Source code for madminer.analysis.dataanalyzer

import logging
import numpy as np

from madminer.utils.interfaces.madminer_hdf5 import load_madminer_settings, madminer_event_loader
from madminer.utils.morphing import PhysicsMorpher, NuisanceMorpher
from madminer.utils.various import format_benchmark, mdot

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DataAnalyzer: """ Collects common functionality that is used when analysing data in the MadMiner file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to MadMiner file (for instance the output of ``). disable_morphing : bool, optional If True, the morphing setup is not loaded from the file. Default value: False. include_nuisance_parameters : bool, optional If True, nuisance parameters are taken into account. Default value: True. """ def __init__(self, filename, disable_morphing=False, include_nuisance_parameters=True): # Save setup self.include_nuisance_parameters = include_nuisance_parameters self.madminer_filename = filename # Load data"Loading data from %s", filename) ( self.parameters, self.benchmarks, self.benchmark_is_nuisance, self.morphing_components, self.morphing_matrix, self.observables, self.n_samples, self.systematics, self.reference_benchmark, self.nuisance_parameters, self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark, self.n_events_backgrounds, self.finite_difference_benchmarks, self.finite_difference_epsilon, ) = load_madminer_settings(filename, include_nuisance_benchmarks=include_nuisance_parameters) self.n_parameters = len(self.parameters) self.n_benchmarks = len(self.benchmarks) self.n_benchmarks_phys = np.sum(np.logical_not(self.benchmark_is_nuisance)) self.n_observables = 0 if self.observables is None else len(self.observables) self.n_nuisance_parameters = 0 if self.nuisance_parameters is not None and include_nuisance_parameters: self.n_nuisance_parameters = len(self.nuisance_parameters) else: self.nuisance_parameters = None # Morphing self.morpher = None if self.morphing_matrix is not None and self.morphing_components is not None and not disable_morphing: self.morpher = PhysicsMorpher(self.parameters) self.morpher.set_components(self.morphing_components) self.morpher.set_basis(self.benchmarks, morphing_matrix=self.morphing_matrix) # Nuisance morphing self.nuisance_morpher = None if self.nuisance_parameters is not None: self.nuisance_morpher = NuisanceMorpher( self.nuisance_parameters, list(self.benchmarks.keys()), self.reference_benchmark ) else: self.include_nuisance_parameters = False # Check event numbers self._check_n_events() self._report_setup()
[docs] def event_loader( self, start=0, end=None, batch_size=100000, include_nuisance_parameters=None, generated_close_to=None, return_sampling_ids=False, ): """ Yields batches of events in the MadMiner file. Parameters ---------- start : int, optional First event index to load end : int or None, optional Last event index to load batch_size : int, optional Batch size include_nuisance_parameters : bool, optional Whether nuisance parameter benchmarks are included in the returned data generated_close_to : None or ndarray, optional If None, this function yields all events. Otherwise, it just yields just the events that were generated at the closest benchmark point to a given parameter point. return_sampling_ids : bool, optional If True, the iterator returns the sampling IDs in addition to observables and weights. Yields ------ observations : ndarray Event data weights : ndarray Event weights sampling_ids : int Sampling IDs (benchmark used for sampling for signal events, -1 for background events). Only returned if return_sampling_ids = True was set. """ if include_nuisance_parameters is None: include_nuisance_parameters = self.include_nuisance_parameters sampling_benchmark = self._find_closest_benchmark(generated_close_to) logger.debug(f"Sampling benchmark closest to {generated_close_to}: {sampling_benchmark}") if sampling_benchmark is None: sampling_factors = self._calculate_sampling_factors() else: sampling_factors = np.ones(self.n_benchmarks_phys + 1) for data in madminer_event_loader( self.madminer_filename, start, end, batch_size, include_nuisance_parameters, benchmark_is_nuisance=self.benchmark_is_nuisance, sampling_benchmark=sampling_benchmark, sampling_factors=sampling_factors, return_sampling_ids=return_sampling_ids, ): yield data
