Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import six
import logging
import os
import json
import numpy as np
import torch

from import ratio_losses, flow_losses
from import ConditionalMaskedAutoregressiveFlow
from import ConditionalMixtureMaskedAutoregressiveFlow
from import ParameterizedRatioEstimator, DoublyParameterizedRatioEstimator
from import LocalScoreEstimator
from import train_flow_model, evaluate_flow_model
from import train_ratio_model, evaluate_ratio_model
from import train_local_score_model, evaluate_local_score_model
from madminer.utils.various import create_missing_folders, load_and_check, shuffle

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MLForge: """ Estimating likelihood ratios and scores with machine learning. Each instance of this class represents one neural estimator. The most important functions are: * `MLForge.train()` to train an estimator. The keyword `method` determines the inference technique and whether a class instance represents a single-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator, a doubly-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator, or a local score estimator. * `MLForge.evaluate()` to evaluate the estimator. * `` to save the trained model to files. * `MLForge.load()` to load the trained model from files. Please see the tutorial for a detailed walk-through. """ def __init__(self): self.method_type = None self.model = None self.method = None self.nde_type = None self.n_observables = None self.n_parameters = None self.n_hidden = None self.activation = None self.maf_n_mades = None self.maf_batch_norm = None self.maf_batch_norm_alpha = None self.features = None self.x_scaling_means = None self.x_scaling_stds = None
[docs] def train( self, method, x_filename, y_filename=None, theta0_filename=None, theta1_filename=None, r_xz_filename=None, t_xz0_filename=None, t_xz1_filename=None, features=None, nde_type="mafmog", n_hidden=(100, 100), activation="tanh", maf_n_mades=3, maf_batch_norm=False, maf_batch_norm_alpha=0.1, maf_mog_n_components=10, alpha=1.0, trainer="amsgrad", n_epochs=50, batch_size=128, initial_lr=0.001, final_lr=0.0001, nesterov_momentum=None, validation_split=None, early_stopping=True, scale_inputs=True, shuffle_labels=False, grad_x_regularization=None, limit_samplesize=None, return_first_loss=False, verbose=False, ): """ Trains a neural network to estimate either the likelihood ratio or, if method is 'sally' or 'sallino', the score. The keyword method determines the structure of the estimator that an instance of this class represents: * For 'alice', 'alices', 'carl', 'nde', 'rascal', 'rolr', and 'scandal', the neural network models the likelihood ratio as a function of the observables `x` and the numerator hypothesis `theta0`, while the denominator hypothesis is kept at a fixed reference value ("single-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator"). In addition to the likelihood ratio, the estimator allows to estimate the score at `theta0`. * For 'alice2', 'alices2', 'carl2', 'rascal2', and 'rolr2', the neural network models the likelihood ratio as a function of the observables `x`, the numerator hypothesis `theta0`, and the denominator hypothesis `theta1` ("doubly parameterized likelihood ratio estimator"). The score at `theta0` and `theta1` can also be evaluated. * For 'sally' and 'sallino', the neural networks models the score evaluated at some reference hypothesis ("local score regression"). The likelihood ratio cannot be estimated directly from the neural network, but can be estimated in a second step through density estimation in the estimated score space. Parameters ---------- method : str The inference method used. Allows values are 'alice', 'alices', 'carl', 'nde', 'rascal', 'rolr', and 'scandal' for a single-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator; 'alice2', 'alices2', 'carl2', 'rascal2', and 'rolr2' for a doubly-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator; and 'sally' and 'sallino' for local score regression. x_filename : str Path to an unweighted sample of observations, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required for all inference methods. y_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of class labels, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required for the 'alice', 'alice2', 'alices', 'alices2', 'carl', 'carl2', 'rascal', 'rascal2', 'rolr', and 'rolr2' methods. Default value: None. theta0_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of numerator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required for the 'alice', 'alice2', 'alices', 'alices2', 'carl', 'carl2', 'nde', 'rascal', 'rascal2', 'rolr', 'rolr2', and 'scandal' methods. Default value: None. theta1_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of denominator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required for the 'alice2', 'alices2', 'carl2', 'rascal2', and 'rolr2' methods. Default value: None. r_xz_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of joint likelihood ratios, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required for the 'alice', 'alice2', 'alices', 'alices2', 'rascal', 'rascal2', 'rolr', and 'rolr2' methods. Default value: None. t_xz0_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of joint scores at theta0, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required for the 'alices', 'alices2', 'rascal', 'rascal2', 'sallino', 'sally', and 'scandal' methods. Default value: None. t_xz1_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of joint scores at theta1, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required for the 'rascal2' and 'alices2' methods. Default value: None. features : list of int or None, optional Indices of observables (features) that are used as input to the neural networks. If None, all observables are used. Default value: None. nde_type : {'maf', 'mafmog'}, optional If the method is 'nde' or 'scandal', nde_type determines the architecture used in the neural density estimator. Currently supported are 'maf' for a Masked Autoregressive Flow with a Gaussian base density, or 'mafmog' for a Masked Autoregressive Flow with a mixture of Gaussian base densities. Default value: 'mafmog'. n_hidden : tuple of int, optional Units in each hidden layer in the neural networks. If method is 'nde' or 'scandal', this refers to the setup of each individual MADE layer. Default value: (100, 100). activation : {'tanh', 'sigmoid', 'relu'}, optional Activation function. Default value: 'tanh'. maf_n_mades : int, optional If method is 'nde' or 'scandal', this sets the number of MADE layers. Default value: 3. maf_batch_norm : bool, optional If method is 'nde' or 'scandal', switches batch normalization layers after each MADE layer on or off. Default: False. maf_batch_norm_alpha : float, optional If method is 'nde' or 'scandal' and maf_batch_norm is True, this sets the alpha parameter in the calculation of the running average of the mean and variance. Default value: 0.1. maf_mog_n_components : int, optional If method is 'nde' or 'scandal' and nde_type is 'mafmog', this sets the number of Gaussian base components. Default value: 10. alpha : float, optional Hyperparameter weighting the score error in the loss function of the 'alices', 'alices2', 'rascal', 'rascal2', and 'scandal' methods. Default value: 1. trainer : {"adam", "amsgrad", "sgd"}, optional Optimization algorithm. Default value: "amsgrad". n_epochs : int, optional Number of epochs. Default value: 50. batch_size : int, optional Batch size. Default value: 128. initial_lr : float, optional Learning rate during the first epoch, after which it exponentially decays to final_lr. Default