaluate_log_likelihood()`, `Ensemble.evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio()`, `Ensemble.evaluate_score()`, and `Ensemble.calculate_fisher_information()` can then be used to calculate ensemble predictions. * `` and `Ensemble.load()` can store all estimators in one folder. The individual estimators in the ensemble can be trained with different methods, but they have to be of the same type: either all estimators are ParameterizedRatioEstimator instances, or all estimators are DoubleParameterizedRatioEstimator instances, or all estimators are ScoreEstimator instances, or all estimators are LikelihoodEstimator instances.. Parameters ---------- estimators : None or list of Estimator, optional If int, sets the number of estimators that will be created as new MLForge instances. If list, sets the estimators directly, either from MLForge instances or filenames (that are then loaded with `MLForge.load()`). If None, the ensemble is initialized without estimators. Note that the estimators have to be consistent: either all of them are trained with a local score method ('sally' or 'sallino'); or all of them are trained with a single-parameterized method ('carl', 'rolr', 'rascal', 'scandal', 'alice', or 'alices'); or all of them are trained with a doubly parameterized method ('carl2', 'rolr2', 'rascal2', 'alice2', or 'alices2'). Mixing estimators of different types within one of these three categories is supported, but mixing estimators from different categories is not and will raise a RuntimeException. Default value: None. Attributes ---------- estimators : list of Estimator The estimators in the form of MLForge instances. """ def __init__(self, estimators=None): self.n_parameters = None self.n_observables = None self.estimator_type = None # Initialize estimators if estimators is None: self.estimators = [] else: self.estimators = [] for estimator in estimators: if isinstance(estimator, Estimator): self.estimators.append(estimator) else: raise ValueError(f"Estimator {estimator} is not an Estimator instance") self.n_estimators = len(self.estimators) self._check_consistency()
[docs] def add_estimator(self, estimator): """ Adds an estimator to the ensemble. Parameters ---------- estimator : Estimator The estimator. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(estimator, Estimator): raise ValueError(f"Estimator {estimator} is not an Estimator instance") self.estimators.append(estimator) self.n_estimators = len(self.estimators) self._check_consistency()
[docs] def train_one(self, i, **kwargs): """ Trains an individual estimator. See `Estimator.train()`. Parameters ---------- i : int The index `0 <= i < n_estimators` of the estimator to be trained. kwargs : dict Parameters for `Estimator.train()`. Returns ------- result: ndarray Training and validation losses from estimator training """ result=self.estimators[i].train(**kwargs) return result
[docs] def train_all(self, **kwargs): """ Trains all estimators. See `Estimator.train()`. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Parameters for `Estimator.train()`. If a value in this dict is a list, it has to have length `n_estimators` and contain one value of this parameter for each of the estimators. Otherwise the value is used as parameter for the training of all the estimators. Returns ------- result_list: list of ndarray List of training and validation losses from estimator training """"Training %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) result_list=[] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(value, list): kwargs[key] = [value for _ in range(self.n_estimators)] assert len(kwargs[key]) == self.n_estimators, f"Keyword {key} has wrong length {len(value)}" for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): kwargs_this_estimator = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): kwargs_this_estimator[key] = value[i]"Training estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) result=estimator.train(**kwargs_this_estimator) result_list.append(result) return result_list
[docs] def evaluate_log_likelihood(self, estimator_weights=None, calculate_covariance=False, **kwargs): """ Estimates the log likelihood from each estimator and returns the ensemble mean (and, if calculate_covariance is True, the covariance between them). Parameters ---------- estimator_weights : ndarray or None, optional Weights for each estimator in the ensemble. If None, all estimators have an equal vote. Default value: None. calculate_covariance : bool, optional If True, the covariance between the different estimators is calculated. Default value: False. kwargs Arguments for the evaluation. See the documentation of the relevant Estimator class. Returns ------- log_likelihood : ndarray Mean prediction for the log likelihood. covariance : ndarray or None If calculate_covariance is True, the covariance matrix between the estimators. Otherwise None. """ logger.debug("Evaluating %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) # Calculate