Source code for madminer.limits

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.stats import chi2, poisson

from madminer.analysis import DataAnalyzer
from madminer.utils.various import mdot
from import ParameterizedRatioEstimator, Ensemble, ScoreEstimator, LikelihoodEstimator, load_estimator
from madminer.utils.histo import Histo
from madminer.sampling import SampleAugmenter
from madminer import sampling

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AsymptoticLimits(DataAnalyzer): """ Functions to calculate observed and expected constraints, using asymptotic properties of the likelihood ratio as test statistics. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to MadMiner file (for instance the output of ``). include_nuisance_parameters : bool, optional If True, nuisance parameters are taken into account. Default value: False. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, include_nuisance_parameters=False): super(AsymptoticLimits, self).__init__(filename, False, include_nuisance_parameters)
[docs] def observed_limits( self, x_observed, theta_ranges, mode="ml", model_file=None, hist_vars=None, hist_bins=20, include_xsec=True, resolutions=25, luminosity=300000.0, n_toys_per_theta=10000, returns="pval", dof=None, n_observed=None, histo_theta_batchsize=100, ): if n_observed is None: n_observed = len(x_observed) theta_grid, return_values, i_ml = self._analyse( n_observed, x_observed, theta_ranges, resolutions, mode, model_file, hist_vars, hist_bins, include_xsec, None, luminosity, n_toys_per_theta, returns=returns, dof=dof, histo_theta_batchsize=histo_theta_batchsize, ) return theta_grid, return_values, i_ml
[docs] def expected_limits( self, theta_true, theta_ranges, mode="ml", model_file=None, hist_vars=None, hist_bins=20, include_xsec=True, resolutions=25, luminosity=300000.0, n_toys_per_theta=10000, returns="pval", dof=None, histo_theta_batchsize=100, ):"Generating Asimov data") x_asimov, x_weights = self._asimov_data(theta_true) n_observed = luminosity * self._calculate_xsecs([theta_true])[0]"Expected events: %s", n_observed) theta_grid, return_values, i_ml = self._analyse( n_observed, x_asimov, theta_ranges, resolutions, mode, model_file, hist_vars, hist_bins, include_xsec, x_weights, luminosity, n_toys_per_theta, returns=returns, dof=dof, histo_theta_batchsize=histo_theta_batchsize, theta_true=theta_true, ) return theta_grid, return_values, i_ml
[docs] def asymptotic_p_value(self, log_likelihood_ratio, dof=None): if dof is None: dof = self.n_parameters q = -2.0 * log_likelihood_ratio p_value = chi2.sf(x=q, df=dof) return p_value
def _analyse( self, n_events, x, theta_ranges, theta_resolutions, mode="ml", model_file=None, hist_vars=None, hist_bins=20, include_xsec=True, obs_weights=None, luminosity=300000.0, n_toys_per_theta=10000, returns="pval", dof=None, histo_theta_batchsize=100, theta_true=None, ): logger.debug("Calculating p-values for %s expected events", n_events) assert returns in ["pval", "llr", "llr_raw"], "returns has to be either 'pval','llr' or 'llr_raw'!" # Observation weights if obs_weights is None: obs_weights = np.ones(len(x)) obs_weights /= np.sum(obs_weights) obs_weights = obs_weights.astype(np.float64) # Theta grid theta_grid = self._make_theta_grid(theta_ranges, theta_resolutions) # Kinematic part if mode == "rate": log_r_kin = 0.0 elif mode == "ml": assert model_file is not None"Loading kinematic likelihood ratio estimator") model = load_estimator(model_file)"Calculating kinematic log likelihood ratio with estimator") log_r_kin = self._calculate_log_likelihood_ratio_kinematics(x, theta_grid, model, theta_true) log_r_kin = log_r_kin.astype(np.float64) log_r_kin = self._clean_nans(log_r_kin) logger.debug("Raw mean -2 log r: %s", np.mean(-2.0 * log_r_kin, axis=1)) log_r_kin = n_events * np.sum(log_r_kin * obs_weights[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) logger.debug("Rescaled -2 log r: %s", -2.0 * log_r_kin) elif mode == "histo": if hist_vars is not None:"Setting up standard summary statistics") summary_function = self._make_summary_statistic_function("observables", observables=hist_vars) elif model_file is not None:"Loading score estimator and setting it up as summary statistics") model = load_estimator(model_file) summary_function = self._make_summary_statistic_function("sally", model=model) else: raise RuntimeError("For 'histo' mode, either provide histo_vars or model_file!") summary_stats = summary_function(x) del x"Creating histogram with %s bins for the summary statistics", hist_bins) histo = self._make_histo( summary_function, hist_bins, theta_grid, theta_resolutions, n_toys_per_theta, histo_theta_batchsize=histo_theta_batchsize, )"Calculating kinematic log likelihood with histograms") log_r_kin = self._calculate_log_likelihood_histo(summary_stats, theta_grid, histo) log_r_kin = log_r_kin.astype(np.float64) log_r_kin = self._clean_nans(log_r_kin) log_r_kin = n_events * np.sum(log_r_kin * obs_weights[np.newaxis, :], axis=1) else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode {}, has to be 'ml' or 'histo' or 'xsec'".format(mode)) # xsec part if include_xsec:"Calculating rate log likelihood") log_p_xsec = self._calculate_log_likelihood_xsec(n_events, theta_grid, luminosity) logger.debug("Rate -2 log p: %s", -2.0 * log_p_xsec) else: log_p_xsec = 0.0 # Combine and get p-values"Calculating p-values") log_r = log_r_kin + log_p_xsec if returns == "llr_raw": return theta_grid, log_r, 0 logger.debug("Combined -2 log r: %s", -2.0 * log_r) log_r, i_ml = self._subtract_ml(log_r) logger.debug("Min-subtracted -2 log r: %s", -2.0 * log_r) p_values = self.asymptotic_p_value(log_r, dof=dof) if returns == "llr": return theta_grid, log_r, i_ml return theta_grid, p_values, i_ml def _make_summary_statistic_function(self, mode, model=None, observables=None): if mode == "observables": assert observables is not None x_indices = self._find_x_indices(observables) logger.debug("Preparing observables %s as summary statistic function", x_indices) def summary_function(x): return x[:, x_indices] elif mode == "sally": assert isinstance(model, ScoreEstimator) logger.debug("Preparing score estimator as summary statistic function") def summary_function(x): score = model.evaluate_score(x) score = score[:, : self.n_parameters] return score else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown mode {}, has to be 'observables' or 'sally'".format(mode)) return summary_function def _calculate_xsecs(self, thetas, test_split=0.2): # Test split start_event, end_event, correction_factor = self._train_test_split(False, test_split) # Total xsecs for benchmarks xsecs_benchmarks = 0.0 for observations, weights in self.event_loader(start=start_event, end=end_event): xsecs_benchmarks += np.sum(weights, axis=0) # xsecs at thetas xsecs = [] for theta in thetas: theta_matrix = self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) xsecs.append(mdot(theta_matrix, xsecs_benchmarks) * correction_factor) return np.asarray(xsecs) def _asimov_data(self, theta, test_split=0.2): start_event, end_event, correction_factor = self._train_test_split(False, test_split) x, weights_benchmarks = next(self.event_loader(start=start_event, end=end_event, batch_size=None)) weights_benchmarks *= correction_factor theta_matrix = self._get_theta_benchmark_matrix(theta) weights_theta = mdot(theta_matrix, weights_benchmarks) weights_theta /= np.sum(weights_theta) return x, weights_theta @staticmethod def _make_theta_grid(theta_ranges, resolutions): if isinstance(resolutions, int): resolutions = [resolutions for _ in range(theta_ranges)] theta_each = [] for resolution, (theta_min, theta_max) in zip(resolutions, theta_ranges): theta_each.append(np.linspace(theta_min, theta_max, resolution)) theta_grid_each = np.meshgrid(*theta_each, indexing="ij") theta_grid_each = [theta.flatten() for theta in theta_grid_each] theta_grid = np.vstack(theta_grid_each).T return theta_grid def _make_histo( self, summary_function, x_bins, theta_grid, theta_bins, n_toys_per_theta=1000, histo_theta_batchsize=100 ):"Building histogram