[docs] def weighted_events( self, theta=None, nu=None, start_event=None, end_event=None, derivative=False, generated_close_to=None, n_draws=None, ): """ Returns all events together with the benchmark weights (if theta is None) or weights for a given theta. Parameters ---------- theta : None or ndarray or str, optional If None, the function returns all benchmark weights. If str, the function returns the weights for a given benchmark name. If ndarray, it uses morphing to calculate the weights for this value of theta. Default value: None. nu : None or ndarray, optional If None, the nuisance parameters are set to their nominal values. Otherwise, and if theta is an ndarray, sets the values of the nuisance parameters. start_event : int Index (in the MadMiner file) of the first event to consider. end_event : int Index (in the MadMiner file) of the last unweighted event to consider. derivative : bool, optional If True and if theta is not None, the derivative of the weights with respect to theta are returned. Default value: False. generated_close_to : None or int, optional Only returns benchmarks generated from this benchmark (and background events). Default value: None. n_draws : None or int, optional If not None, returns only this number of events, drawn randomly. Returns ------- x : ndarray Observables with shape `(n_unweighted_samples, n_observables)`. weights : ndarray If theta is None and derivative is False, benchmark weights with shape `(n_unweighted_samples, n_benchmarks)` in pb. If theta is not None and derivative is True, the gradient of the weight for the given parameter with respect to theta with shape `(n_unweighted_samples, n_gradients)` in pb. Otherwise, weights for the given parameter theta with shape `(n_unweighted_samples,)` in pb. """ x, weights_benchmarks = next( self.event_loader( start=start_event, end=end_event, batch_size=None, generated_close_to=generated_close_to, ) ) # Pick events randomly n_events = len(x) if n_draws is not None and n_draws < n_events: idx = np.random.choice(n_events, n_draws, replace=False) x = x[idx] weights_benchmarks = weights_benchmarks[idx] elif n_draws is not None: logger.warning(f"Requested {n_draws} events, but only {n_events} available") # Process and return appropriate weights if theta is None: return x, weights_benchmarks elif isinstance(theta, str): i_benchmark = list(self.benchmarks.keys()).index(theta) return x, weights_benchmarks[:, i_benchmark] elif derivative: dtheta_matrix = self._get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(theta) gradients_theta = mdot(dtheta_matrix, weights_benchmarks) # (n_gradients, n_samples) gradients_theta = gradients_theta.T return x, gradients_theta else: # TODO: nuisance params if nu is not None: raise NotImplementedError() theta_matrix = self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) weights_theta = mdot(theta_matrix, weights_benchmarks) return x, weights_theta
[docs] def xsecs( self, thetas=None, nus=None, partition="all", test_split=0.2, validation_split=0.2, include_nuisance_benchmarks=True, batch_size=100000, generated_close_to=None, ): """ Returns the total cross sections for benchmarks or parameter points. Parameters ---------- thetas : None or list of (ndarray or str), optional If None, the function returns all benchmark cross sections. Otherwise, it returns the cross sections for a series of parameter points that are either given by their benchmark name (as a str), their benchmark index (as an int), or their parameter value (as an ndarray, using morphing). Default value: None. nus : None or list of (None or ndarray), optional If None, the nuisance parameters are set to their nominal values (0), i.e. no systematics are taken into account. Otherwise, the list has to have the same number of elements as thetas, and each entry can specify nuisance parameters at nominal value (None) or a value of the nuisance parameters (ndarray). partition : {"train", "test", "validation", "all"}, optional Which event partition to use. Default: "all". test_split : float, optional Fraction of events reserved for testing. Default value: 0.2. validation_split : float, optional Fraction of weighted events reserved for validation. Default value: 0.2. include_nuisance_benchmarks : bool, optional Whether to include nuisance benchmarks if thetas is None. Default value: True. batch_size : int, optional Size of the batches of events that are loaded into memory at the same time. Default value: 100000. generated_close_to : None or ndarray, optional If not None, only events originally generated from the closest benchmark to this parameter point will be used. Default value : None. Returns ------- xsecs : ndarray Calculated cross sections in pb. xsec_uncertainties : ndarray Cross-section uncertainties in pb. Basically calculated as sum(weights**2)**0.5. """ logger.debug("Calculating cross sections for