Source code for madminer.lhe.lhe_reader

import logging
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

from madminer.utils.interfaces.madminer_hdf5 import (
from madminer.utils.interfaces.lhe import (
from madminer.sampling import combine_and_shuffle

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LHEReader: """ Detector simulation with smearing functions and simple calculation of observables. After setting up the parameter space and benchmarks and running MadGraph and Pythia, all of which is organized in the madminer.core.MadMiner class, the next steps are the simulation of detector effects and the calculation of observables. Different tools can be used for these tasks, please feel free to implement the detector simulation and analysis routine of your choice. This class provides a simple implementation in which detector effects are modeled with smearing functions. Its workflow consists of the following steps: * Initializing the class with the filename of a MadMiner HDF5 file (the output of ``) * Adding one or multiple event samples produced by MadGraph and Pythia in `LHEProcessor.add_sample()`. * Running Delphes on the samples that require it through `LHEProcessor.run_delphes()`. * Optionally, smearing functions for all visible particles can be defined with `LHEProcessor.set_smearing()`. * Defining observables through `LHEProcessor.add_observable()` or `LHEProcessor.add_observable_from_function()`. A simple set of default observables is provided in `LHEProcessor.add_default_observables()` * Optionally, cuts can be set with `LHEProcessor.add_cut()` * Optionally, efficiencies can be set with `LHEProcessor.add_efficiency()` * Calculating the observables from the Delphes ROOT files with `LHEProcessor.analyse_delphes_samples()` * Saving the results with `` Please see the tutorial for a detailed walk-through. Parameters ---------- filename : str or None, optional Path to MadMiner file (the output of ``). Default value: None. """ def __init__(self, filename): # Initialize samples self.lhe_sample_filenames = [] self.sample_k_factors = [] self.sample_is_backgrounds = [] self.sampling_benchmarks = [] self.sample_systematics = [] # Initialize observables self.observables = OrderedDict() self.observables_required = OrderedDict() self.observables_defaults = OrderedDict() # Initialize cuts self.cuts = [] self.cuts_default_pass = [] # Initialize efficiencies self.efficiencies = [] self.efficiencies_default_pass = [] # Smearing function parameters self.energy_resolution = {} self.pt_resolution = {} self.eta_resolution = {} self.phi_resolution = {} pdgids = [1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5, -5, 6, -6, 9] pdgids += [11, -11, 12, -12, 13, -13, 14, -14, 15, -15, 16, -16, 21, 22, 23, 24, -24, 25] for pdgid in pdgids: self.energy_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0) self.pt_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0) self.eta_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0) self.phi_resolution[pdgid] = (0.0, 0.0) self.pt_resolution["met"] = (0.0, 0.0) # Initialize samples self.reference_benchmark = None self.observations = None self.weights = None self.events_sampling_benchmark_ids = None # Initialize event summary self.signal_events_per_benchmark = None self.background_events = None # Information from .h5 file self.filename = filename (parameters, benchmarks, _, _, _, _, _, self.systematics, _, _, _, _, _, _) = load_madminer_settings( filename, include_nuisance_benchmarks=False ) self.benchmark_names_phys = list(benchmarks.keys()) self.n_benchmarks_phys = len(benchmarks) # Initialize nuisance parameters self.nuisance_parameters = OrderedDict() @staticmethod def _check_sample_elements(this_elements, n_events=None): """ Sanity checks """ # Check number of events in observables for key, elems in this_elements.items(): this_n_events = len(elems) if n_events is None: n_events = this_n_events logger.debug(f"Found {n_events} events") if this_n_events != n_events: raise RuntimeError( f"Mismatching number of events for {key}: "f"{n_events} vs {this_n_events}") if not np.issubdtype(elems.dtype, np.number): logger.warning(f"For key {key} have non-numeric dtype {elems.dtype}.") return n_events