value: 0.001. final_lr : float, optional Learning rate during the last epoch. Default value: 0.0001. nesterov_momentum : float or None, optional If trainer is "sgd", sets the Nesterov momentum. Default value: None. validation_split : float or None, optional Fraction of samples used for validation and early stopping (if early_stopping is True). If None, the entire sample is used for training and early stopping is deactivated. Default value: None. early_stopping : bool, optional Activates early stopping based on the validation loss (only if validation_split is not None). Default value: True. scale_inputs : bool, optional Scale the observables to zero mean and unit variance. Default value: True. shuffle_labels : bool, optional If True, the labels (`y`, `r_xz`, `t_xz`) are shuffled, while the observations (`x`) remain in their normal order. This serves as a closure test, in particular as cross-check against overfitting: an estimator trained with shuffle_labels=True should predict to likelihood ratios around 1 and scores around 0. grad_x_regularization : float or None, optional If not None, a term of the form `grad_x_regularization * |grad_x f(x)|^2` is added to the loss, where `f(x)` is the neural network output (the estimated log likelihood ratio or score). Default value: None. limit_samplesize : int or None, optional If not None, only this number of samples (events) is used to train the estimator. Default value: None. return_first_loss : bool, optional If True, the training routine only proceeds until the loss is calculated for the first time, at which point the loss tensor is returned. This can be useful for debugging or visualization purposes (but of course not for training a model). verbose : bool, optional If True, prints loss updates after every epoch. Returns ------- None """"Starting training")" Method: %s", method)" Training data: x at %s", x_filename) if theta0_filename is not None:" theta0 at %s", theta0_filename) if theta1_filename is not None:" theta1 at %s", theta1_filename) if y_filename is not None:" y at %s", y_filename) if r_xz_filename is not None:" r_xz at %s", r_xz_filename) if t_xz0_filename is not None:" t_xz (theta0) at %s", t_xz0_filename) if t_xz1_filename is not None:" t_xz (theta1) at %s", t_xz1_filename) if features is None:" Features: all") else:" Features: %s", features)" Method: %s", method) if method in ["nde", "scandal"]:" Neural density est.: %s", nde_type) if method not in ["nde", "scandal"]:" Hidden layers: %s", n_hidden) if method in ["nde", "scandal"]:" MAF, number MADEs: %s", maf_n_mades)" MAF, batch norm: %s", maf_batch_norm)" MAF, BN alpha: %s", maf_batch_norm_alpha)" MAF MoG, components: %s", maf_mog_n_components)" Activation function: %s", activation) if method in ["cascal", "cascal2", "rascal", "rascal2", "scandal", "alices"]:" alpha: %s", alpha)" Batch size: %s", batch_size)" Trainer: %s", trainer)" Epochs: %s", n_epochs)" Learning rate: %s initially, decaying to %s", initial_lr, final_lr) if trainer == "sgd":" Nesterov momentum: %s", nesterov_momentum)" Validation split: %s", validation_split)" Early stopping: %s", early_stopping)" Scale inputs: %s", scale_inputs)" Shuffle labels %s", shuffle_labels) if grad_x_regularization is None:" Regularization: None") else:" Regularization: %s * |grad_x f(x)|^2", grad_x_regularization) if limit_samplesize is None:" Samples: all") else:" Samples: %s", limit_samplesize) # Load training data"Loading training data") theta0 = load_and_check(theta0_filename) theta1 = load_and_check(theta1_filename) x = load_and_check(x_filename) y = load_and_check(y_filename) r_xz = load_and_check(r_xz_filename) t_xz0 = load_and_check(t_xz0_filename) t_xz1 = load_and_check(t_xz1_filename) if y is not None: y = y.reshape((-1, 1)) # Check necessary information is theere assert x is not None if method in [ "carl", "carl2", "nde", "scandal", "rolr", "alice", "rascal", "alices", "rolr2", "alice2", "rascal2", "alices2", ]: assert theta0 is not None if method in ["rolr", "alice", "rascal", "alices", "rolr2", "alice2", "rascal2", "alices2"]: assert r_xz is not None if method in ["carl", "carl2", "rolr", "alice", "rascal", "alices", "rolr2", "alice2", "rascal2", "alices2"]: assert y is not None if method in ["scandal", "rascal", "alices", "rascal2", "alices2", "sally", "sallino"]: assert t_xz0 is not None if method in ["carl2", "rolr2", "alice2", "rascal2", "alices2"]: assert theta1 is not None if method in ["rascal2", "alices2"]: assert t_xz1 is not None if method in ["nde", "scandal"]: assert nde_type in ["maf", "mafmog"] calculate_model_score = method in ["rascal", "cascal", "alices", "scandal", "rascal2", "cascal2", "alices2"] # Infer dimensions of problem n_samples = x.shape[0] n_observables = x.shape[1] if theta0 is not None: n_parameters = theta0.shape[1] else: n_parameters = t_xz0.shape[1]"Found %s samples with %s parameters and %s observables", n_samples, n_parameters, n_observables) # Limit sample size if limit_samplesize is not None and limit_samplesize < n_samples:"Only using %s of %s training samples", limit_samplesize, n_samples) x = x[:limit_samplesize] if theta0 is not None: theta0 = theta0[:limit_samplesize] if theta1 is not None: theta1 = theta1[:limit_samplesize] if y is not None: y = y[:limit_samplesize] if r_xz is not None: r_xz = r_xz[:limit_samplesize] if t_xz0 is not None: t_xz0 = t_xz0[:limit_samplesize] if t_xz1 is not None: t_xz1 = t_xz1[:limit_samplesize] # Scale features if scale_inputs:"Rescaling inputs") self.x_scaling_means = np.mean(x, axis=0) self.x_scaling_stds = np.maximum(np.std(x, axis=0), 1.0e-6) x[:] -= self.x_scaling_means x[:] /= self.x_scaling_stds else: self.x_scaling_means = np.zeros(n_parameters) self.x_scaling_stds = np.ones(n_parameters) logger.debug("Observable ranges:") for i in range(n_observables): logger.debug( " x_%s: mean %s, std %s, range %s ... %s", i + 1, np.mean(x[:, i]), np.std(x[:, i]), np.min(x[:, i]), np.max(x[:, i]), ) # Shuffle labels if shuffle_labels:"Shuffling labels") y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1 = shuffle(y, r_xz, t_xz0, t_xz1) # Features if features is not None: x = x[:, features]"Only using %s of %s observables", x.shape[1], n_observables) n_observables = x.shape[1] # Save setup self.method = method self.n_observables = n_observables self.n_parameters = n_parameters self.n_hidden = n_hidden self.activation = activation self.maf_n_mades = maf_n_mades self.maf_batch_norm = maf_batch_norm self.maf_batch_norm_alpha = maf_batch_norm_alpha self.features = features # Create model"Creating model for method %s", method) if method in ["carl", "rolr", "rascal", "alice", "alices"]: self.method_type = "parameterized" self.model = ParameterizedRatioEstimator( n_observables=n_observables, n_parameters=n_parameters, n_hidden=n_hidden, activation=activation ) elif method in ["carl2", "rolr2", "rascal2", "alice2", "alices2"]: self.method_type = "doubly_parameterized" self.model = DoublyParameterizedRatioEstimator( n_observables=n_observables, n_parameters=n_parameters, n_hidden=n_hidden, activation=activation ) elif method in ["sally", "sallino"]: self.method_type = "local_score" self.model = LocalScoreEstimator( n_observables=n_observables, n_parameters=n_parameters, n_hidden=n_hidden, activation=activation ) elif method in ["nde", "scandal"]: self.method_type = "nde" if nde_type == "maf": self.model = ConditionalMaskedAutoregressiveFlow( n_conditionals=n_parameters, n_inputs=n_observables, n_hiddens=n_hidden, n_mades=maf_n_mades, activation=activation, batch_norm=maf_batch_norm, alpha=maf_batch_norm_alpha, ) elif nde_type == "mafmog": self.model = ConditionalMixtureMaskedAutoregressiveFlow( n_conditionals=n_parameters, n_inputs=n_observables, n_components=maf_mog_n_components, n_hiddens=n_hidden, n_mades=maf_n_mades, activation=activation, batch_norm=maf_batch_norm, alpha=maf_batch_norm_alpha, ) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown NDE type {}".format(nde_type)) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown method {}".format(method)) # Loss fn if method in ["carl", "carl2"]: loss_functions = [ratio_losses.standard_cross_entropy] loss_weights = [1.0] loss_labels = ["xe"] elif method in ["rolr", "rolr2"]: loss_functions = [ratio_losses.ratio_mse] loss_weights = [1.0] loss_labels = ["mse_r"] elif method == "rascal": loss_functions = [ratio_losses.ratio_mse, ratio_losses.score_mse_num] loss_weights = [1.0, alpha] loss_labels = ["mse_r", "mse_score"] elif method == "rascal2": loss_functions = [ratio_losses.ratio_mse, ratio_losses.score_mse] loss_weights = [1.0, alpha] loss_labels = ["mse_r", "mse_score"] elif method in ["alice", "alice2"]: loss_functions = [ratio_losses.augmented_cross_entropy] loss_weights = [1.0] loss_labels = ["improved_xe"] elif method == "alices": loss_functions = [ratio_losses.augmented_cross_entropy, ratio_losses.score_mse_num] loss_weights = [1.0, alpha] loss_labels = ["improved_xe", "mse_score"] elif method == "alices2": loss_functions = [ratio_losses.augmented_cross_entropy, ratio_losses.score_mse] loss_weights = [1.0, alpha] loss_labels = ["improved_xe", "mse_score"] elif method in ["sally", "sallino"]: loss_functions = [ratio_losses.local_score_mse] loss_weights = [1.0] loss_labels = ["mse_score"] elif method == "nde": loss_functions = [flow_losses.negative_log_likelihood] loss_weights = [1.0] loss_labels = ["nll"] elif method == "scandal": loss_functions = [flow_losses.negative_log_likelihood, flow_losses.score_mse] loss_weights = [1.0, alpha] loss_labels = ["nll", "mse_score"] else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method {}".format(method)) # Train model"Training model") if method in ["sally", "sallino"]: result = train_local_score_model( model=self.model, loss_functions=loss_functions, loss_weights=loss_weights, loss_labels=loss_labels, xs=x, t_xzs=t_xz0, batch_size=batch_size, n_epochs=n_epochs, initial_learning_rate=initial_lr, final_learning_rate=final_lr, validation_split=validation_split, early_stopping=early_stopping, trainer=trainer, nesterov_momentum=nesterov_momentum, verbose="all" if verbose else "some", grad_x_regularization=grad_x_regularization, return_first_loss=return_first_loss, ) elif method in ["nde", "scandal"]: result = train_flow_model( model=self.model, loss_functions=loss_functions, loss_weights=loss_weights, loss_labels=loss_labels, xs=x, theta0s=theta0, t_xz0s=t_xz0, calculate_model_score=calculate_model_score, batch_size=batch_size, n_epochs=n_epochs, initial_learning_rate=initial_lr, final_learning_rate=final_lr, validation_split=validation_split, early_stopping=early_stopping, trainer=trainer, nesterov_momentum=nesterov_momentum, verbose="all" if verbose else "some", grad_x_regularization=grad_x_regularization, return_first_loss=return_first_loss, ) else: result = train_ratio_model( model=self.model, method_type=self.method_type, loss_functions=loss_functions, loss_weights=loss_weights, loss_labels=loss_labels, theta0s=theta0, theta1s=theta1, xs=x, ys=y, r_xzs=r_xz, t_xz0s=t_xz0, t_xz1s=t_xz1, calculate_model_score=calculate_model_score, batch_size=batch_size, n_epochs=n_epochs, initial_learning_rate=initial_lr, final_learning_rate=final_lr, validation_split=validation_split, early_stopping=early_stopping, trainer=trainer, nesterov_momentum=nesterov_momentum, verbose="all" if verbose else "some", grad_x_regularization=grad_x_regularization, return_first_loss=return_first_loss, ) return result
[docs] def evaluate( self, x, theta0_filename=None, theta1_filename=None, test_all_combinations=True, evaluate_score=False, return_grad_x=False, ): """ Evaluates a trained estimator of the log likelihood ratio (or, if method is 'sally' or 'sallino', the score). Parameters ---------- x : str or ndarray Sample of observations, or path to numpy file with observations, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. theta0_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of numerator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required if the estimator was trained with the 'alice', 'alice2', 'alices', 'alices2', 'carl', 'carl2', 'nde', 'rascal', 'rascal2', 'rolr', 'rolr2', or 'scandal' method. Default value: None. theta1_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of denominator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required if the estimator was trained with the 'alice2', 'alices2', 'carl2', 'rascal2', or 'rolr2' method. Default value: None. test_all_combinations : bool, optional If method is not 'sally' and not 'sallino': If False, the number of samples in the observable and theta files has to match, and the likelihood ratio is evaluated only for the combinations `r(x_i | theta0_i, theta1_i)`. If True, `r(x_i | theta0_j, theta1_j)` for all pairwise combinations `i, j` are evaluated. Default value: True. evaluate_score : bool, optional If method is not 'sally' and not 'sallino', this sets whether in addition to the likelihood ratio the score is evaluated. Default value: False. return_grad_x : bool, optional If True, `grad_x log r(x)` or `grad_x t(x)` (for 'sally' or 'sallino' estimators) are returned in addition to the other outputs. Default value: False. Returns ------- sally_estimated_score : ndarray Only returned if the network was trained with `method='sally'` or `method='sallino'`. In this case, an array of the estimator for `t(x_i | theta_ref)` is returned for all events `i`. log_likelihood_ratio : ndarray Only returned if the network was trained with neither `method='sally'` nor `method='sallino'`. The estimated log likelihood ratio. If test_all_combinations is True, the result has shape `(n_thetas, n_x)`. Otherwise, it has shape `(n_samples,)`. score_theta0 : ndarray or None Only returned if the network was trained with neither `method='sally'` nor `method='sallino'`. None if evaluate_score is False. Otherwise the derived estimated score at `theta0`. If test_all_combinations is True, the result has shape `(n_thetas, n_x, n_parameters)`. Otherwise, it has shape `(n_samples, n_parameters)`. score_theta1 : ndarray or None Only returned if the network was trained with neither `method='sally'` nor `method='sallino'`. None if evaluate_score is False, or the network was trained with any method other than 'alice2', 'alices2', 'carl2', 'rascal2', or 'rolr2'. Otherwise the derived estimated score at `theta1`. If test_all_combinations is True, the result has shape `(n_thetas, n_x, n_parameters)`. Otherwise, it has shape `(n_samples, n_parameters)`. grad_x : ndarray Only returned if return_grad_x is True. """ if self.model is None: raise ValueError("No model -- train or load model before evaluating it!") # Load training data logger.debug("Loading evaluation data") theta0s = load_and_check(theta0_filename) theta1s = load_and_check(theta1_filename) if isinstance(x, six.string_types): x = load_and_check(x) # Scale observables if self.x_scaling_means is not None and self.x_scaling_stds is not None: x_scaled = x - self.x_scaling_means x_scaled /= self.x_scaling_stds else: x_scaled = x # Restrict featuers if self.features is not None: x_scaled = x_scaled[:, self.features] # SALLY evaluation if self.method in ["sally", "sallino"]: logger.debug("Starting score evaluation") if return_grad_x: all_t_hat, all_x_gradients = evaluate_local_score_model(model=self.model, xs=x, return_grad_x=True) return all_t_hat, all_x_gradients all_t_hat = evaluate_local_score_model(model=self.model, xs=x_scaled) return all_t_hat # Balance thetas if theta1s is None and theta0s is not None: theta1s = [None for _ in theta0s] elif theta1s is not None and theta0s is not None: if len(theta1s) > len(theta0s): theta0s = [theta0s[i % len(theta0s)] for i in range(len(theta1s))] elif len(theta1s) < len(theta0s): theta1s = [theta1s[i % len(theta1s)] for i in range(len(theta0s))] # Evaluation for all other methods all_log_r_hat = [] all_t_hat0 = [] all_t_hat1 = [] all_x_gradients = [] if test_all_combinations: logger.debug("Starting ratio evaluation for all combinations") for i, (theta0, theta1) in enumerate(zip(theta0s, theta1s)): logger.debug( "Starting ratio evaluation for thetas %s / %s: %s vs %s", i + 1, len(theta0s), theta0, theta1 ) if self.method in ["nde", "scandal"]: _, log_r_hat, t_hat0 = evaluate_flow_model( model=self.model, theta0s=[theta0], xs=x_scaled, evaluate_score=evaluate_score ) t_hat1 = None else: if return_grad_x: _, log_r_hat, t_hat0, t_hat1, x_gradient = evaluate_ratio_model( model=self.model, method_type=self.method_type, theta0s=[theta0], theta1s=[theta1] if theta1 is not None else None, xs=x_scaled, evaluate_score=evaluate_score, return_grad_x=True, ) else: _, log_r_hat, t_hat0, t_hat1 = evaluate_ratio_model( model=self.model, method_type=self.method_type, theta0s=[theta0], theta1s=[theta1] if theta1 is not None else None, xs=x_scaled, evaluate_score=evaluate_score, ) x_gradient = None all_log_r_hat.append(log_r_hat) all_t_hat0.append(t_hat0) all_t_hat1.append(t_hat1) all_x_gradients.append(x_gradient) all_log_r_hat = np.array(all_log_r_hat) all_t_hat0 = np.array(all_t_hat0) all_t_hat1 = np.array(all_t_hat1) all_t_hat1 = np.array(all_t_hat1) if return_grad_x: all_x_gradients = np.array(all_x_gradients) else: logger.debug("Starting ratio evaluation") if self.method in ["nde", "scandal"]: _, all_log_r_hat, t_hat0 = evaluate_flow_model( model=self.model, theta0s=theta0s, xs=x_scaled, evaluate_score=evaluate_score ) all_t_hat1 = None else: if return_grad_x: _, all_log_r_hat, all_t_hat0, all_t_hat1, all_x_gradients = evaluate_ratio_model( model=self.model, method_type=self.method_type, theta0s=theta0s, theta1s=None if None in theta1s else theta1s, xs=x_scaled, evaluate_score=evaluate_score, return_grad_x=True, ) else: _, all_log_r_hat, all_t_hat0, all_t_hat1 = evaluate_ratio_model( model=self.model, method_type=self.method_type, theta0s=theta0s, theta1s=None if None in theta1s else theta1s, xs=x_scaled, evaluate_score=evaluate_score, ) all_x_gradients = None logger.debug("Evaluation done") if return_grad_x: return all_log_r_hat, all_t_hat0, all_t_hat1, all_x_gradients return all_log_r_hat, all_t_hat0, all_t_hat1
[docs] def calculate_fisher_information(self, x, weights=None, n_events=1, sum_events=True): """ Calculates the expected Fisher information matrix based on the kinematic information in a given number of events. Currently only supported for estimators trained with `method='sally'` or `method='sallino'`. Parameters ---------- x : str or ndarray Sample of observations, or path to numpy file with observations, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Note that this sample has to be sampled from the reference parameter where the score is estimated with the SALLY / SALLINO estimator! weights : None or ndarray, optional Weights for the observations. If None, all events are taken to have equal weight. Default value: None. n_events : float, optional Expected number of events for which the kinematic Fisher information should be calculated. Default value: 1. sum_events : bool, optional If True, the expected Fisher information summed over the events x is calculated. If False, the per-event Fisher information for each event is returned. Default value: True. Returns ------- fisher_information : ndarray Expected kinematic Fisher information matrix with shape `(n_events, n_parameters, n_parameters)` if sum_events is False or `(n_parameters, n_parameters)` if sum_events is True. """ if self.model is None: raise ValueError("No model -- train or load model before evaluating it!") # Load training data logger.debug("Loading evaluation data") if isinstance(x, six.string_types): x = load_and_check(x) n_samples = x.shape[0] # Scale observables if self.x_scaling_means is not None and self.x_scaling_stds is not None: x_scaled = x - self.x_scaling_means x_scaled /= self.x_scaling_stds else: x_scaled = x # Restrict featuers if self.features is not None: x_scaled = x_scaled[:, self.features] # Estimate scores if self.method in ["sally", "sallino"]: logger.debug("Starting score evaluation") t_hats = evaluate_local_score_model(model=self.model, xs=x_scaled) else: raise NotImplementedError("Fisher information calculation only implemented for SALLY estimators") # Weights if weights is None: weights = np.ones(n_samples) weights /= np.sum(weights) # Calculate Fisher information if sum_events: fisher_information = float(n_events) * np.einsum("n,ni,nj->ij", weights, t_hats, t_hats) else: fisher_information = float(n_events) * np.einsum("n,ni,nj->nij", weights, t_hats, t_hats) # Calculate expected score expected_score = np.mean(t_hats, axis=0) logger.debug("Expected per-event score (should be close to zero): %s", expected_score) return fisher_information
[docs] def save(self, filename, save_model=False): """ Saves the trained model to four files: a JSON file with the settings, a pickled pyTorch state dict file, and numpy files for the mean and variance of the inputs (used for input scaling). Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the files. '_settings.json' and '' will be added. save_model : bool, optional If True, the whole model is saved in addition to the state dict. This is not necessary for loading it again with MLForge.load(), but can be useful for debugging, for instance to plot the computational graph. Returns ------- None """ if self.model is None: raise ValueError("No model -- train or load model before saving!") # Check paths create_missing_folders([os.path.dirname(filename)]) # Save settings logger.debug("Saving settings to %s_settings.json", filename) settings = { "method": self.method, "method_type": self.method_type, "n_observables": self.n_observables, "n_parameters": self.n_parameters, "n_hidden": list(self.n_hidden), "activation": self.activation, "features": self.features, } with open(filename + "_settings.json", "w") as f: json.dump(settings, f) # Save scaling if self.x_scaling_stds is not None and self.x_scaling_means is not None: logger.debug("Saving input scaling information to %s_x_means.npy and %s_x_stds.npy", filename, filename) + "_x_means.npy", self.x_scaling_means) + "_x_stds.npy", self.x_scaling_stds) # Save state dict logger.debug("Saving state dictionary to", filename), filename + "") # Save model if save_model: logger.debug("Saving model to", filename), filename + "")