thetas = %s and nus = %s", thetas, nus) # Inputs if thetas is not None: include_nuisance_benchmarks = True if thetas is not None: if nus is None: nus = [None for _ in thetas] assert len(nus) == len(thetas), "Numbers of thetas and nus don't match!" # Which events to use if partition == "all": start_event, end_event = None, None correction_factor = 1.0 elif partition in ["train", "validation", "test"]: start_event, end_event, correction_factor = self._train_validation_test_split( partition, test_split, validation_split ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid partition type: {partition}") # Theta matrices (translation of benchmarks to theta, at nominal nuisance params) if thetas is None: theta_matrices = np.identity(self.n_benchmarks) else: theta_matrices = [self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) for theta in thetas] theta_matrices = np.asarray(theta_matrices) # Shape (n_thetas, n_benchmarks) # Loop over events xsecs = 0.0 xsec_uncertainties = 0.0 n_events = 0 for i_batch, (_, benchmark_weights) in enumerate( self.event_loader( start=start_event, end=end_event, include_nuisance_parameters=include_nuisance_benchmarks, batch_size=batch_size, generated_close_to=generated_close_to, ) ): n_batch, _ = benchmark_weights.shape n_events += n_batch # Benchmark xsecs if thetas is None: xsecs += np.sum(benchmark_weights, axis=0) xsec_uncertainties += np.sum(benchmark_weights * benchmark_weights, axis=0) # xsecs at given parameters(theta, nu) else: # Weights at nominal nuisance params (nu=0) weights_nom = mdot(theta_matrices, benchmark_weights) # Shape (n_thetas, n_batch) weights_sq_nom = mdot(theta_matrices, benchmark_weights * benchmark_weights) # same # Effect of nuisance parameters nuisance_factors = self._calculate_nuisance_factors(nus, benchmark_weights) weights = nuisance_factors * weights_nom weights_sq = nuisance_factors * weights_sq_nom # Sum up xsecs += np.sum(weights, axis=1) xsec_uncertainties += np.sum(weights_sq, axis=1) if n_events == 0: raise RuntimeError( "Did not find events with test_split = %s and generated_close_to = %s", test_split, generated_close_to ) xsec_uncertainties = np.maximum(xsec_uncertainties, 0.0) ** 0.5 # Correct for not using all events xsecs *= correction_factor xsec_uncertainties *= correction_factor logger.debug("xsecs and uncertainties [pb]:") for this_xsec, this_uncertainty in zip(xsecs, xsec_uncertainties): logger.debug(" (%4f +/- %4f) pb (%4f %%)", this_xsec, this_uncertainty, 100 * this_uncertainty / this_xsec) return xsecs, xsec_uncertainties
[docs] def xsec_gradients( self, thetas, nus=None, partition="all", test_split=0.2, validation_split=0.2, gradients="all", batch_size=100000, generated_close_to=None, ): """ Returns the gradient of total cross sections with respect to parameters. Parameters ---------- thetas : list of (ndarray or str), optional If None, the function returns all benchmark cross sections. Otherwise, it returns the cross sections for a series of parameter points that are either given by their benchmark name (as a str), their benchmark index (as an int), or their parameter value (as an ndarray, using morphing). Default value: None. nus : None or list of (None or ndarray), optional If None, the nuisance parameters are set to their nominal values (0), i.e. no systematics are taken into account. Otherwise, the list has to have the same number of elements as thetas, and each entry can specify nuisance parameters at nominal value (None) or a value of the nuisance parameters (ndarray). partition : {"train", "test", "validation", "all"}, optional Which events to use. Default: "all". test_split : float, optional Fraction of events reserved for testing. Default value: 0.2. validation_split : float, optional Fraction of weighted events reserved for validation. Default value: 0.2. gradients : {"all", "theta", "nu"}, optional Which gradients to calculate. Default value: "all". batch_size : int, optional Size of the batches of events that are loaded into memory at the same time. Default value: 100000. generated_close_to : None or ndarray, optional If not None, only events originally generated from the closest benchmark to this parameter point will be used. Default value : None. Returns ------- xsecs_gradients : ndarray Calculated cross section gradients in pb with shape (n_gradients,). """ logger.debug(f"Calculating cross section gradients for thetas = {thetas} and nus = {nus}") # Inputs include_nuisance_benchmarks = nus is not None or gradients in ["all", "nu"] if nus is None: nus = [None for _ in thetas] assert len(nus) == len(thetas), "Numbers of thetas and