weights of each estimator in vote if estimator_weights is None: estimator_weights = np.ones(self.n_estimators) assert len(estimator_weights) == self.n_estimators estimator_weights /= np.sum(estimator_weights) logger.debug("Estimator weights: %s", estimator_weights) # Calculate estimator predictions predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): logger.debug("Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) predictions.append(estimator.evaluate_log_likelihood(**kwargs)[0]) predictions = np.array(predictions) # Calculate weighted means and covariance matrices mean = np.average(predictions, axis=0, weights=estimator_weights) if calculate_covariance: predictions_flat = predictions.reshape((predictions.shape[0], -1)) covariance = np.cov(predictions_flat.T, aweights=estimator_weights) covariance = covariance.reshape(list(predictions.shape) + list(predictions.shape)) else: covariance = None return mean, covariance
[docs] def evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio(self, estimator_weights=None, calculate_covariance=False, **kwargs): """ Estimates the log likelihood ratio from each estimator and returns the ensemble mean (and, if calculate_covariance is True, the covariance between them). Parameters ---------- estimator_weights : ndarray or None, optional Weights for each estimator in the ensemble. If None, all estimators have an equal vote. Default value: None. calculate_covariance : bool, optional If True, the covariance between the different estimators is calculated. Default value: False. kwargs Arguments for the evaluation. See the documentation of the relevant Estimator class. Returns ------- log_likelihood_ratio : ndarray Mean prediction for the log likelihood ratio. covariance : ndarray or None If calculate_covariance is True, the covariance matrix between the estimators. Otherwise None. """ logger.debug("Evaluating %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) # Calculate weights of each estimator in vote if estimator_weights is None: estimator_weights = np.ones(self.n_estimators) assert len(estimator_weights) == self.n_estimators estimator_weights /= np.sum(estimator_weights) logger.debug("Estimator weights: %s", estimator_weights) # Calculate estimator predictions predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): logger.debug("Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) predictions.append(estimator.evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio(**kwargs)[0]) predictions = np.array(predictions) # Calculate weighted means and covariance matrices mean = np.average(predictions, axis=0, weights=estimator_weights) if calculate_covariance: predictions_flat = predictions.reshape((predictions.shape[0], -1)) covariance = np.cov(predictions_flat.T, aweights=estimator_weights) covariance = covariance.reshape(list(predictions.shape) + list(predictions.shape)) else: covariance = None return mean, covariance
[docs] def evaluate_score(self, estimator_weights=None, calculate_covariance=False, **kwargs): """ Estimates the score from each estimator and returns the ensemble mean (and, if calculate_covariance is True, the covariance between them). Parameters ---------- estimator_weights : ndarray or None, optional Weights for each estimator in the ensemble. If None, all estimators have an equal vote. Default value: None. calculate_covariance : bool, optional If True, the covariance between the different estimators is calculated. Default value: False. kwargs Arguments for the evaluation. See the documentation of the relevant Estimator class. Returns ------- log_likelihood_ratio : ndarray Mean prediction for the log likelihood ratio. covariance : ndarray or None If calculate_covariance is True, the covariance matrix between the estimators. Otherwise None. """ logger.debug("Evaluating %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) # Calculate weights of each estimator in vote if estimator_weights is None: estimator_weights = np.ones(self.n_estimators) assert len(estimator_weights) == self.n_estimators estimator_weights /= np.sum(estimator_weights) logger.debug("Estimator weights: %s", estimator_weights) # Calculate estimator predictions predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators):"Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) predictions.append(estimator.evaluate_score(**kwargs)) predictions = np.array(predictions) # Calculate weighted means and covariance matrices mean = np.average(predictions, axis=0, weights=estimator_weights) if calculate_covariance: predictions_flat = predictions.reshape((predictions.shape[0], -1)) covariance = np.cov(predictions_flat.T, aweights=estimator_weights) covariance = covariance.reshape(list(predictions.shape) + list(predictions.shape)) else: covariance = None return mean, covariance