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Loads a trained model from files. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the files. '_settings.json' and '' will be added. Returns ------- None """ # Load settings logger.debug("Loading settings from %s_settings.json", filename) with open(filename + "_settings.json", "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) self.method = settings["method"] self.method_type = settings["method_type"] self.n_observables = int(settings["n_observables"]) self.n_parameters = int(settings["n_parameters"]) self.n_hidden = tuple([int(item) for item in settings["n_hidden"]]) self.activation = str(settings["activation"]) self.features = settings["features"] if self.features == "None": self.features = None if self.features is not None: self.features = list([int(item) for item in self.features]) logger.debug( " Found method %s, %s observables, %s parameters, %s hidden layers, %s activation function, " "features %s", self.method, self.n_observables, self.n_parameters, self.n_hidden, self.activation, self.features, ) # Load scaling try: self.x_scaling_means = np.load(filename + "_x_means.npy") self.x_scaling_stds = np.load(filename + "_x_stds.npy") logger.debug( " Found input scaling information: means %s, stds %s", self.x_scaling_means, self.x_scaling_stds ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("Scaling information not found in %s", filename) self.x_scaling_means = None self.x_scaling_stds = None # Create model if self.method in ["carl", "rolr", "rascal", "alice", "alices"]: assert self.method_type == "parameterized" self.model = ParameterizedRatioEstimator( n_observables=self.n_observables, n_parameters=self.n_parameters, n_hidden=self.n_hidden, activation=self.activation, ) elif self.method in ["carl2", "rolr2", "rascal2", "alice2", "alices2"]: assert self.method_type == "doubly_parameterized" self.model = DoublyParameterizedRatioEstimator( n_observables=self.n_observables, n_parameters=self.n_parameters, n_hidden=self.n_hidden, activation=self.activation, ) elif self.method in ["sally", "sallino"]: assert self.method_type == "local_score" self.model = LocalScoreEstimator( n_observables=self.n_observables, n_parameters=self.n_parameters, n_hidden=self.n_hidden, activation=self.activation, ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown method {}".format(self.method)) # Load state dict logger.debug("Loading state dictionary from", filename) self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(filename + ""))
[docs]class EnsembleForge: """ Ensemble methods for likelihood ratio and score information. Generally, EnsembleForge instances can be used very similarly to MLForge instances: * The initialization of EnsembleForge takes a list of (trained or untrained) MLForge instances. * The methods `EnsembleForge.train_one()` and `EnsembleForge.train_all()` train the estimators (this can also be done outside of EnsembleForge). * `EnsembleForge.calculate_expectation()` can be used to calculate the expectation of the estimation likelihood ratio or the expected estimated score over a validation sample. Ideally (and assuming the correct sampling), these expectation values should be close to zero. Deviations from zero therefore point out that the estimator is probably inaccurate. * `EnsembleForge.evaluate()` and `EnsembleForge.calculate_fisher_information()` can then be used to calculate ensemble predictions. The user has the option to treat all estimators equally ('committee method') or to give those with expected score / ratio close to zero a higher weight. * `` and `EnsembleForge.load()` can store all estimators in one folder. The individual estimators in the ensemble can be trained with different methods, but they have to be of the same type: either all estimators are single-parameterized likelihood ratio estimators, or all estimators are doubly-parameterized likelihood estimators, or all estimators are local score regressors. Parameters ---------- estimators : None or int or list of (MLForge or str), optional If int, sets the number of estimators that will be created as new MLForge instances. If list, sets the estimators directly, either from MLForge instances or filenames (that are then loaded with `MLForge.load()`). If None, the ensemble is initialized without estimators. Note that the estimators have to be consistent: either all of them are trained with a local score method ('sally' or 'sallino'); or all of them are trained with a single-parameterized method ('carl', 'rolr', 'rascal', 'scandal', 'alice', or 'alices'); or all of them are trained with a doubly parameterized method ('carl2', 'rolr2', 'rascal2', 'alice2', or 'alices2'). Mixing estimators of different types within one of these three categories is supported, but mixing estimators from different categories is not and will raise a RuntimeException. Default value: None. Attributes ---------- estimators : list of MLForge The estimators in the form of MLForge instances. """ def __init__(self, estimators=None): self.n_parameters = None self.n_observables = None # Initialize estimators if estimators is None: self.estimators = [] elif isinstance(estimators, int): self.estimators = [MLForge() for _ in range(estimators)] else: self.estimators = [] for estimator in estimators: if isinstance(estimator, six.string_types): estimator_object = MLForge() estimator_object.load(estimator) elif isinstance(estimator, MLForge): estimator_object = estimator else: raise ValueError("Entry {} in estimators is neither str nor MLForge instance") self.estimators.append(estimator_object) self.n_estimators = len(self.estimators) self.expectations = None # Consistency checks for estimator in self.estimators: assert isinstance(estimator, MLForge), "Estimator is no MLForge instance!" self._check_consistency()
[docs] def add_estimator(self, estimator): """ Adds an estimator to the ensemble. Parameters ---------- estimator : MLForge or str The estimator, either as MLForge instance or filename (which is then loaded with `MLForge.load()`). Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(estimator, six.string_types): estimator_object = MLForge() estimator_object.load(estimator) elif isinstance(estimator, MLForge): estimator_object = estimator else: raise ValueError("Entry {} in estimators is neither str nor MLForge instance") self.estimators.append(estimator_object) self.n_estimators = len(self.estimators)
[docs] def train_one(self, i, **kwargs): """ Trains an individual estimator. See `MLForge.train()`. Parameters ---------- i : int The index `0 <= i < n_estimators` of the estimator to be trained. kwargs : dict Parameters for `MLForge.train()`. Returns ------- None """ self._check_consistency(kwargs) self.estimators[i].train(**kwargs)
[docs] def train_all(self, **kwargs): """ Trains all estimators. See `MLForge.train()`. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Parameters for `MLForge.train()`. If a value in this dict is a list, it has to have length `n_estimators` and contain one value of this parameter for each of the estimators. Otherwise the value is used as parameter for the training of all the estimators. Returns ------- None """"Training %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): if not isinstance(value, list): kwargs[key] = [value for _ in range(self.n_estimators)] assert len(kwargs[key]) == self.n_estimators, "Keyword {} has wrong length {}".format(key, len(value)) self._check_consistency(kwargs) for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): kwargs_this_estimator = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): kwargs_this_estimator[key] = value[i]"Training estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) estimator.train(**kwargs_this_estimator)