[docs] def add_sample( self, lhe_filename, sampled_from_benchmark, is_background=False, k_factor=1.0, systematics=None, ): """ Adds an LHE sample of simulated events. Parameters ---------- lhe_filename : str Path to the LHE event file (with extension '.lhe' or '.lhe.gz'). sampled_from_benchmark : str Name of the benchmark that was used for sampling in this event file (the keyword `sample_benchmark` of ``). is_background : bool, optional Whether the sample is a background sample (i.e. without benchmark reweighting). k_factor : float, optional Multiplies the cross sections found in the sample. Default value: 1. systematics : None or list of str, optional List of systematics associated with this sample. Default value: None. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug("Adding event sample %s", lhe_filename) # Check inputs self.sampling_benchmarks.append(sampled_from_benchmark) self.sample_is_backgrounds.append(is_background) self.sample_k_factors.append(k_factor) self.lhe_sample_filenames.append(lhe_filename) self.sample_systematics.append(systematics)
[docs] def set_smearing( self, pdgids=None, energy_resolution_abs=0.0, energy_resolution_rel=0.0, pt_resolution_abs=0.0, pt_resolution_rel=0.0, eta_resolution_abs=0.0, eta_resolution_rel=0.0, phi_resolution_abs=0.0, phi_resolution_rel=0.0, ): """ Sets up the smearing of measured momenta from shower and detector effects. This function can be called with pdgids=None, in which case the settinigs are used for all visible particles, or with pdgids set to a list of PDG ids representing particles, for instance [11, -11] for electrons (and positrons). For all particles of this type, and for the energy, pT, phi, and eta, the measurement error is drawn from a Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation given by `(X_resolution_abs + X * X_resolution_rel)`. Here `X` is the quantity (E, pT, phi, eta) of interest and X_resolution_abs and X_resolution_rel are the corresponding keywords. In the case of energy and pT, values smaller than 0 will lead to a re-drawing of the measurement error. Instead of such numerical values, either the energy or pT resolution (but not both!) may be set to None. In this case, this quantity is calculated from the mass of the particle and all other smeared particles. For instance, when pt_resolution_abs is None or pt_resolution_rel is None, for the given particles the energy, phi, and eta are smeared (according to their respective resolutions). Then the transverse momentum is calculated from the on-shell condition `p^2 = m^2`, or `pT = sqrt(E^2 - m^2) / cosh(eta)`. When this does not have a solution, the pT is set to zero. On the other hand, when energy_resolution_abs is None or energy_resolution_abs is None, for the given particles the pT, phi, and eta are smeared, and then the energy is calculated as `E = sqrt(pT * cosh(eta))^2 + m^2)`. Parameters ---------- pdgids : None or list of int, optional Defines the particles these smearing functions affect. If None, all particles are affected. Note that if set_smearing() is called multiple times for a given particle, the earlier calls will be forgotten and only the last smearing function will take effect. Default value: None. energy_resolution_abs : float or None, optional Absolute measurement uncertainty for the energy in GeV. None means that the energy is not smeared directly, but calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0. energy_resolution_rel : float or None, optional Relative measurement uncertainty for the energy. None means that the energy is not smeared directly, but calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0. pt_resolution_abs : float or None, optional Absolute measurement uncertainty for the pT in GeV. None means that the pT is not smeared directly, but calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0. pt_resolution_rel : float or None, optional Relative measurement uncertainty for the pT. None means that the pT is not smeared directly, but calculated from the on-shell condition. Default value: 0. eta_resolution_abs : float, optional Absolute measurement uncertainty for eta. Default value: 0. eta_resolution_rel : float, optional Relative measurement uncertainty for eta. Default value: 0. phi_resolution_abs : float, optional Absolute measurement uncertainty for phi. Default value: 0. phi_resolution_rel : float, optional Relative measurement uncertainty for phi. Default value: 0. Returns ------- None """ if pdgids is None: pdgids = get_elementary_pdg_ids() for pdgid in pdgids: self.energy_resolution[pdgid] = (energy_resolution_abs, energy_resolution_rel) self.pt_resolution[pdgid] = (pt_resolution_abs, pt_resolution_rel) self.eta_resolution[pdgid] = (eta_resolution_abs, eta_resolution_rel) self.phi_resolution[pdgid] = (phi_resolution_abs, phi_resolution_rel)