with %s bins per parameter and %s bins per observable", theta_bins, x_bins) histo = Histo(theta_bins, x_bins) logger.debug("Generating histo data") theta, summary_stats = self._make_histo_data( summary_function, theta_grid, n_toys_per_theta, histo_theta_batchsize=histo_theta_batchsize ) logger.debug( "Histo data has theta dimensions %s and summary stats dimensions %s", theta.shape, summary_stats.shape ) logger.debug("Filling histogram with summary statistics"), summary_stats, fill_empty_bins=True) return histo def _make_histo_data(self, summary_function, thetas, n_toys_per_theta, test_split=0.2, histo_theta_batchsize=100): sampler = SampleAugmenter(self.madminer_filename, include_nuisance_parameters=self.include_nuisance_parameters) all_summary_stats, all_theta = None, None n_thetas = len(thetas) n_batches = (n_thetas - 1) // histo_theta_batchsize + 1 for i_batch in range(n_batches): logger.debug("Generating histogram data for batch %s / %s", i_batch + 1, n_batches) theta_batch = thetas[i_batch * histo_theta_batchsize : (i_batch + 1) * histo_theta_batchsize] logger.debug( "Theta data: indices %s to %s, shape %s", i_batch * histo_theta_batchsize, (i_batch + 1) * histo_theta_batchsize, theta_batch.shape, ) x, theta, _ = sampler.sample_train_plain( theta=sampling.morphing_points(theta_batch), n_samples=n_toys_per_theta * len(theta_batch), test_split=test_split, filename=None, folder=None, suppress_logging=True, ) summary_stats = summary_function(x) logger.debug( "Output: x has shape %s, summary_stats %s, theta %s", x.shape, summary_stats.shape, theta.shape ) if all_theta is None or all_summary_stats is None: all_theta = theta all_summary_stats = summary_stats else: all_theta = np.concatenate((all_theta, theta), 0) all_summary_stats = np.concatenate((all_summary_stats, summary_stats), 0) return all_theta, all_summary_stats def _find_x_indices(self, observables): x_names = list(self.observables.keys()) x_indices = [] for obs in observables: try: x_indices.append(x_names.index(obs)) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Unknown observable {}, has to be one of {}".format(obs, x_names)) logger.debug("Using x indices %s", x_indices) return x_indices @staticmethod def _calculate_log_likelihood_histo(x, theta_grid, histo): log_p = [] for theta in theta_grid: log_p.append(histo.log_likelihood(theta, x)) log_p = np.asarray(log_p) return log_p def _calculate_log_likelihood_xsec(self, n_observed, theta_grid, luminosity=300000.0): n_observed_rounded = int(np.round(n_observed, 0)) n_predicted = self._calculate_xsecs(theta_grid) * luminosity logger.debug("Observed events: %s", n_observed) logger.debug("Expected events: %s", n_predicted) log_p = poisson.logpmf(k=n_observed_rounded, mu=n_predicted) return log_p def _calculate_log_likelihood_ratio_kinematics(self, x_observed, theta_grid, model, theta1=None): if isinstance(model, ParameterizedRatioEstimator): log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False ) elif isinstance(model, LikelihoodEstimator): log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False ) elif isinstance(model, Ensemble) and model.estimator_type == "parameterized_ratio": log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False, calculate_covariance=False, ) elif isinstance(model, Ensemble) and model.estimator_type == "likelihood": log_r, _ = model.evaluate_log_likelihood( x=x_observed, theta=theta_grid, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False, calculate_covariance=False, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Likelihood ratio estimation is currently only implemented for " "ParameterizedRatioEstimator and LikelihoodEstimator instancees" ) return log_r @staticmethod def _subtract_ml(log_r): i_ml = np.argmax(log_r) log_r_subtracted = log_r[:] - log_r[i_ml] return log_r_subtracted, i_ml @staticmethod def _clean_nans(array): not_finite = np.any(~np.isfinite(array), axis=0) if np.sum(not_finite) > 0: logger.warning("Removing %s inf / nan results from calculation") array[:, not_finite] = 0.0 return array