[docs] def calculate_fisher_information( self, x, theta=None, obs_weights=None, estimator_weights=None, n_events=1, mode="score", calculate_covariance=True, sum_events=True, epsilon_shift=0.001, ): """ Calculates expected Fisher information matrices for an ensemble of ScoreEstimator instances. There are two ways of calculating the ensemble average. In the default "score" mode, the ensemble average for the score is calculated for each event, and the Fisher information is calculated based on these mean scores. In the "information" mode, the Fisher information is calculated for each estimator separately and the ensemble mean is calculated only for the final Fisher information matrix. The "score" mode is generally assumed to be more precise and is the default. In the "score" mode, the covariance matrix of the final result is calculated in the following way: - For each event `x` and each estimator `a`, the "shifted" predicted score is calculated as `t_a'(x) = t(x) + 1/sqrt(n) * (t_a(x) - t(x))`. Here `t(x)` is the mean score (averaged over the ensemble) for this event, `t_a(x)` is the prediction of estimator `a` for this event, and `n` is the number of estimators. The ensemble variance of these shifted score predictions is equal to the uncertainty on the mean of the ensemble of original predictions. - For each estimator `a`, the shifted Fisher information matrix `I_a'` is calculated from the shifted predicted scores. - The ensemble covariance between all Fisher information matrices `I_a'` is calculated and taken as the measure of uncertainty on the Fisher information calculated from the mean scores. In the "information" mode, the user has the option to treat all estimators equally ('committee method') or to give those with expected score close to zero (as calculated by `calculate_expectation()`) a higher weight. In this case, the ensemble mean `I` is calculated as `I = sum_i w_i I_i` with weights `w_i = exp(-vote_expectation_weight |E[t_i]|) / sum_j exp(-vote_expectation_weight |E[t_k]|)`. Here `I_i` are the individual estimators and `E[t_i]` is the expectation value calculated by `calculate_expectation()`. Parameters ---------- x : str or ndarray Sample of observations, or path to numpy file with observations, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Note that this sample has to be sampled from the reference parameter where the score is estimated with the SALLY / SALLINO estimator! obs_weights : None or ndarray, optional Weights for the observations. If None, all events are taken to have equal weight. Default value: None. estimator_weights : ndarray or None, optional Weights for each estimator in the ensemble. If None, all estimators have an equal vote. Default value: None. n_events : float, optional Expected number of events for which the kinematic Fisher information should be calculated. Default value: 1. mode : {"score", "information"}, optional If mode is "information", the Fisher information for each estimator is calculated individually and only then are the sample mean and covariance calculated. If mode is "score", the sample mean is calculated for the score for each event. Default value: "score". calculate_covariance : bool, optional If True, the covariance between the different estimators is calculated. Default value: True. sum_events : bool, optional If True or mode is "information", the expected Fisher information summed over the events x is calculated. If False and mode is "score", the per-event Fisher information for each event is returned. Default value: True. epsilon_shift : float, optional Small numerical factor in the error propagation. Default value: 0.001. Returns ------- mean_prediction : ndarray Expected kinematic Fisher information matrix with shape `(n_events, n_parameters, n_parameters)` if sum_events is False and mode is "score", or `(n_parameters, n_parameters)` in any other case. covariance : ndarray or None The covariance of the estimated Fisher information matrix. This object has four indices, `cov_(ij)(i'j')`, ordered as i j i' j'. It has shape `(n_parameters, n_parameters, n_parameters, n_parameters)`. """ logger.debug("Evaluating Fisher information for %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) # Check ensemble if self.estimator_type not in ["score", "parameterized_ratio"]: raise NotImplementedError( "Fisher information calculation is only implemented for local score estimators " "(ScoreEstimator instances) and parameterized ratio estimators (parameterized_ratio instances)." ) # Check input if mode not in ["score", "information"]: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {mode}!") # Calculate estimator_weights of each estimator in vote if estimator_weights is None: estimator_weights = np.ones(self.n_estimators) assert len(estimator_weights) == self.n_estimators estimator_weights /= np.sum(estimator_weights) logger.debug("Estimator weights: %s", estimator_weights) covariance = None # "information" mode if mode == "information": # Calculate estimator predictions predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): logger.debug("Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) predictions.append( estimator.calculate_fisher_information(x=x, theta=theta, weights=obs_weights, n_events=n_events) ) predictions = np.array(predictions) # Calculate weighted mean and covariance information = np.average(predictions, axis=0, weights=estimator_weights) predictions_flat = predictions.reshape((predictions.shape[0], -1)) if calculate_covariance: covariance = np.cov(predictions_flat.T, aweights=estimator_weights) covariance_shape = ( predictions.shape[1], predictions.shape[2], predictions.shape[1], predictions.shape[2], ) covariance = covariance.reshape(covariance_shape) # "modified_score" mode: elif mode == "modified_score": # Load training data if isinstance(x, str): x = load_and_check(x) n_samples = x.shape[0] # Calculate score predictions score_predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): logger.debug("Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) score_predictions.append(estimator.evaluate_score(x=x, theta=np.array([theta for _ in x]))) logger.debug("Estimator %s predicts t(x) = %s for first event", i + 1, score_predictions[-1][0, :]) score_predictions = np.array(score_predictions) # (n_estimators, n_events, n_parameters) # Get ensemble mean and ensemble covariance score_mean = np.mean(score_predictions, axis=0) # (n_events, n_parameters) # For uncertainty calculation: calculate points betweeen mean and original predictions with same mean and # variance / n compared to the original predictions score_shifted_predictions = (score_predictions - score_mean[np.newaxis, :, :]) / self.n_estimators ** 0.5 score_shifted_predictions = score_mean[np.newaxis, :, :] + score_shifted_predictions # Event weights if obs_weights is None: obs_weights = np.ones(n_samples) obs_weights /= np.sum(obs_weights) # Fisher information prediction (based on mean scores) if sum_events: information = float(n_events) * np.sum( obs_weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, :, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, np.newaxis, :], axis=0, ) else: information = ( float(n_events) * obs_weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, :, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, np.newaxis, :] ) if calculate_covariance: # Fisher information predictions based on shifted scores informations_individual = float(n_events) * np.sum( obs_weights[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_shifted_predictions[:, :, :, np.newaxis] * score_shifted_predictions[:, :, np.newaxis, :], axis=1, ) # (n_estimators, n_parameters, n_parameters) n_params = score_mean.shape[1] informations_individual = informations_individual.reshape(-1, n_params ** 2) covariance = np.cov(informations_individual.T) covariance = covariance.reshape(n_params, n_params, n_params, n_params) # Let's check the expected score expected_score = [np.einsum("n,ni->i", obs_weights, score_mean)] logger.debug("Expected per-event score (should be close to zero):\n%s", expected_score) # "score" mode: elif mode == "score": # Load training data if isinstance(x, str): x = load_and_check(x) n_samples = x.shape[0] # Calculate score predictions score_predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): logger.debug("Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) score_predictions.append(estimator.evaluate_score(x=x, theta=np.array([theta for _ in x]))) logger.debug("Estimator %s predicts t(x) = %s for first event", i + 1, score_predictions[-1][0, :]) score_predictions = np.array(score_predictions) # (n_estimators, n_events, n_parameters) # Get ensemble mean and ensemble covariance score_mean = np.mean(score_predictions, axis=0) # (n_events, n_parameters) # For uncertainty calculation: calculate points betweeen mean and original predictions with same mean and # variance / n compared to the original predictions score_shifted_predictions = epsilon_shift * (score_predictions - score_mean[np.newaxis, :, :]) score_shifted_predictions = score_mean[np.newaxis, :, :] + score_shifted_predictions # Event weights if obs_weights is None: obs_weights = np.ones(n_samples) obs_weights /= np.sum(obs_weights) # Fisher information prediction (based on mean scores) if sum_events: information = float(n_events) * np.sum( obs_weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, :, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, np.newaxis, :], axis=0, ) else: information = ( float(n_events) * obs_weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, :, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, np.newaxis, :] ) if calculate_covariance: # Fisher information predictions based on shifted scores informations_individual = float(n_events) * np.sum( obs_weights[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_shifted_predictions[:, :, :, np.newaxis] * score_shifted_predictions[:, :, np.newaxis, :], axis=1, ) # (n_estimators, n_parameters, n_parameters) n_params = score_mean.shape[1] informations_individual = informations_individual.reshape(-1, n_params ** 2) covariance = np.cov(informations_individual.T) covariance /= epsilon_shift ** 2 covariance = covariance.reshape(n_params, n_params, n_params, n_params) # Let's check the expected score expected_score = [np.einsum("n,ni->i", obs_weights, score_mean)] logger.debug("Expected per-event score (should be close to zero):\n%s", expected_score) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown mode %s, has to be 'information', 'score', or 'modified_score'.") return information, covariance