[docs] def set_met_noise(self, abs_=0.0, rel=0.0): """ Sets up additional noise in the MET variable from shower and detector effects. By default, the MET is calculated based on all reconstructed visible particles, including the effect of the smearing of these particles (set with `set_smearing()`). But often the MET is in fact more affected by additional soft activity than by mismeasurements of the hard particles. This function adds a Gaussian random to each of the x and y components of the MET vector. The Gaussian has mean 0 and standard deviation `abs + rel * HT`, where `HT` is the scalar sum of the pT of all particles in the process. Everything is given in GeV. Parameters ---------- abs_ : float, optional Absolute contribution to MET noise. Default value: 0. rel : float, optional Relative (to HT) contribution to MET noise. Default value: 0. Returns ------- None """ self.pt_resolution["met"] = (abs_, rel)
[docs] def add_observable(self, name, definition, required=False, default=None): """ Adds an observable as a string that can be parsed by Python's `eval()` function. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the observable. Since this name will be used in `eval()` calls for cuts, this should not contain spaces or special characters. definition : str An expression that can be parsed by Python's `eval()` function. As objects, all particles can be used: `e`, `mu`, `tau`, `j`, `a`, `l`, `v` provide lists of electrons, muons, taus, jets, photons, leptons ( electrons and muons combined), and neutrinos, in each case sorted by descending transverse momentum. `met` provides a missing ET object. `p` gives all particles in the same order as in the LHE file (i.e. in the same order as defined in the MadGraph process card). In addition, `MadMinerParticle` have properties `charge` and `pdg_id`, which return the charge in units of elementary charges (i.e. an electron has `e[0].charge = -1.`), and the PDG particle ID. For instance, `"abs(j[0].phi() - j[1].phi())"` defines the azimuthal angle between the two hardest jets. required : bool, optional Whether the observable is required. If True, an event will only be retained if this observable is successfully parsed. For instance, any observable involving `"j[1]"` will only be parsed if there are at least two jets passing the acceptance cuts. Default value: False. default : float or None, optional If `required=False`, this is the placeholder value for observables that cannot be parsed. None is replaced with `np.nan`. Default value: None. Returns ------- None """ if required: logger.debug("Adding required observable %s = %s", name, definition) else: logger.debug("Adding optional observable %s = %s with default %s", name, definition, default) self.observables[name] = definition self.observables_required[name] = required self.observables_defaults[name] = default
[docs] def add_observable_from_function(self, name, fn, required=False, default=None): """ Adds an observable defined through a function. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the observable. Since this name will be used in `eval()` calls for cuts, this should not contain spaces or special characters. fn : function A function with signature `observable(particles, leptons, photons, jets, met)` where all arguments are lists of MadMinerParticle instances and a float is returned. `particles` are the truth-level particles, ordered in the same way as in the LHE file, and no smearing is applied. `leptons`, `photons`, `jets`, and `met` have smearing applied. The function should raise a `RuntimeError` to signal that it is not defined. required : bool, optional Whether the observable is required. If True, an event will only be retained if this observable is successfully parsed. For instance, any observable involving `"j[1]"` will only be parsed if there are at least two jets passing the acceptance cuts. Default value: False. default : float or None, optional If `required=False`, this is the placeholder value for observables that cannot be parsed. None is replaced with `np.nan`. Default value: None. Returns ------- None """ if required: logger.debug("Adding required observable %s defined through external function", name) else: logger.debug( "Adding optional observable %s defined through external function with default %s", name, default ) self.observables[name] = fn self.observables_required[name] = required self.observables_defaults[name] = default
