Source code for madminer.plotting

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import gridspec
import logging

from madminer.sampling import SampleAugmenter
from madminer.utils.morphing import NuisanceMorpher
from madminer.utils.various import weighted_quantile, sanitize_array, shuffle, mdot

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def plot_uncertainty( filename, theta, observable, obs_label, obs_range, n_bins=50, nuisance_parameters=None, n_events=None, n_toys=100, linecolor="black", bandcolor1="#CC002E", bandcolor2="orange", ratio_range=(0.8, 1.2), ): """ Plots absolute and relative uncertainty bands in a histogram of one observable in a MadMiner file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of a MadMiner HDF5 file. theta : ndarray, optional Which parameter points to use for histogramming the data. observable : str Which observable to plot, given by its name in the MadMiner file. obs_label : str x-axis label naming the observable. obs_range : tuple of two float Range to be plotted for the observable. n_bins : int Number of bins. Default value: 50. nuisance_parameters : None or list of int, optional This can restrict which nuisance parameters are used to draw the uncertainty bands. Each entry of this list is the index of one nuisance parameter (same order as in the MadMiner file). n_events : None or int, optional If not None, sets the number of events from the MadMiner file that will be analyzed and plotted. Default value: None. n_toys : int, optional Number of toy nuisance parameter vectors used to estimate the systematic uncertainties. Default value: 100. linecolor : str, optional Line color for central prediction. Default value: "black". bandcolor1 : str, optional Error band color for 1 sigma uncertainty. Default value: "#CC002E". bandcolor2 : str, optional Error band color for 2 sigma uncertainty. Default value: "orange". ratio_range : tuple of two floar y-axis range for the plots of the ratio to the central prediction. Default value: (0.8, 1.2). Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # Load data sa = SampleAugmenter(filename, include_nuisance_parameters=True) nuisance_morpher = NuisanceMorpher( sa.nuisance_parameters, list(sa.benchmarks.keys()), reference_benchmark=sa.reference_benchmark ) # Observable index obs_idx = list(sa.observables.keys()).index(observable) # Get event data (observations and weights) x, weights_benchmarks = sa.weighted_events() x = x[:, obs_idx] # Theta matrix theta_matrix = sa._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) weights = mdot(theta_matrix, weights_benchmarks) # Remove negative weights x = x[weights >= 0.0] weights_benchmarks = weights_benchmarks[weights >= 0.0] weights = weights[weights >= 0.0] # Shuffle events x, weights, weights_benchmarks = shuffle(x, weights, weights_benchmarks) # Only analyze n_events if n_events is not None and n_events < x.shape[0]: x = x[:n_events] weights_benchmarks = weights_benchmarks[:n_events] weights = weights[:n_events] # Nuisance parameters n_nuisance_params = sa.n_nuisance_parameters nuisance_toys = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n_nuisance_params * n_toys) nuisance_toys = nuisance_toys.reshape(n_toys, n_nuisance_params) # Restrict nuisance parameters if nuisance_parameters is not None: for i in range(n_nuisance_params): if i not in nuisance_parameters: nuisance_toys[:, i] = 0.0 nuisance_toy_factors = np.array( [ nuisance_morpher.calculate_nuisance_factors(nuisance_toy, weights_benchmarks) for nuisance_toy in nuisance_toys ] ) # Shape (n_toys, n_events) nuisance_toy_factors = sanitize_array(nuisance_toy_factors, min_value=1.0e-2, max_value=100.0) # Shape (n_toys, n_events) # Calculate histogram for central prediction, not normalized histo, bin_edges = np.histogram(x, bins=n_bins, range=obs_range, weights=weights, density=False) # Calculate toy histograms, not normalized histos_toys_this_theta = [] for i_toy, nuisance_toy_factors_this_toy in enumerate(nuisance_toy_factors): toy_histo, _ = np.histogram( x, bins=n_bins, range=obs_range, weights=weights * nuisance_toy_factors_this_toy, density=False ) histos_toys_this_theta.append(toy_histo) histo_plus2sigma = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 97.5, axis=0) histo_plus1sigma = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 84.0, axis=0) histo_minus1sigma = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 16.0, axis=0) histo_minus2sigma = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 2.5, axis=0) # Calculate histogram for central prediction, normalized histo_norm, bin_edges_norm = np.histogram(x, bins=n_bins, range=obs_range, weights=weights, density=True) # Calculate toy histograms, normalized histos_toys_this_theta = [] for i_toy, nuisance_toy_factors_this_toy in enumerate(nuisance_toy_factors): toy_histo, _ = np.histogram( x, bins=n_bins, range=obs_range, weights=weights * nuisance_toy_factors_this_toy, density=True ) histos_toys_this_theta.append(toy_histo) histo_plus2sigma_norm = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 97.5, axis=0) histo_plus1sigma_norm = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 84.0, axis=0) histo_minus1sigma_norm = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 16.0, axis=0) histo_minus2sigma_norm = np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 2.5, axis=0) # Prepare plotting def plot_mc(edges, histo_central, histo_m2, histo_m1, histo_p1, histo_p2, relative=False): bin_edges_ = np.repeat(edges, 2)[1:-1] histo_ = np.repeat(histo_central, 2) histo_m2_ = np.repeat(histo_m2, 2) histo_m1_ = np.repeat(histo_m1, 2) histo_p1_ = np.repeat(histo_p1, 2) histo_p2_ = np.repeat(histo_p2, 2) if relative: histo_m2_ /= histo_ histo_m1_ /= histo_ histo_p1_ /= histo_ histo_p2_ /= histo_ histo_ /= histo_ plt.fill_between(bin_edges_, histo_m2_, histo_p2_, facecolor=bandcolor2, edgecolor="none") plt.fill_between(bin_edges_, histo_m1_, histo_p1_, facecolor=bandcolor1, edgecolor="none") plt.plot(bin_edges_, histo_, color=linecolor, lw=1.5, ls="-") # Make plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[2, 1]) # MC, absolute residuals ax = plt.subplot(gs[2]) plot_mc(bin_edges, histo, histo_minus2sigma, histo_minus1sigma, histo_plus1sigma, histo_plus2sigma, relative=True) plt.xlabel(obs_label) plt.ylabel(r"Relative to central pred.") plt.xlim(obs_range[0], obs_range[1]) plt.ylim(ratio_range[0], ratio_range[1]) # MC, absolute ax = plt.subplot(gs[0], sharex=ax) plot_mc(bin_edges, histo, histo_minus2sigma, histo_minus1sigma, histo_plus1sigma, histo_plus2sigma) plt.ylabel(r"Differential cross section [pb/bin]") plt.ylim(0.0, None) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # MC, relative residuals ax = plt.subplot(gs[3]) plot_mc( bin_edges_norm, histo_norm, histo_minus2sigma_norm, histo_minus1sigma_norm, histo_plus1sigma_norm, histo_plus2sigma_norm, relative=True, ) plt.xlabel(r"$p_{T,\gamma}$ [GeV]") plt.ylabel(r"Relative to central pred.") plt.xlim(obs_range[0], obs_range[1]) plt.ylim(ratio_range[0], ratio_range[1]) # MC, relative ax = plt.subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax) plot_mc( bin_edges_norm, histo_norm, histo_minus2sigma_norm, histo_minus1sigma_norm, histo_plus1sigma_norm, histo_plus2sigma_norm, ) plt.ylabel(r"Normalized distribution") plt.ylim(0.0, None) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # Return plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_distributions( filename, observables=None, parameter_points=None, uncertainties="nuisance", nuisance_parameters=None, draw_nuisance_toys=None, normalize=False, log=False, observable_labels=None, n_bins=50, line_labels=None, colors=None, linestyles=None, linewidths=1.5, toy_linewidths=0.5, alpha=0.15, toy_alpha=0.75, n_events=None, n_toys=100, n_cols=3, quantiles_for_range=(0.025, 0.975), sample_only_from_closest_benchmark=False, ): """ Plots one-dimensional histograms of observables in a MadMiner file for a given set of benchmarks. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of a MadMiner HDF5 file. observables : list of str or None, optional Which observables to plot, given by a list of their names. If None, all observables in the file are plotted. Default value: None. parameter_points : list of (str or ndarray) or None, optional Which parameter points to use for histogramming the data. Given by a list, each element can either be the name of a benchmark in the MadMiner file, or an ndarray specifying any parameter point in a morphing setup. If None, all physics (non-nuisance) benchmarks defined in the MadMiner file are plotted. Default value: None. uncertainties : {"nuisance", "none"}, optional Defines how uncertainty bands are drawn. With "nuisance", the variation in cross section from all nuisance parameters is added in quadrature. With "none", no error bands are drawn. nuisance_parameters : None or list of int, optional If uncertainties is "nuisance", this can restrict which nuisance parameters are used to draw the uncertainty bands. Each entry of this list is the index of one nuisance parameter (same order as in the MadMiner file). draw_nuisance_toys : None or int, optional If not None and uncertainties is "nuisance", sets the number of nuisance toy distributions that are drawn (in addition to the error bands). normalize : bool, optional Whether the distribution is normalized to the total cross section. Default value: False. log : bool, optional Whether to draw the y axes on a logarithmic scale. Defaul value: False. observable_labels : None or list of (str or None), optional x-axis labels naming the observables. If None, the observable names from the MadMiner file are used. Default value: None. n_bins : int, optional Number of histogram bins. Default value: 50. line_labels : None or list of (str or None), optional Labels for the different parameter points. If None and if parameter_points is None, the benchmark names from the MadMiner file are used. Default value: None. colors : None or str or list of str, optional Matplotlib line (and error band) colors for the distributions. If None, uses default colors. Default value: None. linestyles : None or str or list of str, optional Matplotlib line styles