nus don't match!" if gradients not in ["all", "theta", "nu"]: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid gradients type: {gradients}") # Which events to use if partition == "all": start_event, end_event = None, None correction_factor = 1.0 elif partition in ["train", "validation", "test"]: start_event, end_event, correction_factor = self._train_validation_test_split( partition, test_split, validation_split ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid partition type: {partition}") # Theta matrices (translation of benchmarks to theta, at nominal nuisance params) theta_matrices = np.asarray( [self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) for theta in thetas] ) # shape (n_thetas, n_benchmarks) theta_gradient_matrices = np.asarray( [self._get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(theta) for theta in thetas] ) # shape (n_thetas, n_gradients, n_benchmarks) # Loop over events xsec_gradients = 0.0 for i_batch, (_, benchmark_weights) in enumerate( self.event_loader( start=start_event, end=end_event, include_nuisance_parameters=include_nuisance_benchmarks, batch_size=batch_size, generated_close_to=generated_close_to, ) ): n_batch, _ = benchmark_weights.shape logger.debug(f"Batch {i_batch+1} with {n_batch} events") if gradients in ["all", "theta"]: nom_gradients = mdot( theta_gradient_matrices, benchmark_weights ) # Shape (n_thetas, n_phys_gradients, n_batch) nuisance_factors = self._calculate_nuisance_factors(nus, benchmark_weights) # Shape (n_thetas, n_batch) try: dweight_dtheta = nuisance_factors[:, np.newaxis, :] * nom_gradients except TypeError: dweight_dtheta = nom_gradients if gradients in ["all", "nu"]: weights_nom = mdot(theta_matrices, benchmark_weights) # Shape (n_thetas, n_batch) nuisance_factor_gradients = np.asarray( [self.nuisance_morpher.calculate_nuisance_factor_gradients(nu, benchmark_weights) for nu in nus] ) # Shape (n_thetas, n_nuisance_gradients, n_batch) dweight_dnu = nuisance_factor_gradients * weights_nom[:, np.newaxis, :] if gradients == "all": dweight_dall = np.concatenate((dweight_dtheta, dweight_dnu), 1) elif gradients == "theta": dweight_dall = dweight_dtheta elif gradients == "nu": dweight_dall = dweight_dnu xsec_gradients += np.sum(dweight_dall, axis=2) # Correct for not using all events xsec_gradients *= correction_factor return xsec_gradients
def _check_n_events(self): if self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark is None: return n_events_check = sum(self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark) if self.n_events_backgrounds is not None: n_events_check += self.n_events_backgrounds if self.n_samples != n_events_check: logger.warning( "Inconsistent event numbers in HDF5 file! Please recalculate them by calling " "combine_and_shuffle(recalculate_header=True)." ) def _report_setup(self):"Found {self.n_parameters} parameters") for i, (key, values) in enumerate(self.parameters.items()): values_str = " / ".join(str(x) for x in values)" {i}: {key} ({values_str})") if self.nuisance_parameters is not None:"Found {self.n_nuisance_parameters} nuisance parameters") for i, (key, values) in enumerate(self.systematics.items()): values_str = " / ".join(str(x) for x in values)" {i}: {key} ({values_str})") else:"Did not find nuisance parameters") self.include_nuisance_parameters = False"Found {self.n_benchmarks} benchmarks") for (key, values), is_nuisance in zip(self.benchmarks.items(), self.benchmark_is_nuisance): if is_nuisance: logger.debug(" %s: systematics", key) else: logger.debug(" %s: %s", key, format_benchmark(values))"Found {self.n_observables} observables") if self.observables is not None: for i, obs in enumerate(self.observables): logger.debug(" %2.2s %s", i, obs)"Found {self.n_samples} events") if self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark is not None: for events, name in zip(self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark, self.benchmarks.keys()): if events > 0:" %s signal events sampled from benchmark %s", events, name) if self.n_events_backgrounds is not None and self.n_events_backgrounds > 0:" %s background events", self.n_events_backgrounds) else: logger.debug(" Did not find sample summary information") if self.morpher is not None:"Found morphing setup with %s components", len(self.morphing_components)) else:"Did not find morphing setup.") if self.nuisance_morpher is not None:"Found nuisance morphing setup") else:"Did not find nuisance morphing setup") def _calculate_nuisance_factors(self, nus, benchmark_weights): if self._any_nontrivial_nus(nus): return