[docs] def add_default_observables( self, n_leptons_max=2, n_photons_max=2, n_jets_max=2, include_met=True, include_visible_sum=True, include_numbers=True, include_charge=True, ): """ Adds a set of simple standard observables: the four-momenta (parameterized as E, pT, eta, phi) of the hardest visible particles, and the missing transverse energy. Parameters ---------- n_leptons_max : int, optional Number of hardest leptons for which the four-momenta are saved. Default value: 2. n_photons_max : int, optional Number of hardest photons for which the four-momenta are saved. Default value: 2. n_jets_max : int, optional Number of hardest jets for which the four-momenta are saved. Default value: 2. include_met : bool, optional Whether the missing energy observables are stored. Default value: True. include_visible_sum : bool, optional Whether observables characterizing the sum of all particles are stored. Default value: True. include_numbers : bool, optional Whether the number of leptons, photons, and jets is saved as observable. Default value: True. include_charge : bool, optional Whether the lepton charge is saved as observable. Default value: True. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug("Adding default observables") # ETMiss if include_met: self.add_observable("et_miss", "", required=True) self.add_observable("phi_miss", "met.phi()", required=True) # Sum of visible particles if include_visible_sum: self.add_observable("e_visible", "visible.e", required=True) self.add_observable("eta_visible", "visible.eta", required=True) # Individual observed particles for n, symbol, include_this_charge in zip( [n_leptons_max, n_photons_max, n_jets_max], ["l", "a", "j"], [False, False, include_charge] ): if include_numbers: self.add_observable(f"n_{symbol}s", f"len({symbol})", required=True) for i in range(n): self.add_observable( f"e_{symbol}{i+1}", f"{symbol}[{i}].e", required=False, default=0.0 ) self.add_observable( f"pt_{symbol}{i+1}", f"{symbol}[{i}].pt", required=False, default=0.0 ) self.add_observable( f"eta_{symbol}{i+1}", f"{symbol}[{i}].eta", required=False, default=0.0 ) self.add_observable( f"phi_{symbol}{i+1}", f"{symbol}[{i}].phi()", required=False, default=0.0 ) if include_this_charge and symbol == "l": self.add_observable( f"charge_{symbol}{i+1}", f"{symbol}[{i}].charge", required=False, default=0.0, )
[docs] def add_cut(self, definition, pass_if_not_parsed=False): """ Adds a cut as a string that can be parsed by Python's `eval()` function and returns a bool. Parameters ---------- definition : str An expression that can be parsed by Python's `eval()` function and returns a bool: True for the event to pass this cut, False for it to be rejected. In the definition, all visible particles can be used: `e`, `mu`, `j`, `a`, and `l` provide lists of electrons, muons, jets, photons, and leptons (electrons and muons combined), in each case sorted by descending transverse momentum. `met` provides a missing ET object. `visible` and `all` provide access to the sum of all visible particles and the sum of all visible particles plus MET, respectively. In addition, `MadMinerParticle` have properties `charge` and `pdg_id`, which return the charge in units of elementary charges (i.e. an electron has `e[0].charge = -1.`), and the PDG particle ID. For instance, `"len(e) >= 2"` requires at least two electrons passing the cuts, while `"mu[0].charge > 0."` specifies that the hardest muon is positively charged. pass_if_not_parsed : bool, optional Whether the cut is passed if the observable cannot be parsed. Default value: False. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug("Adding cut %s", definition) self.cuts.append(definition) self.cuts_default_pass.append(pass_if_not_parsed)
[docs] def add_efficiency(self, definition, value_if_not_parsed=1.0): """ Adds an efficiency as a string that can be parsed by Python's `eval()` function and returns a bool. Parameters ---------- definition : str An expression that can be parsed by Python's `eval()` function and returns a floating number which reweights the event weights. In the definition, all visible particles can be used: `e`, `mu`, `j`, `a`, and `l` provide lists of electrons, muons, jets, photons, and leptons (electrons and muons combined), in each case sorted by descending transverse momentum. `met` provides a missing ET object. `visible` and `all` provide access to the sum of all visible particles and the sum of all visible particles plus MET, respectively. In addition, `MadMinerParticle` have properties `charge` and `pdg_id`, which return the charge in units of elementary charges (i.e. an electron has `e[0].charge = -1.`), and the PDG particle ID. value_if_not_parsed : float, optional Value if te efficiency function cannot be parsed. Default value: 1. Returns ------- None """ logger.debug("Adding efficiency %s", definition) self.efficiencies.append(definition) self.efficiencies_default_pass.append(value_if_not_parsed)