for the distributions. If None, uses default linestyles. Default value: None. linewidths : float or list of float, optional Line widths for the contours. Default value: 1.5. toy_linewidths : float or list of float or None, optional Line widths for the toy replicas, if uncertainties is "nuisance" and draw_nuisance_toys is not None. If None, linewidths is used. Default value: 1. alpha : float, optional alpha value for the uncertainty bands. Default value: 0.25. toy_alpha : float, optional alpha value for the toy replicas, if uncertainties is "nuisance" and draw_nuisance_toys is not None. Default value: 0.75. n_events : None or int, optional If not None, sets the number of events from the MadMiner file that will be analyzed and plotted. Default value: None. n_toys : int, optional Number of toy nuisance parameter vectors used to estimate the systematic uncertainties. Default value: 100. n_cols : int, optional Number of columns of subfigures in the plot. Default value: 3. quantiles_for_range : tuple of two float, optional Tuple `(min_quantile, max_quantile)` that defines how the observable range is determined for each panel. Default: (0.025, 0.075). Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # Load data sa = SampleAugmenter(filename, include_nuisance_parameters=True) if uncertainties == "nuisance": nuisance_morpher = NuisanceMorpher( sa.nuisance_parameters, list(sa.benchmarks.keys()), reference_benchmark=sa.reference_benchmark ) # Default settings if parameter_points is None: parameter_points = [] for key, is_nuisance in zip(sa.benchmarks, sa.benchmark_is_nuisance): if not is_nuisance: parameter_points.append(key) if line_labels is None: line_labels = parameter_points n_parameter_points = len(parameter_points) if colors is None: colors = ["C" + str(i) for i in range(10)] * (n_parameter_points // 10 + 1) elif not isinstance(colors, list): colors = [colors for _ in range(n_parameter_points)] if linestyles is None: linestyles = ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dashdot"] * (n_parameter_points // 4 + 1) elif not isinstance(linestyles, list): linestyles = [linestyles for _ in range(n_parameter_points)] if not isinstance(linewidths, list): linewidths = [linewidths for _ in range(n_parameter_points)] if toy_linewidths is None: toy_linewidths = linewidths if not isinstance(toy_linewidths, list): toy_linewidths = [toy_linewidths for _ in range(n_parameter_points)] # Observables observable_indices = [] if observables is None: observable_indices = list(range(len(sa.observables))) else: all_observables = list(sa.observables.keys()) for obs in observables: try: observable_indices.append(all_observables.index(str(obs))) except ValueError: logging.warning("Ignoring unknown observable %s", obs) logger.debug("Observable indices: %s", observable_indices) n_observables = len(observable_indices) if observable_labels is None: all_observables = list(sa.observables.keys()) observable_labels = [all_observables[obs] for obs in observable_indices] # Parse thetas theta_values = [sa._get_theta_value(theta) for theta in parameter_points] theta_matrices = [sa._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) for theta in parameter_points] logger.debug("Calculated %s theta matrices", len(theta_matrices)) # Get event data (observations and weights) all_x, all_weights_benchmarks = sa.weighted_events(generated_close_to=None) logger.debug("Loaded raw data with shapes %s, %s", all_x.shape, all_weights_benchmarks.shape) indiv_x, indiv_weights_benchmarks = [], [] if sample_only_from_closest_benchmark: for theta in theta_values: this_x, this_weights = sa.weighted_events(generated_close_to=theta) indiv_x.append(this_x) indiv_weights_benchmarks.append(this_weights) # Remove negative weights sane_event_filter = np.all(all_weights_benchmarks >= 0.0, axis=1) n_events_before = all_weights_benchmarks.shape[0] all_x = all_x[sane_event_filter] all_weights_benchmarks = all_weights_benchmarks[sane_event_filter] n_events_removed = n_events_before - all_weights_benchmarks.shape[0] if int(np.sum(sane_event_filter, < len(sane_event_filter): logger.warning("Removed %s / %s events with negative weights", n_events_removed, n_events_before) for i, (x, weights) in enumerate(zip(indiv_x, indiv_weights_benchmarks)): sane_event_filter = np.all(weights >= 0.0, axis=1) indiv_x[i] = x[sane_event_filter] indiv_weights_benchmarks[i] = weights[sane_event_filter] # Shuffle events all_x, all_weights_benchmarks = shuffle(all_x, all_weights_benchmarks) for i, (x, weights) in enumerate(zip(indiv_x, indiv_weights_benchmarks)): indiv_x[i], indiv_weights_benchmarks[i] = shuffle(x, weights) # Only analyze n_events if n_events is not None and n_events < all_x.shape[0]: logger.debug("Only analyzing first %s / %s events", n_events, all_x.shape[0]) all_x = all_x[:n_events] all_weights_benchmarks = all_weights_benchmarks[:n_events] for i, (x, weights) in enumerate(zip(indiv_x, indiv_weights_benchmarks)): indiv_x[i] = x[:n_events] indiv_weights_benchmarks[i] = weights[:n_events] if uncertainties != "nuisance": n_toys = 0 n_nuisance_toys_drawn = 0 if