[docs] def save(self, folder, save_model=False): """ Saves the estimator ensemble to a folder. Parameters ---------- folder : str Path to the folder. save_model : bool, optional If True, the whole model is saved in addition to the state dict. This is not necessary for loading it again with Ensemble.load(), but can be useful for debugging, for instance to plot the computational graph. Returns ------- None """ # Check paths create_missing_folders([folder]) # Save ensemble settings logger.debug("Saving ensemble setup to %s/ensemble.json", folder) settings = {"estimator_type": self.estimator_type, "n_estimators": self.n_estimators} with open(f"{folder}/ensemble.json", "w") as f: json.dump(settings, f) # Save estimators for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators):"{folder}/estimator_{i}", save_model=save_model)
[docs] def load(self, folder): """ Loads the estimator ensemble from a folder. Parameters ---------- folder : str Path to the folder. Returns ------- None """ # Load ensemble settings logger.debug("Loading ensemble setup from %s/ensemble.json", folder) with open(f"{folder}/ensemble.json", "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) self.n_estimators = int(settings["n_estimators"]) try: estimator_type = str(settings["estimator_type"]) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "Can't find estimator type information in file. Maybe this file was created with" " an incompatible MadMiner version < v0.3.0?" )"Found %s ensemble with %s estimators", estimator_type, self.n_estimators) # Load estimators self.estimators = [] for i in range(self.n_estimators): estimator = self._get_estimator_class(estimator_type)() estimator.load(f"{folder}/estimator_{i}") self.estimators.append(estimator) self._check_consistency()
def _check_consistency(self): """ Internal function that checks if all estimators belong to the same category (local score regression, single-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator, doubly parameterized likelihood ratio estimator). Raises ------ RuntimeError Estimators are inconsistent. """ # Accumulate methods of all estimators all_types = [self._get_estimator_type(estimator) for estimator in self.estimators] all_n_parameters = [estimator.n_parameters for estimator in self.estimators] all_n_observables = [estimator.n_observables for estimator in self.estimators] # Check consistency of methods self.estimator_type = None for estimator_type in all_types: if self.estimator_type is None: self.estimator_type = estimator_type if self.estimator_type != estimator_type: raise RuntimeError( f"Ensemble with inconsistent estimator methods! All methods have to be either " f"single-parameterized ratio estimators, doubly parameterized ratio estimators, " f"or local score estimators. Found types {', '.join(all_types)}." ) # Check consistency of parameter and observable numbers self.n_parameters = None self.n_observables = None for estimator_n_parameters, estimator_n_observables in zip(all_n_parameters, all_n_observables): if self.n_parameters is None: self.n_parameters = estimator_n_parameters if self.n_observables is None: self.n_observables = estimator_n_observables if self.n_parameters is not None and self.n_parameters != estimator_n_parameters: raise RuntimeError( f"Ensemble with inconsistent numbers of parameters for different estimators: " f"{all_n_parameters}" ) if self.n_observables is not None and self.n_observables != estimator_n_observables: raise RuntimeError( f"Ensemble with inconsistent numbers of observables for different estimators: " f"{all_n_observables}" ) @staticmethod def _get_estimator_type(estimator): if not isinstance(estimator, Estimator): raise RuntimeError("Estimator is not an Estimator instance!") if isinstance(estimator, ParameterizedRatioEstimator): return "parameterized_ratio" elif isinstance(estimator, DoubleParameterizedRatioEstimator): return "double_parameterized_ratio" elif isinstance(estimator, ScoreEstimator): return "score" elif isinstance(estimator, LikelihoodEstimator): return "likelihood" else: raise RuntimeError("Estimator is an unknown Estimator type!") @staticmethod def _get_estimator_class(estimator_type): if estimator_type == "parameterized_ratio": return ParameterizedRatioEstimator elif estimator_type == "double_parameterized_ratio": return DoubleParameterizedRatioEstimator elif estimator_type == "score": return ScoreEstimator elif estimator_type == "likelihood": return LikelihoodEstimator else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown estimator type {estimator_type}!")