np.asarray( [self.nuisance_morpher.calculate_nuisance_factors(nu, benchmark_weights) for nu in nus] ) # Shape (n_thetas, n_batch) else: return 1.0 def _finite_differences_theta_gradient_matrices(self): """ Constructs the matrix that translates benchmark weights to the gradient of the weight evaluated at the benchmarks """ assert self.finite_difference_benchmarks is not None assert self.finite_difference_epsilon is not None matrix = np.zeros( (self.n_benchmarks, self.n_parameters, self.n_benchmarks) ) # (n_thetas, n_gradients, n_benchmarks) benchmark_names = list(self.benchmarks.keys()) # We'll generally try to find the tuples p, i, j, k such that # matrix[i, p, j] = - 1 / eps and matrix[i, p, i] = 1 / eps for i, benchmark in enumerate(self.benchmarks.keys()): # For the FD-shifted benchmarks, we assume that the gradients are # the same as at the original point, and will just copy the matrix later copy_to = [] if benchmark not in self.finite_difference_benchmarks: continue for p, param in enumerate(self.parameters.keys()): shifted_benchmark = self.finite_difference_benchmarks[benchmark][param] j = benchmark_names.index(shifted_benchmark) copy_to.append(j) matrix[i, p, j] = 1.0 / self.finite_difference_epsilon matrix[i, p, i] = -1.0 / self.finite_difference_epsilon for j in copy_to: matrix[j, :, :] = matrix[i, :, :] return matrix @staticmethod def _any_nontrivial_nus(nus): if nus is None: return False for nu in nus: if nu is not None: return True return False def _derivative_mode(self): if self.morpher is not None: mode = "morphing" elif self.finite_difference_benchmarks is not None: mode = "fd" else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot compute xsec gradients when neither morphing nor finite differences are correctly set up!" ) return mode def _weights(self, thetas, nus, benchmark_weights, theta_matrices=None): """ Turns benchmark weights into weights for given parameter points (theta, nu). Parameters ---------- thetas : list of (ndarray or str) If None, the function returns all benchmark cross sections. Otherwise, it returns the cross sections for a series of parameter points that are either given by their benchmark name (as a str), their benchmark index (as an int), or their parameter value (as an ndarray, using morphing). nus : None or list of (None or ndarray) If None, the nuisance parameters are set to their nominal values (0), i.e. no systematics are taken into account. Otherwise, the list has to have the same number of elements as thetas, and each entry can specify nuisance parameters at nominal value (None) or a value of the nuisance parameters (ndarray). Returns ------- weights : ndarray Calculated weights in pb. """ n_events, _ = benchmark_weights.shape # Inputs if nus is None: nus = [None for _ in thetas] assert len(nus) == len(thetas), "Numbers of thetas and nus don't match!" # Theta matrices (translation of benchmarks to theta, at nominal nuisance params) if theta_matrices is None: theta_matrices = [self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) for theta in thetas] theta_matrices = np.asarray(theta_matrices) # Shape (n_thetas, n_benchmarks) # Weights at nominal nuisance params (nu=0) weights_nom = mdot(theta_matrices, benchmark_weights) # Shape (n_thetas, n_batch) # Effect of nuisance parameters nuisance_factors = self._calculate_nuisance_factors(nus, benchmark_weights) weights = nuisance_factors * weights_nom return weights def _weight_gradients( self, thetas, nus, benchmark_weights, gradients="all", theta_matrices=None, theta_gradient_matrices=None ): """ Turns benchmark weights into weights for given parameter points (theta, nu). Parameters ---------- thetas : list of (ndarray or str) If None, the function returns all benchmark cross sections. Otherwise, it returns the cross sections for a series of parameter points that are either given by their benchmark name (as a str), their benchmark index (as an int), or their parameter value (as an ndarray, using morphing). nus : None or list of (None or ndarray) If None, the nuisance parameters are set to their nominal values (0), i.e. no systematics are taken into account. Otherwise, the list has to have the same number of elements as thetas, and each entry can specify nuisance parameters at nominal value (None) or a value of the nuisance parameters (ndarray). gradients : {"all", "theta", "nu"}, optional Which gradients to calculate. Default value: "all". Returns ------- gradients : ndarray Calculated gradients in pb. """ n_events, _ = benchmark_weights.shape # Inputs if gradients == "all" and self.n_nuisance_parameters == 0: gradients = "theta" if nus is None: nus = [None for _ in thetas] assert len(nus) == len(thetas), "Numbers of thetas and nus don't match!" # Theta matrices (translation of benchmarks to theta, at nominal nuisance params) if theta_matrices is None: theta_matrices = [self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) for theta in thetas] if theta_gradient_matrices is None: theta_gradient_matrices = [self._get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(theta) for theta in thetas] theta_matrices = np.asarray(theta_matrices) # Shape (n_thetas, n_benchmarks) theta_gradient_matrices = np.asarray(theta_gradient_matrices) # Shape (n_thetas, n_gradients, n_benchmarks) # Calculate theta gradient if gradients in ["all", "theta"]: nom_gradients = mdot(theta_gradient_matrices, benchmark_weights) # (n_thetas, n_phys_gradients, n_batch) nuisance_factors = self._calculate_nuisance_factors(nus, benchmark_weights) try: dweight_dtheta = nuisance_factors[:, np.newaxis, :] * nom_gradients except TypeError: dweight_dtheta = nom_gradients else: dweight_dtheta = None # Calculate nu gradient if gradients in ["all", "nu"]: weights_nom = mdot(theta_matrices, benchmark_weights) # Shape (n_thetas, n_batch) nuisance_factor_gradients = np.asarray( [self.nuisance_morpher.calculate_nuisance_factor_gradients(nu, benchmark_weights) for nu in nus] ) # Shape (n_thetas, n_nuisance_gradients, n_batch) dweight_dnu = nuisance_factor_gradients * weights_nom[:, np.newaxis, :] else: dweight_dnu = None if gradients == "theta": return dweight_dtheta elif gradients == "nu": return dweight_dnu return np.concatenate((dweight_dtheta, dweight_dnu), 1) def _train_test_split(self, train, test_split): """ Returns the start and end event for train samples (train = True) or test samples (train = False). Parameters ---------- train : bool True if training data is generated, False if test data is generated. test_split : float Fraction of events reserved for testing. Returns ------- start_event : int Index (in the MadMiner file) of the first event to consider. end_event : int Index (in the MadMiner file) of the last unweighted event to consider. correction_factor : float Factor with which the weights and cross sections will have to be multiplied to make up for the missing events. """ if train: start_event = 0 if test_split is None or test_split <= 0.0 or test_split >= 1.0: end_event = None correction_factor = 1.0 else: end_event = int(round((1.0 - test_split) * self.n_samples, 0)) correction_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 - test_split) if end_event < 0 or end_event > self.n_samples: raise ValueError(f"Irregular split: sample {end_event} / {self.n_samples}") else: if test_split is None or test_split <= 0.0 or test_split >= 1.0: start_event = 0 correction_factor = 1.0 else: start_event = int(round((1.0 - test_split) * self.n_samples, 0)) + 1 correction_factor = 1.0 / test_split if start_event < 0 or start_event > self.n_samples: raise ValueError(f"Irregular split: sample {start_event} / {self.n_samples}") end_event = None return start_event, end_event, correction_factor def _train_validation_test_split(self, partition, test_split, validation_split): """ Returns the start and end event for train samples (train = True) or test samples (train = False). Parameters ---------- partition : ["train", "validation", "test"] test_split : float Fraction of events reserved for testing. validation_split : float Fraction of events reserved for testing. Returns ------- start_event : int Index (in the MadMiner file) of the first event to consider. end_event : int Index (in the MadMiner file) of the last unweighted event to consider. correction_factor : float Factor with which the weights and cross sections will have to be multiplied to make up for the missing events. """ if test_split is None or test_split < 0.0: test_split = 0.0 if validation_split is None or validation_split < 0.0: validation_split = 0.0 assert test_split + validation_split <= 1.0 train_split = 1.0 - test_split - validation_split if partition == "train": start_event = 0 if test_split is None or test_split <= 0.0 or test_split >= 1.0: end_event = None correction_factor = 1.0 else: end_event = int(round(train_split * self.n_samples, 0)) correction_factor = 1.0 / train_split if end_event < 0 or end_event > self.n_samples: raise ValueError(f"Irregular split: sample {end_event} / {self.n_samples}") elif partition == "validation": if validation_split is None or validation_split <= 0.0 or validation_split >= 1.0: start_event = 0 end_event = None correction_factor = 1.0 else: start_event = int(round(train_split * self.n_samples, 0)) + 1 end_event = int(round((1.0 - test_split) * self.n_samples, 0)) correction_factor = 1.0 / validation_split if start_event < 0 or start_event > self.n_samples: raise ValueError(f"Irregular split: sample {start_event} / {self.n_samples}") if end_event < 0 or end_event > self.n_samples: raise ValueError(f"Irregular split: sample {end_event} / {self.n_samples}") elif partition == "test": end_event = None if test_split is None or test_split <= 0.0 or test_split >= 1.0: start_event = 0 correction_factor = 1.0 else: start_event = int(round((1.0 - test_split) * self.n_samples, 0)) + 1 correction_factor = 1.0 / test_split if start_event < 0 or start_event > self.n_samples: raise ValueError(f"Irregular split: sample {start_event} / {self.n_samples}") else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown partition {partition}") return start_event, end_event, correction_factor def _get_theta_value(self, theta): if isinstance(theta, str): benchmark = self.benchmarks[theta] theta_value = np.array([benchmark[key] for key in benchmark]) elif isinstance(theta, int): benchmark = self.benchmarks[list(self.benchmarks.keys())[theta]] theta_value = np.array([benchmark[key] for key in benchmark]) else: theta_value = np.asarray(theta) return theta_value def _get_nu_value(self, nu): if nu is None: nu_value = np.zeros(self.n_nuisance_parameters) else: nu_value = np.asarray(nu) return nu_value def _get_theta_benchmark_matrix(self, theta, zero_pad=True): """Calculates vector A such that dsigma(theta) = A * dsigma_benchmarks""" if zero_pad: unpadded_theta_matrix = self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta, zero_pad=False) theta_matrix = np.zeros(self.n_benchmarks) theta_matrix[: unpadded_theta_matrix.shape[0]] = unpadded_theta_matrix elif isinstance(theta, str): i_benchmark = list(self.benchmarks).index(theta) theta_matrix = self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(i_benchmark) elif isinstance(theta, int): n_benchmarks = len(self.benchmarks) theta_matrix = np.zeros(n_benchmarks) theta_matrix[theta] = 1.0 else: theta_matrix = self.morpher.calculate_morphing_weights(theta) return theta_matrix def _get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(self, theta, zero_pad=True): """Calculates matrix A_ij such that d dsigma(theta) / d theta_i = A_ij * dsigma (benchmark j)""" mode = self._derivative_mode() if zero_pad: unpadded_theta_matrix = self._get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(theta, zero_pad=False) dtheta_matrix = np.zeros((unpadded_theta_matrix.shape[0], self.n_benchmarks)) dtheta_matrix[:, : unpadded_theta_matrix.shape[1]] = unpadded_theta_matrix elif isinstance(theta, str) and mode == "morphing": benchmark = self.benchmarks[theta] benchmark = np.array([value for _, value in benchmark.items()]) dtheta_matrix = self._get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(benchmark) elif isinstance(theta, int) and mode == "morphing": benchmark = self.benchmarks[list(self.benchmarks.keys())[theta]] benchmark = np.array([value for _, value in benchmark.items()]) dtheta_matrix = self._get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(benchmark) elif isinstance(theta, str): benchmark_id = list(self.benchmarks.keys()).index(theta) dtheta_matrix = self._get_dtheta_benchmark_matrix(benchmark_id) elif isinstance(theta, int): # finite differences dtheta_matrix = self._finite_differences_theta_gradient_matrices()[ theta ] # TODO: avoid constructing the full matrix every time else: if mode == "fd": raise RuntimeError("Cannot calculate score for arbitrary parameter points without morphing setup") # Shape (n_parameters, n_benchmarks_phys) dtheta_matrix = self.morpher.calculate_morphing_weight_gradient(theta) return dtheta_matrix def _calculate_sampling_factors(self): events = np.asarray(self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark, dtype=np.float) logger.debug(f"Events per benchmark: {events}") factors = events / np.sum(events) factors = np.hstack((factors, 1.0)) # background events return factors def _find_closest_benchmark(self, theta): if theta is None: return None benchmarks = self._benchmark_array()[: self.n_benchmarks_phys] distances = [np.linalg.norm(benchmark - theta) for benchmark in benchmarks] # Don't use benchmarks where we don't actually have events if self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark is not None: distances = distances + 1.0e9 * (self.n_events_generated_per_benchmark == 0).astype(np.float) closest_idx = np.argmin(distances) return closest_idx def _benchmark_array(self): return np.asarray([ list(benchmark.values()) for benchmark in self.benchmarks.values() ])