[docs] def reset_observables(self): """ Resets all observables. """ logger.debug("Resetting observables") self.observables = OrderedDict() self.observables_required = OrderedDict() self.observables_defaults = OrderedDict()
[docs] def reset_cuts(self): """ Resets all cuts. """ logger.debug("Resetting cuts") self.cuts = [] self.cuts_default_pass = []
[docs] def reset_efficiencies(self): """ Resets all efficiencies. """ logger.debug("Resetting efficiencies") self.efficiencies = [] self.efficiencies_default_pass = []
[docs] def analyse_samples(self, reference_benchmark=None, parse_events_as_xml=True): """ Main function that parses the LHE samples, applies detector effects, checks cuts, evaulate efficiencies, and extracts the observables and weights. Parameters ---------- reference_benchmark : str or None, optional The weights at the nuisance benchmarks will be rescaled to some reference theta benchmark: `dsigma(x|theta_sampling(x),nu) -> dsigma(x|theta_ref,nu) = dsigma(x|theta_sampling(x),nu) * dsigma(x|theta_ref,0) / dsigma(x|theta_sampling(x),0)`. This sets the name of the reference benchmark. If None, the first one will be used. Default value: None. parse_events_as_xml : bool, optional Decides whether the LHE events are parsed with an XML parser (more robust, but slower) or a text parser (less robust, faster). Default value: True. Returns ------- None """ # Input if reference_benchmark is None: reference_benchmark = self.benchmark_names_phys[0] self.reference_benchmark = reference_benchmark # Reset observations self.observations = None self.weights = None self.nuisance_parameters = OrderedDict() self.events_sampling_benchmark_ids = None self.signal_events_per_benchmark = [0 for _ in range(self.n_benchmarks_phys)] self.background_events = 0 for lhe_file, is_background, sampling_benchmark, k_factor, sample_syst_names in zip( self.lhe_sample_filenames, self.sample_is_backgrounds, self.sampling_benchmarks, self.sample_k_factors, self.sample_systematics, ): "Analysing LHE sample %s: Calculating %s observables, requiring %s selection cuts, using %s efficiency" " factors, associated with %s", lhe_file, len(self.observables), len(self.cuts), len(self.efficiencies), "no systematics" if sample_syst_names is None else "systematics" + ", ".join(list(sample_syst_names)), ) this_observations, this_weights, this_n_events = self._parse_sample( is_background, k_factor, lhe_file, parse_events_as_xml, reference_benchmark, sampling_benchmark, sample_syst_names, ) # No results? if this_observations is None: continue # Store sampling id for each event if is_background: idx = -1 self.background_events += this_n_events else: idx = self.benchmark_names_phys.index(sampling_benchmark) self.signal_events_per_benchmark[idx] += this_n_events this_events_sampling_benchmark_ids = np.array([idx] * this_n_events, # First results if self.observations is None and self.weights is None: self.observations = this_observations self.weights = this_weights self.events_sampling_benchmark_ids = this_events_sampling_benchmark_ids continue # Following results: check consistency with previous results if len(self.observations) != len(this_observations): raise ValueError( f"Number of observations in different Delphes files incompatible: " f"{len(self.observations)} vs {len(this_observations)}" ) # Merge weights with previous logging.debug("Merging data extracted from this file with data from previous files") previous_reference_weights = np.copy(self.weights[reference_benchmark]) for key in self.weights: if key in this_weights: # Benchmark exists in both samples self.weights[key] = np.hstack([self.weights[key], this_weights[key]]) logging.debug(" Weights for benchmark %s exist in both", key) else: # Benchmark only in previous samples self.weights[key] = np.hstack([self.weights[key], this_weights[reference_benchmark]]) logging.debug(" Weights for benchmark %s exist only in previous files", key) for key in this_weights: if key in self.weights: continue # Benchmark only in new samples self.weights[key] = np.hstack([previous_reference_weights, this_weights[key]]) logging.debug(" Weights for benchmark %s exist only in new file", key) # Merge observations with previous (should always be the same observables) for key in self.observations: assert key in this_observations, f"Observable {key} not found in Delphes sample!" self.observations[key] = np.hstack([self.observations[key], this_observations[key]]) self.events_sampling_benchmark_ids = np.hstack( [self.events_sampling_benchmark_ids, this_events_sampling_benchmark_ids] )"Analysed number of events per sampling benchmark:") for name, n_events in zip(self.benchmark_names_phys, self.signal_events_per_benchmark): if n_events > 0:" %s from %s", n_events, name) if self.background_events > 0:" %s from backgrounds", self.background_events)