[docs] def calculate_expectation(self, x_filename, theta0_filename=None, theta1_filename=None): """ Calculates the expectation of the estimation likelihood ratio or the expected estimated score over a validation sample. Ideally (and assuming the correct sampling), these expectation values should be close to zero. Deviations from zero therefore point out that the estimator is probably inaccurate. Parameters ---------- x_filename : str Path to an unweighted sample of observations, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. theta0_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of numerator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required if the estimators were trained with the 'alice', 'alice2', 'alices', 'alices2', 'carl', 'carl2', 'nde', 'rascal', 'rascal2', 'rolr', 'rolr2', or 'scandal' method. Default value: None. theta1_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of denominator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required if the estimators were trained with the 'alice2', 'alices2', 'carl2', 'rascal2', or 'rolr2' method. Default value: None. Returns ------- expectations : ndarray Expected score (if the estimators were trained with the 'sally' or 'sallino' methods) or likelihood ratio (otherwise). """"Calculating expectation for %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) self.expectations = [] method_type = self._check_consistency() for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators):"Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) # Calculate expected score / ratio if method_type == "local_score": prediction = estimator.evaluate(x_filename, theta0_filename, theta1_filename) else: raise NotImplementedError("Expectation calculation currently only implemented for SALLY and SALLINO!") self.expectations.append(np.mean(prediction, axis=0)) self.expectations = np.array(self.expectations) return self.expectations
[docs] def evaluate( self, x_filename, theta0_filename=None, theta1_filename=None, test_all_combinations=True, vote_expectation_weight=None, calculate_covariance=False, return_individual_predictions=False, ): """ Evaluates the estimators of the likelihood ratio (or, if method is 'sally' or 'sallino', the score), and calculates the ensemble mean or variance. The user has the option to treat all estimators equally ('committee method') or to give those with expected score / ratio close to zero (as calculated by `calculate_expectation()`) a higher weight. In the latter case, the ensemble mean `f(x)` is calculated as `f(x) = sum_i w_i f_i(x)` with weights `w_i = exp(-vote_expectation_weight |E[f_i]|) / sum_j exp(-vote_expectation_weight |E[f_j]|)`. Here `f_i(x)` are the individual estimators and `E[f_i]` is the expectation value calculated by `calculate_expectation()`. Parameters ---------- x_filename : str Path to an unweighted sample of observations, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. theta0_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of numerator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required if the estimator was trained with the 'alice', 'alice2', 'alices', 'alices2', 'carl', 'carl2', 'nde', 'rascal', 'rascal2', 'rolr', 'rolr2', or 'scandal' method. Default value: None. theta1_filename : str or None, optional Path to an unweighted sample of denominator parameters, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Required if the estimator was trained with the 'alice2', 'alices2', 'carl2', 'rascal2', or 'rolr2' method. Default value: None. test_all_combinations : bool, optional If method is not 'sally' and not 'sallino': If False, the number of samples in the observable and theta files has to match, and the likelihood ratio is evaluated only for the combinations `r(x_i | theta0_i, theta1_i)`. If True, `r(x_i | theta0_j, theta1_j)` for all pairwise combinations `i, j` are evaluated. Default value: True. vote_expectation_weight : float or list of float or None, optional Factor that determines how much more weight is given to those estimators with small expectation value (as calculated by `calculate_expectation()`). If a list is given, results are returned for each element in the list. If None, or if `calculate_expectation()` has not been called, all estimators are treated equal. Default value: None. calculate_covariance : bool, optional Whether the covariance matrix is calculated. Default value: False. return_individual_predictions : bool, optional Whether the individual estimator predictions are returned. Default value: False. Returns ------- mean_prediction : ndarray or list of ndarray The (weighted) ensemble mean of the estimators. If the estimators were trained with `method='sally'` or `method='sallino'`, this is an array of the estimator for `t(x_i | theta_ref)` for all events `i`. Otherwise, the estimated likelihood ratio (if test_all_combinations is True, the result has shape `(n_thetas, n_x)`, otherwise, it has shape `(n_samples,)`). If more then one value vote_expectation_weight is given, this is a list with results for all entries in vote_expectation_weight. covariance : None or ndarray or list of ndarray The covariance matrix of the (flattened) predictions, defined as the ensemble covariance. If more then one value vote_expectation_weight is given, this is a list with results for all entries in vote_expectation_weight. If calculate_covariance is False, None is returned. weights : ndarray or list of ndarray Only returned if return_individual_predictions is True. The estimator weights `w_i`. If more then one value vote_expectation_weight is given, this is a list with results for all entries in vote_expectation_weight. individual_predictions : ndarray Only returned if return_individual_predictions is True. The individual estimator predictions. """"Evaluating %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) # Calculate weights of each estimator in vote if self.expectations is None or vote_expectation_weight is None: weights = [np.ones(self.n_estimators)] else: if len(self.expectations.shape) == 1: expectations_norm = self.expectations elif len(self.expectations.shape) == 2: expectations_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.expectations, axis=1) else: expectations_norm = [np.linalg.norm(expectation) for expectation in self.expectations] if not isinstance(vote_expectation_weight, list): vote_expectation_weight = [vote_expectation_weight] weights = [] for vote_weight in vote_expectation_weight: if vote_weight is None: these_weights = np.ones(self.n_estimators) else: these_weights = np.exp(-vote_weight * expectations_norm) these_weights /= np.sum(these_weights) weights.append(these_weights) logger.debug("Estimator weights: %s", weights) # Calculate estimator predictions predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators):"Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) predictions.append( estimator.evaluate( x_filename, theta0_filename, theta1_filename, test_all_combinations, evaluate_score=False ) ) logger.debug("Estimator %s predicts %s for first event", i + 1, predictions[-1][0, :]) predictions = np.array(predictions) # Calculate weighted means and covariance matrices means = [] covariances = [] for these_weights in weights: mean = np.average(predictions, axis=0, weights=these_weights) means.append(mean) if calculate_covariance: predictions_flat = predictions.reshape((predictions.shape[0], -1)) covariance = np.cov(predictions_flat.T, aweights=these_weights) else: covariance = None covariances.append(covariance) # Returns if len(weights) == 1: if return_individual_predictions: return means[0], covariances[0], weights[0], predictions return means[0], covariances[0] if return_individual_predictions: return means, covariances, weights, predictions return means, covariances