draw_nuisance_toys is not None: n_nuisance_toys_drawn = draw_nuisance_toys # Nuisance parameters nuisance_toy_factors = [] if uncertainties == "nuisance": n_nuisance_params = sa.n_nuisance_parameters if not n_nuisance_params > 0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot draw systematic uncertainties -- no nuisance parameters found!") logger.debug("Drawing nuisance toys") nuisance_toys = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n_nuisance_params * n_toys) nuisance_toys = nuisance_toys.reshape(n_toys, n_nuisance_params) # Restrict nuisance parameters if nuisance_parameters is not None: for i in range(n_nuisance_params): if i not in nuisance_parameters: nuisance_toys[:, i] = 0.0 logger.debug("Drew %s toy values for nuisance parameters", n_toys * n_nuisance_params) nuisance_toy_factors = np.array( [ nuisance_morpher.calculate_nuisance_factors(nuisance_toy, all_weights_benchmarks) for nuisance_toy in nuisance_toys ] ) # Shape (n_toys, n_events) nuisance_toy_factors = sanitize_array(nuisance_toy_factors, min_value=1.0e-2, max_value=100.0) # Shape (n_toys, n_events) # Preparing plot n_rows = (n_observables + n_cols - 1) // n_cols n_events_for_range = 10000 if n_events is None else min(10000, n_events) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.0 * n_cols, 4.0 * n_rows)) for i_panel, (i_obs, xlabel) in enumerate(zip(observable_indices, observable_labels)): logger.debug("Plotting panel %s: observable %s, label %s", i_panel, i_obs, xlabel) # Figure out x range xmins, xmaxs = [], [] for theta_matrix in theta_matrices: x_small = all_x[:n_events_for_range] weights_small = mdot(theta_matrix, all_weights_benchmarks[:n_events_for_range]) xmin = weighted_quantile(x_small[:, i_obs], quantiles_for_range[0], weights_small) xmax = weighted_quantile(x_small[:, i_obs], quantiles_for_range[1], weights_small) xwidth = xmax - xmin xmin -= xwidth * 0.1 xmax += xwidth * 0.1 xmin = max(xmin, np.min(all_x[:, i_obs])) xmax = min(xmax, np.max(all_x[:, i_obs])) xmins.append(xmin) xmaxs.append(xmax) xmin = min(xmins) xmax = max(xmaxs) x_range = (xmin, xmax) logger.debug("Ranges for observable %s: min = %s, max = %s", xlabel, xmins, xmaxs) # Subfigure ax = plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i_panel + 1) # Calculate histograms bin_edges = None histos = [] histos_up = [] histos_down = [] histos_toys = [] for i_theta, theta_matrix in enumerate(theta_matrices): theta_weights = mdot(theta_matrix, all_weights_benchmarks) # Shape (n_events,) if sample_only_from_closest_benchmark: indiv_theta_weights = mdot(theta_matrix, indiv_weights_benchmarks[i_theta]) # Shape (n_events,) histo, bin_edges = np.histogram( indiv_x[i_theta][:, i_obs], bins=n_bins, range=x_range, weights=indiv_theta_weights, density=normalize, ) else: histo, bin_edges = np.histogram( all_x[:, i_obs], bins=n_bins, range=x_range, weights=theta_weights, density=normalize ) histos.append(histo) if uncertainties == "nuisance": histos_toys_this_theta = [] for i_toy, nuisance_toy_factors_this_toy in enumerate(nuisance_toy_factors): toy_histo, _ = np.histogram( all_x[:, i_obs], bins=n_bins, range=x_range, weights=theta_weights * nuisance_toy_factors_this_toy, density=normalize, ) histos_toys_this_theta.append(toy_histo) histos_up.append(np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 84.0, axis=0)) histos_down.append(np.percentile(histos_toys_this_theta, 16.0, axis=0)) histos_toys.append(histos_toys_this_theta[:n_nuisance_toys_drawn]) # Draw error bands if uncertainties == "nuisance": for histo_up, histo_down, lw, color, label, ls in zip( histos_up, histos_down, linewidths, colors, line_labels, linestyles ): bin_edges_ = np.repeat(bin_edges, 2)[1:-1] histo_down_ = np.repeat(histo_down, 2) histo_up_ = np.repeat(histo_up, 2) plt.fill_between(bin_edges_, histo_down_, histo_up_, facecolor=color, edgecolor="none", alpha=alpha) # Draw some toys for histo_toys, lw, color, ls in zip(histos_toys, toy_linewidths, colors, linestyles): for k in range(n_nuisance_toys_drawn): bin_edges_ = np.repeat(bin_edges, 2)[1:-1] histo_ = np.repeat(histo_toys[k], 2) plt.plot(bin_edges_, histo_, color=color, alpha=toy_alpha, lw=lw, ls=ls) # Draw central lines for histo, lw, color, label, ls in zip(histos, linewidths, colors, line_labels, linestyles): bin_edges_ = np.repeat(bin_edges, 2)[1:-1] histo_ = np.repeat(histo, 2) plt.plot(bin_edges_, histo_, color=color, lw=lw, ls=ls, label=label, alpha=1.0) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(xlabel) if normalize: plt.ylabel("Normalized distribution") else: plt.ylabel(r"$\frac{d\sigma}{dx}$ [pb / bin]") plt.xlim(x_range[0], x_range[1]) if log: ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy="clip") else: plt.ylim(0.0, None) plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_2d_morphing_basis( morpher, xlabel=r"$\theta_0$", ylabel=r"$\theta_1$", xrange=(-1.0, 1.0), yrange=(-1.0, 1.0), crange=(1.0, 100.0), resolution=100, ): """ Visualizes a morphing basis and morphing errors for problems with a two-dimensional parameter space. Parameters ---------- morpher : PhysicsMorpher PhysicsMorpher instance with defined basis. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x axis. Default value: r'$\theta_0$'. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y axis. Default value: r'$\theta_1$'. xrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the x axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). yrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the y axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). crange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the color map. Default value: (1., 100.). resolution : int, optional Number of points per axis for the rendering of the squared morphing weights. Default value: 100. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ basis = morpher.basis assert basis is not None, "No basis defined" assert basis.shape[1] == 2, "Only 2d problems can be plotted with this function" xi, yi = (np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], resolution), np.linspace(yrange[0], yrange[1], resolution)) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) xx, yy = xx.reshape((-1, 1)), yy.reshape((-1, 1)) theta_test = np.hstack([xx, yy]) squared_weights = [] for theta in theta_test: wi = morpher.calculate_morphing_weights(theta, None) squared_weights.append(np.sum(wi * wi) ** 0.5) squared_weights = np.array(squared_weights).reshape((resolution, resolution)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 5)) ax = plt.gca() pcm = ax.pcolormesh( xi, yi, squared_weights, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=crange[0], vmax=crange[1]), cmap="viridis_r" ) cbar = fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, extend="both") plt.scatter(basis[:, 0], basis[:, 1], s=50.0, c="black") plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) cbar.set_label(r"$\sqrt{\sum w_i^2}$") plt.xlim(xrange[0], xrange[1]) plt.ylim(yrange[0], yrange[1]) plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_nd_morphing_basis_scatter(morpher, crange=(1.0, 100.0), n_test_thetas=1000): """ Visualizes a morphing basis and morphing errors with scatter plots between each pair of operators. Parameters ---------- morpher : PhysicsMorpher PhysicsMorpher instance with defined basis. crange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the color map. Default value: (1. 100.). n_test_thetas : int, optional Number of random points evaluated. Default value: 1000. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ basis = morpher.basis assert basis is not None, "No basis defined" n_parameters = basis.shape[1] # Get squared weights thetas, squared_weights = morpher.evaluate_morphing(n_test_thetas=n_test_thetas, return_weights_and_thetas=True) # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=((n_parameters - 1) * 5.0, (n_parameters - 1) * 4.0)) for iy in range(1, n_parameters): for ix in range(0, iy): i_panel = 1 + (iy - 1) * (n_parameters - 1) + ix ax = plt.subplot(n_parameters - 1, n_parameters - 1, i_panel) sc = plt.scatter( thetas[:, ix], thetas[:, iy], c=squared_weights, s=20.0, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=crange[0], vmax=crange[1]), cmap="viridis_r", ) cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, ax=ax, extend="both") plt.scatter(basis[:, ix], basis[:, iy], s=100.0, lw=1.0, edgecolor="black", c="white") plt.xlabel(r"$\theta_" + str(ix) + "$") plt.ylabel(r"$\theta_" + str(iy) + "$") cbar.set_label(r"$\sqrt{\sum w_i^2}$") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_nd_morphing_basis_slices(morpher, crange=(1.0, 100.0), resolution=50): """ Visualizes a morphing basis and morphing errors with two-dimensional slices through parameter space. Parameters ---------- morpher : PhysicsMorpher PhysicsMorpher instance with defined basis. crange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the color map. resolution : int, optional Number of points per panel and axis for the rendering of the squared morphing weights. Default value: 50. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ basis = morpher.basis assert basis is not None, "No basis defined" n_parameters = basis.shape[1] # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=((n_parameters - 1) * 5.0, (n_parameters - 1) * 4.0)) for iy in range(1, n_parameters): for ix in range(0, iy): i_panel = 1 + (iy - 1) * (n_parameters - 1) + ix ax = plt.subplot(n_parameters - 1, n_parameters - 1, i_panel) # Grid xrange = morpher.parameter_range[ix] yrange = morpher.parameter_range[iy] xi = np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], resolution) yi = np.linspace(yrange[0], yrange[1], resolution) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) xx, yy = xx.flatten(), yy.flatten() theta_test = np.zeros((resolution ** 2, n_parameters)) theta_test[:, ix] = xx theta_test[:, iy] = yy # Get squared weights squared_weights = [] for theta in theta_test: wi = morpher.calculate_morphing_weights(theta, None) squared_weights.append(np.sum(wi * wi) ** 0.5) squared_weights = np.array(squared_weights).reshape((resolution, resolution)) pcm = ax.pcolormesh( xi, yi, squared_weights, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=crange[0], vmax=crange[1]), cmap="viridis_r", ) cbar = fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, extend="both") plt.scatter(basis[:, ix], basis[:, iy], s=100.0, lw=1.0, edgecolor="black", c="white") plt.xlabel(r"$\theta_" + str(ix) + "$") plt.ylabel(r"$\theta_" + str(iy) + "$") cbar.set_label(r"$\sqrt{\sum w_i^2}$") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_fisher_information_contours_2d( fisher_information_matrices, fisher_information_covariances=None, reference_thetas=None, contour_distance=1.0, xlabel=r"$\theta_0$", ylabel=r"$\theta_1$", xrange=(-1.0, 1.0), yrange=(-1.0, 1.0), labels=None, inline_labels=None, resolution=500, colors=None, linestyles=None, linewidths=1.5, alphas=1.0, alphas_uncertainties=0.25, ax=None, ): """ Visualizes 2x2 Fisher information matrices as contours of constant Fisher distance from a reference point `theta0`. The local (tangent-space) approximation is used: distances `d(theta)` are given by `d(theta)^2 = (theta - theta0)_i I_ij (theta - theta0)_j`, summing over `i` and `j`. Parameters ---------- fisher_information_matrices : list of ndarray Fisher information matrices, each with shape (2,2). fisher_information_covariances : None or list of (ndarray or None), optional Covariance matrices for the Fisher information matrices. Has to have the same length as fisher_information_matrices, and each entry has to be None (no uncertainty) or a tensor with shape (2,2,2,2). Default value: None. reference_thetas : None or list of (ndarray or None), optional Reference points from which the distances are calculated. If None, the origin (0,0) is used. Default value: None. contour_distance : float, optional. Distance threshold at which the contours are drawn. Default value: 1. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x axis. Default value: r'$\theta_0$'. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y axis. Default value: r'$\theta_1$'. xrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the x axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). yrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the y axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). labels : None or list of (str or None), optional Legend labels for the contours. Default value: None. inline_labels : None or list of (str or None), optional Inline labels for the contours. Default value: None. resolution : int Number of points per axis for the calculation of the distances. Default value: 500. colors : None or str or list of str, optional Matplotlib line (and error band) colors for the contours. If None, uses default colors. Default value: None. linestyles : None or str or list of str, optional Matploitlib line styles for the contours. If None, uses default linestyles. Default value: None. linewidths : float or list of float, optional Line widths for the contours. Default value: 1.5. alphas : float or list of float, optional Opacities for the contours. Default value: 1. alphas_uncertainties : float or list of float, optional Opacities for the error bands. Default value: 0.25. ax: axes or None, optional Predefined axes as part of figure instead of standalone figure. Default: None Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # Input data fisher_information_matrices = np.asarray(fisher_information_matrices) n_matrices = fisher_information_matrices.shape[0] if fisher_information_matrices.shape != (n_matrices, 2, 2): raise RuntimeError( "Fisher information matrices have shape {}, not (n, 2,2)!".format(fisher_information_matrices.shape) ) if fisher_information_covariances is None: fisher_information_covariances = [None for _ in range(n_matrices)] if reference_thetas is None: reference_thetas = [None for _ in range(n_matrices)] d2_threshold = contour_distance ** 2.0 # Line formatting if colors is None: colors = ["C" + str(i) for i in range(10)] * (n_matrices // 10 + 1) elif not isinstance(colors, list): colors = [colors for _ in range(n_matrices)] if linestyles is None: linestyles = ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dashdot"] * (n_matrices // 4 + 1) elif not isinstance(linestyles, list): linestyles = [linestyles for _ in range(n_matrices)] if not isinstance(linewidths, list): linewidths = [linewidths for _ in range(n_matrices)] if not isinstance(alphas, list): alphas = [alphas for _ in range(n_matrices)] if not isinstance(alphas_uncertainties, list): alphas_uncertainties = [alphas_uncertainties for _ in range(n_matrices)] # Grid xi = np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], resolution) yi = np.linspace(yrange[0], yrange[1], resolution) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xi, yi, indexing="xy") xx, yy = xx.flatten(), yy.flatten() thetas = np.vstack((xx, yy)).T # Theta from reference thetas d_thetas = [] for reference_theta in reference_thetas: if reference_theta is None: d_thetas.append(thetas) else: d_thetas.append(thetas - reference_theta) d_thetas = np.array(d_thetas) # Shape (n_matrices, n_thetas, n_parameters) # Calculate Fisher distances fisher_distances_squared = np.einsum("mni,mij,mnj->mn", d_thetas, fisher_information_matrices, d_thetas) fisher_distances_squared = fisher_distances_squared.reshape((n_matrices, resolution, resolution)) # Calculate uncertainties of Fisher distances fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties = [] for d_theta, inf_cov in zip(d_thetas, fisher_information_covariances): if inf_cov is None: fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties.append(None) continue var = np.einsum("ni,nj,ijkl,nk,nl->n", d_theta, d_theta, inf_cov, d_theta, d_theta) uncertainties = (var ** 0.5).reshape((resolution, resolution)) fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties.append(uncertainties) logger.debug("Std: %s", uncertainties) # Plot results do_fig = False if ax is None: do_fig = True fig, ax = plt.figure(figsize=(5.0, 5.0)) # Error bands for i in range(n_matrices): if fisher_information_covariances[i] is not None: d2_up = fisher_distances_squared[i] + fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties[i] d2_down = fisher_distances_squared[i] - fisher_distances_squared_uncertainties[i] band = (d2_up > d2_threshold) * (d2_down < d2_threshold) + (d2_up < d2_threshold) * (d2_down > d2_threshold) plt.contourf(xi, yi, band, [0.5, 2.5], colors=colors[i], alpha=alphas_uncertainties[i]) # Predictions for i in range(n_matrices): cs = ax.contour( xi, yi, fisher_distances_squared[i], np.array([d2_threshold]), colors=colors[i], linestyles=linestyles[i], linewidths=linewidths[i], alpha=alphas[i], label=None if labels is None else labels[i], ) if inline_labels is not None and inline_labels[i] is not None and len(inline_labels[i]) > 0: ax.clabel(cs, cs.levels, inline=True, fontsize=12, fmt={d2_threshold: inline_labels[i]}) # Legend and decorations if labels is not None: ax.legend() if do_fig: plt.axes().set_xlim(xrange) plt.axes().set_ylim(yrange) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.tight_layout() return fig else: return ax
[docs]def plot_fisherinfo_barplot( fisher_information_matrices, labels, determinant_indices=None, eigenvalue_colors=None, bar_colors=None ): """ Parameters ---------- fisher_information_matrices : list of ndarray Fisher information matrices labels : list of str Labels for the x axis determinant_indices : list of int or None, optional If not None, the determinants will be based only on the indices given here. Default value: None. eigenvalue_colors : None or list of str Colors for the eigenvalue decomposition. If None, default colors are used. Default value: None. bar_colors : None or list of str Colors for the determinant bars. If None, default colors are used. Default value: None. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # Prepare data if determinant_indices is None: matrices_for_determinants = fisher_information_matrices else: matrices_for_determinants = [m[determinant_indices, determinant_indices] for m in fisher_information_matrices] size_upper = len(fisher_information_matrices[1]) size_lower = len(matrices_for_determinants[1]) exponent_lower = 1.0 / float(size_lower) determinants = [np.linalg.det(m) ** exponent_lower for m in matrices_for_determinants] assert len(determinants) == len(labels) n_entries = len(determinants) # Calculate eigenvalues + eigenvalue composition eigenvalues = [] eigenvalues_dominant_components = [] eigenvalues_composition = [] for m in fisher_information_matrices: v, w = np.linalg.eig(m) w = np.transpose(w) v, w = zip(*sorted(zip(v, w), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)) temp = [] temp_dominant_components = [] temp_composition = [] for vi, wi in zip(v, w): temp.append(vi) temp_dominant_components.append(np.argmax(np.absolute(wi))) temp_composition.append(wi * wi / (sum(wi * wi))) eigenvalues.append(temp) eigenvalues_dominant_components.append(temp_dominant_components) eigenvalues_composition.append(temp_composition) # x positioning base_xvalues = np.linspace(0.0, float(n_entries) - 1.0, n_entries) base_xmin = base_xvalues[0] base_xmax = base_xvalues[n_entries - 1] + 1.0 xmin_eigenvalues = base_xvalues + 0.08 xmax_eigenvalues = base_xvalues + 0.92 xpos_ticks = base_xvalues + 0.5 xpos_lower = base_xvalues + 0.5 width_lower = 0.8 # Colors if bar_colors is None: bar_colors = ["0.5" for _ in range(n_entries)] bar_colors_light = ["0.9" for _ in range(n_entries)] else: bar_colors_light = bar_colors if eigenvalue_colors is None: eigenvalue_colors = ["C{}".format(str(i)) for i in range(10)] eigenvalue_linewidth = 1.5 # Upper plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.0, 7.0)) ax1 = plt.subplot(211) # Plot eigenvalues for i in range(n_entries): for eigenvalue, composition in zip(eigenvalues[i], eigenvalues_composition[i]): # Gap sizing n_gaps = -1 minimal_fraction_for_plot = 0.01 for fraction in composition: if fraction >= minimal_fraction_for_plot: n_gaps += 1 gap_fraction = 0.04 gap_correction_factor = 1.0 - n_gaps * gap_fraction fraction_finished = 0.0 for component in range(len(composition)): fraction = composition[component] if fraction >= minimal_fraction_for_plot: plt.hlines( [eigenvalue], xmin_eigenvalues[i] + fraction_finished * (xmax_eigenvalues[i] - xmin_eigenvalues[i]), xmin_eigenvalues[i] + (fraction_finished + gap_correction_factor * fraction) * (xmax_eigenvalues[i] - xmin_eigenvalues[i]), eigenvalue_colors[component], linestyles="solid", linewidth=eigenvalue_linewidth, ) fraction_finished += gap_correction_factor * fraction + gap_fraction ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.set_xlim([base_xmin - 0.2, base_xmax + 0.2]) y_max = max([max(ev) for ev in eigenvalues]) ax1.set_ylim(0.0001 * y_max, 2.0 * y_max) ax1.set_xticks(xpos_ticks) ax1.set_xticklabels(["" for _ in labels], rotation=40, ha="right") ax1.set_ylabel(r"$I_{ij}$ eigenvalues") # Lower plot ax3 = plt.subplot(212) bar_plot =, determinants, width=width_lower, log=False) for i in range(n_entries): bar_plot[i].set_color(bar_colors_light[i]) bar_plot[i].set_edgecolor(bar_colors[i]) ax3.set_xlim([base_xmin - 0.2, base_xmax + 0.2]) ax3.set_ylim([0.0, max(determinants) * 1.05]) ax3.set_xticks(xpos_ticks) ax3.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=40, ha="right") ax3.set_ylabel(r"$(\det \ I_{ij})^{1/" + str(size_lower) + r"}$") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_distribution_of_information( xbins, xsecs, fisher_information_matrices, fisher_information_matrices_aux=None, xlabel=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, log_xsec=False, norm_xsec=True, epsilon=1.0e-9, figsize=(5.4, 4.5), fontsize=None, ): """ Plots the distribution of the cross section together with the distribution of the Fisher information. Parameters ---------- xbins : list of float Bin boundaries. xsecs : list of float Cross sections (in pb) per bin. fisher_information_matrices : list of ndarray Fisher information matrices for each bin. fisher_information_matrices_aux : list of ndarray or None, optional Additional Fisher information matrices for each bin (will be plotted with a dashed line). xlabel : str or None, optional Label for the x axis. xmin : float or None, optional Minimum value for the x axis. xmax : float or None, optional Maximum value for the x axis. log_xsec : bool, optional Whether to plot the cross section on a logarithmic y axis. norm_xsec : bool, optional Whether the cross sections are normalized to 1. epsilon : float, optional Numerical factor. figsize : tuple of float, optional Figure size, default: (5.4, 4.5) fontsize: float, optional Fontsize, default None Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # prepare Plot if fontsize is not None: matplotlib.rcParams.update({"font.size": fontsize}) # Prepare data n_entries = len(fisher_information_matrices) size = len(fisher_information_matrices[1]) exponent = 1.0 / float(size) determinants = [np.nan_to_num(np.linalg.det(m) ** exponent) for m in fisher_information_matrices] if fisher_information_matrices_aux is not None: determinants_aux = [np.nan_to_num(np.linalg.det(m) ** exponent) for m in fisher_information_matrices_aux] if xlabel is None: xlabel = "" # Normalize xsecs if norm_xsec: norm = 1.0 / max(sum([xs for xs in xsecs]), epsilon) else: norm = 1.0 xsec_norm = [norm * xs for xs in xsecs] # Get xvals from xbins xvals = [(xbins[i] + xbins[i + 1]) / 2 for i in range(0, len(xbins) - 1)] xvals = [xbins[0] - epsilon] + xvals + [xbins[len(xbins) - 1] + epsilon] assert len(xvals) == n_entries # Plotting options xs_color = "black" xs_linestyle = "-" xs_linewidth = 1.5 det_color = "red" det_linestyle = "-" det_linewidth = 1.5 det_fill_alpha = 0.1 det_aux_color = "red" det_aux_linestyle = "--" det_aux_linewidth = 1.5 # xsec plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax1 = plt.subplot(111) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1667, right=0.8333, bottom=0.17, top=0.97) if log_xsec: ax1.set_yscale("log") ax1.hist( xvals, weights=xsec_norm, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="step", color=xs_color, linewidth=xs_linewidth, linestyle=xs_linestyle, ) if norm_xsec: ax1.set_ylabel(r"Normalized distribution", color=xs_color) else: ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\sigma$ [pb/bin]") ax1.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax1.set_ylim([0.0, max(xsec_norm) * 1.05]) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color(xs_color) # det plot ax2 = ax1.twinx() if fisher_information_matrices_aux is not None: ax2.hist( xvals, weights=determinants_aux, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="step", color=det_aux_color, linewidth=det_aux_linewidth, linestyle=det_aux_linestyle, ) ax2.hist( xvals, weights=determinants, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="stepfilled", alpha=det_fill_alpha, color=det_color, linewidth=0.0, ) ax2.hist( xvals, weights=determinants, bins=xbins, range=(xmin, xmax), histtype="step", color=det_color, linewidth=det_linewidth, linestyle=det_linestyle, ) ax2.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax2.set_ylim([0.0, max(determinants) * 1.1]) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$(\det \; I_{ij})^{1/" + str(size) + "}$", color=det_color) for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color(det_color) return fig