def _parse_sample( self, is_background, k_factor, lhe_file, parse_events_as_xml, reference_benchmark, sampling_benchmark, sample_syst_names, ): # Relevant systematics systematics_used = OrderedDict() if sample_syst_names is None: sample_syst_names = [] for key in sample_syst_names: systematics_used[key] = self.systematics[key] # Read systematics setup from LHE file logger.debug("Extracting nuisance parameter definitions from LHE file") systematics_dict = extract_nuisance_parameters_from_lhe_file(lhe_file, systematics_used) logger.debug("systematics_dict: %s", systematics_dict) # systematics_dict has structure # {systematics_name : {nuisance_parameter_name : ((benchmark0, weight0), (benchmark1, weight1), processing)}} # Store nuisance parameters for systematics_name, nuisance_info in systematics_dict.items(): for nuisance_parameter_name, ((benchmark0, weight0), (benchmark1, weight1), _) in nuisance_info.items(): if ( self.nuisance_parameters is not None and nuisance_parameter_name in self.nuisance_parameters and (systematics_name, benchmark0, benchmark1) != self.nuisance_parameters[nuisance_parameter_name] ): raise RuntimeError( f"Inconsistent information for same nuisance parameter {nuisance_parameter_name}. " f"Old: {self.nuisance_parameters[nuisance_parameter_name]}. " f"New: {(systematics_name, benchmark0, benchmark1)}." ) self.nuisance_parameters[nuisance_parameter_name] = (systematics_name, benchmark0, benchmark1) # Calculate observables and weights in LHE file this_observations, this_weights = parse_lhe_file( filename=lhe_file, sampling_benchmark=sampling_benchmark, benchmark_names=self.benchmark_names_phys, is_background=is_background, observables=self.observables, observables_required=self.observables_required, observables_defaults=self.observables_defaults, cuts=self.cuts, cuts_default_pass=self.cuts_default_pass, efficiencies=self.efficiencies, efficiencies_default_pass=self.efficiencies_default_pass, energy_resolutions=self.energy_resolution, pt_resolutions=self.pt_resolution, eta_resolutions=self.eta_resolution, phi_resolutions=self.phi_resolution, k_factor=k_factor, parse_events_as_xml=parse_events_as_xml, systematics_dict=systematics_dict, ) # No events found? if this_observations is None: logger.warning("No remaining events in this LHE file, skipping it") return None, None logger.debug("Found weights %s in LHE file", list(this_weights.keys())) n_events = self._check_sample_elements(this_observations, None) n_events = self._check_sample_elements(this_weights, None) # Rescale nuisance parameters to reference benchmark reference_weights = this_weights[reference_benchmark] sampling_weights = this_weights[sampling_benchmark] for key in this_weights: if key not in self.benchmark_names_phys: # Only rescale nuisance benchmarks this_weights[key] = reference_weights / sampling_weights * this_weights[key] return this_observations, this_weights, n_events
[docs] def save(self, filename_out, shuffle=True): """ Saves the observable definitions, observable values, and event weights in a MadMiner file. The parameter, benchmark, and morphing setup is copied from the file provided during initialization. Nuisance benchmarks found in the LHE file are added. Parameters ---------- filename_out : str Path to where the results should be saved. shuffle : bool, optional If True, events are shuffled before being saved. That's important when there are multiple distinct samples (e.g. signal and background). Default value: True. Returns ------- None """ if self.observations is None or self.weights is None: logger.warning("No events to save!") return logger.debug("Loading HDF5 data from %s and saving file to %s", self.filename, filename_out) # Save nuisance parameters and benchmarks weight_names = list(self.weights.keys()) logger.debug("Weight names: %s", weight_names) save_nuisance_setup_to_madminer_file( filename_out, weight_names, self.nuisance_parameters, reference_benchmark=self.reference_benchmark, copy_from=self.filename, ) # Save events save_events_to_madminer_file( filename_out, self.observables, self.observations, self.weights, self.events_sampling_benchmark_ids, self.signal_events_per_benchmark, self.background_events, ) if shuffle: combine_and_shuffle([filename_out], filename_out)