[docs] def calculate_fisher_information( self, x, obs_weights=None, n_events=1, mode="score", uncertainty="ensemble", vote_expectation_weight=None, return_individual_predictions=False, sum_events=True, ): """ Calculates expected Fisher information matrices for an ensemble of SALLY estimators. There are two ways of calculating the ensemble average. In the default "score" mode, the ensemble average for the score is calculated for each event, and the Fisher information is calculated based on these mean scores. In the "information" mode, the Fisher information is calculated for each estimator separately and the ensemble mean is calculated only for the final Fisher information matrix. The "score" mode is generally assumed to be more precise and is the default. In the "score" mode, the covariance matrix of the final result is calculated in the following way: - For each event `x` and each estimator `a`, the "shifted" predicted score is calculated as `t_a'(x) = t(x) + 1/sqrt(n) * (t_a(x) - t(x))`. Here `t(x)` is the mean score (averaged over the ensemble) for this event, `t_a(x)` is the prediction of estimator `a` for this event, and `n` is the number of estimators. The ensemble variance of these shifted score predictions is equal to the uncertainty on the mean of the ensemble of original predictions. - For each estimator `a`, the shifted Fisher information matrix `I_a'` is calculated from the shifted predicted scores. - The ensemble covariance between all Fisher information matrices `I_a'` is calculated and taken as the measure of uncertainty on the Fisher information calculated from the mean scores. In the "information" mode, the user has the option to treat all estimators equally ('committee method') or to give those with expected score close to zero (as calculated by `calculate_expectation()`) a higher weight. In this case, the ensemble mean `I` is calculated as `I = sum_i w_i I_i` with weights `w_i = exp(-vote_expectation_weight |E[t_i]|) / sum_j exp(-vote_expectation_weight |E[t_k]|)`. Here `I_i` are the individual estimators and `E[t_i]` is the expectation value calculated by `calculate_expectation()`. Parameters ---------- x : str or ndarray Sample of observations, or path to numpy file with observations, as saved by the `madminer.sampling.SampleAugmenter` functions. Note that this sample has to be sampled from the reference parameter where the score is estimated with the SALLY / SALLINO estimator! obs_weights : None or ndarray, optional Weights for the observations. If None, all events are taken to have equal weight. Default value: None. n_events : float, optional Expected number of events for which the kinematic Fisher information should be calculated. Default value: 1. mode : {"score", "information"}, optional If mode is "information", the Fisher information for each estimator is calculated individually and only then are the sample mean and covariance calculated. If mode is "score", the sample mean is calculated for the score for each event. Default value: "score". uncertainty : {"ensemble", "expectation", "sum", "none"}, optional How the covariance matrix of the Fisher information estimate is calculate. With "ensemble", the ensemble covariance is used (only supported if mode is "information"). With "expectation", the expectation of the score is used as a measure of the uncertainty of the score estimator, and this uncertainty is propagated through to the covariance matrix. With "sum", both terms are summed (only supported if mode is "information"). With "none", no uncertainties are calculated. Default value: "ensemble". vote_expectation_weight : float or list of float or None, optional If mode is "information", this factor determines how much more weight is given to those estimators with small expectation value (as calculated by `calculate_expectation()`). If a list is given, results are returned for each element in the list. If None, or if `calculate_expectation()` has not been called, all estimators are treated equal. Default value: None. return_individual_predictions : bool, optional If mode is "information", sets whether the individual estimator predictions are returned. Default value: False. sum_events : bool, optional If True or mode is "information", the expected Fisher information summed over the events x is calculated. If False and mode is "score", the per-event Fisher information for each event is returned. Default value: True. Returns ------- mean_prediction : ndarray or list of ndarray Expected kinematic Fisher information matrix with shape `(n_events, n_parameters, n_parameters)` if sum_events is False and mode is "score", or `(n_parameters, n_parameters)` in any other case. covariance : ndarray or list of ndarray The covariance matrix of the Fisher information estimate. Its definition depends on the value of uncertainty; by default, the covariance is defined as the ensemble covariance (only supported if mode is "information"). This object has four indices, `cov_(ij)(i'j')`, ordered as i j i' j'. It has shape `(n_parameters, n_parameters, n_parameters, n_parameters)`. If more then one value vote_expectation_weight is given, this is a list with results for all entries in vote_expectation_weight. weights : ndarray or list of ndarray Only returned if return_individual_predictions is True. The estimator weights `w_i`. If more then one value vote_expectation_weight is given, this is a list with results for all entries in vote_expectation_weight. individual_predictions : ndarray Only returned if return_individual_predictions is True. The individual estimator predictions. """ logger.debug("Evaluating Fisher information for %s estimators in ensemble", self.n_estimators) # Check input if mode not in ["score", "information"]: raise ValueError("Unknown mode {}, has to be 'score' or 'information'!".format(mode)) if mode == "score": vote_expectation_weight = None if uncertainty == "expectation" or uncertainty == "sum": if self.expectations is None: raise RuntimeError( "Expectations have not been calculated, cannot use uncertainty mode 'expectation' " "or 'sum'!" ) # Calculate estimator_weights of each estimator in vote if self.expectations is None or vote_expectation_weight is None: estimator_weights = [np.ones(self.n_estimators)] else: if len(self.expectations.shape) == 1: expectations_norm = self.expectations elif len(self.expectations.shape) == 2: expectations_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.expectations, axis=1) else: expectations_norm = [np.linalg.norm(expectation) for expectation in self.expectations] if not isinstance(vote_expectation_weight, list): vote_expectation_weight = [vote_expectation_weight] estimator_weights = [] for vote_weight in vote_expectation_weight: if vote_weight is None: these_weights = np.ones(self.n_estimators) else: these_weights = np.exp(-vote_weight * expectations_norm) these_weights /= np.sum(these_weights) estimator_weights.append(these_weights) logger.debug(" Estimator estimator_weights: %s", estimator_weights) predictions = [] # "information" mode if mode == "information": # Calculate estimator predictions for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): logger.debug("Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) predictions.append(estimator.calculate_fisher_information(x=x, weights=obs_weights, n_events=n_events)) predictions = np.array(predictions) # Calculate weighted means and covariance matrices means = [] ensemble_covariances = [] for these_weights in estimator_weights: mean = np.average(predictions, axis=0, weights=these_weights) means.append(mean) predictions_flat = predictions.reshape((predictions.shape[0], -1)) covariance = np.cov(predictions_flat.T, aweights=these_weights) covariance_shape = ( predictions.shape[1], predictions.shape[2], predictions.shape[1], predictions.shape[2], ) covariance = covariance.reshape(covariance_shape) ensemble_covariances.append(covariance) # "score" mode: else: # Load training data if isinstance(x, six.string_types): x = load_and_check(x) n_samples = x.shape[0] # Calculate score predictions score_predictions = [] for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): logger.debug("Starting evaluation for estimator %s / %s in ensemble", i + 1, self.n_estimators) score_predictions.append(estimator.evaluate(x=x)) logger.debug("Estimator %s predicts t(x) = %s for first event", i + 1, score_predictions[-1][0, :]) score_predictions = np.array(score_predictions) # (n_estimators, n_events, n_parameters) # Get ensemble mean and ensemble covariance score_mean = np.mean(score_predictions, axis=0) # (n_events, n_parameters) # For uncertainty calculation: calculate points betweeen mean and original predictions with same mean and # variance / n compared to the original predictions score_shifted_predictions = (score_predictions - score_mean[np.newaxis, :, :]) / self.n_estimators ** 0.5 score_shifted_predictions = score_mean[np.newaxis, :, :] + score_shifted_predictions # Event weights if obs_weights is None: obs_weights = np.ones(n_samples) obs_weights /= np.sum(obs_weights) # Fisher information prediction (based on mean scores) if sum_events: information_mean = float(n_events) * np.sum( obs_weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, :, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, np.newaxis, :], axis=0, ) else: information_mean = ( float(n_events) * obs_weights[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, :, np.newaxis] * score_mean[:, np.newaxis, :] ) means = [information_mean] # Fisher information predictions based on shifted scores informations_shifted = float(n_events) * np.sum( obs_weights[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * score_shifted_predictions[:, :, :, np.newaxis] * score_shifted_predictions[:, :, np.newaxis, :], axis=1, ) # (n_estimators, n_parameters, n_parameters) n_params = score_mean.shape[1] informations_shifted = informations_shifted.reshape(-1, n_params ** 2) information_cov = np.cov(informations_shifted.T) information_cov = information_cov.reshape(n_params, n_params, n_params, n_params) ensemble_covariances = [information_cov] # Let's check the expected score expected_score = [np.einsum("n,ni->i", obs_weights, score_mean)] logger.debug("Expected per-event score (should be close to zero):\n%s", expected_score) # Calculate uncertainty through non-zero score expectation expectation_covariances = None if uncertainty == "expectation" or uncertainty == "sum": expectation_covariances = [] for these_weights, expectation in zip(estimator_weights, self.expectations): mean_expectation = np.average(expectation, weights=these_weights, axis=0) expectation_covariances.append( n_events * np.einsum("a,b,c,d->abcd", mean_expectation, mean_expectation, mean_expectation, mean_expectation) ) # Final covariances if uncertainty == "ensemble": covariances = ensemble_covariances elif uncertainty == "expectation": covariances = expectation_covariances elif uncertainty == "sum": covariances = [cov1 + cov2 for cov1, cov2 in zip(ensemble_covariances, expectation_covariances)] elif uncertainty == "none": covariances = [None for cov in ensemble_covariances] else: raise ValueError("Unknown uncertainty mode {}".format(uncertainty)) # Returns if len(estimator_weights) == 1: if return_individual_predictions and mode == "information": return means[0], covariances[0], estimator_weights[0], predictions return means[0], covariances[0] if return_individual_predictions and mode == "information": return means, covariances, estimator_weights, predictions return means, covariances
[docs] def save(self, folder, save_model=False): """ Saves the estimator ensemble to a folder. Parameters ---------- folder : str Path to the folder. save_model : bool, optional If True, the whole model is saved in addition to the state dict. This is not necessary for loading it again with EnsembleForge.load(), but can be useful for debugging, for instance to plot the computational graph. Returns ------- None """ # Check paths create_missing_folders([folder]) # Save ensemble settings logger.debug("Saving ensemble setup to %s/ensemble.json", folder) if self.expectations is None: expectations = "None" else: expectations = self.expectations.tolist() settings = {"n_estimators": self.n_estimators, "expectations": expectations} with open(folder + "/ensemble.json", "w") as f: json.dump(settings, f) # Save estimators for i, estimator in enumerate(self.estimators): + "/estimator_" + str(i), save_model=save_model)
[docs] def load(self, folder): """ Loads the estimator ensemble from a folder. Parameters ---------- folder : str Path to the folder. Returns ------- None """ # Load ensemble settings logger.debug("Loading ensemble setup from %s/ensemble.json", folder) with open(folder + "/ensemble.json", "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) self.n_estimators = settings["n_estimators"] self.expectations = settings["expectations"] if self.expectations == "None": self.expectations = None if self.expectations is not None: self.expectations = np.array(self.expectations)"Found ensemble with %s estimators and expectations %s", self.n_estimators, self.expectations) # Load estimators self.estimators = [] for i in range(self.n_estimators): estimator = MLForge() estimator.load(folder + "/estimator_" + str(i)) self.estimators.append(estimator) # Check consistency and update n_parameters, n_observables self._check_consistency()
def _check_consistency(self, keywords=None): """ Internal function that checks if all estimators belong to the same category (local score regression, single-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator, doubly parameterized likelihood ratio estimator). Parameters ---------- keywords : dict or None, optional kwargs passed to `train_one()` or `train_all()`. Returns ------- method_type : {"local_score", "parameterized", "doubly_parameterized"} Method type of this ensemble. Raises ------ RuntimeError Estimators are inconsistent. """ # Accumulate methods of all estimators methods = [estimator.method for estimator in self.estimators] all_n_parameters = [estimator.n_parameters for estimator in self.estimators] all_n_observables = [estimator.n_observables for estimator in self.estimators] if keywords is not None: keyword_method = keywords.get("method", None) if isinstance(keyword_method, list): methods += keyword_method else: methods.append(keyword_method) # Check consistency of methods self.method_type = None for method in methods: if method in ["sally", "sallino"]: this_method_type = "local_score" elif method in ["carl", "rolr", "rascal", "alice", "alices", "nde", "scandal"]: this_method_type = "parameterized" elif method in ["carl2", "rolr2", "rascal2", "alice2", "alices2"]: this_method_type = "doubly_parameterized" elif method is None: continue else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown method %s", method) if self.method_type is None: self.method_type = this_method_type if self.method_type != this_method_type: raise RuntimeError( "Ensemble with inconsistent estimator methods! All methods have to be either" " single-parameterized ratio estimators, doubly parameterized ratio estimators," " or local score estimators. Found methods " + ", ".join(methods) + "." ) # Check consistency of parameter and observable numnbers self.n_parameters = None self.n_observables = None for estimator_n_parameters, estimator_n_observables in zip(all_n_parameters, all_n_observables): if self.n_parameters is None: self.n_parameters = estimator_n_parameters if self.n_observables is None: self.n_observables = estimator_n_observables if self.n_parameters is not None and self.n_parameters != estimator_n_parameters: raise RuntimeError( "Ensemble with inconsistent numbers of parameters for different estimators: %s", all_n_parameters ) if self.n_observables is not None and self.n_observables != estimator_n_observables: raise RuntimeError( "Ensemble with inconsistent numbers of parameters for different estimators: %s", all_n_observables ) # Return method type of ensemble return self.method_type