Source code for madminer.plotting.morphing

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def plot_2d_morphing_basis( morpher, xlabel=r"$\theta_0$", ylabel=r"$\theta_1$", xrange=(-1.0, 1.0), yrange=(-1.0, 1.0), crange=(1.0, 100.0), resolution=100, ): """ Visualizes a morphing basis and morphing errors for problems with a two-dimensional parameter space. Parameters ---------- morpher : PhysicsMorpher PhysicsMorpher instance with defined basis. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x axis. Default value: r'$\theta_0$'. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y axis. Default value: r'$\theta_1$'. xrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the x axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). yrange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the y axis. Default value: (-1., 1.). crange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the color map. Default value: (1., 100.). resolution : int, optional Number of points per axis for the rendering of the squared morphing weights. Default value: 100. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ basis = morpher.basis assert basis is not None, "No basis defined" assert basis.shape[1] == 2, "Only 2d problems can be plotted with this function" xi, yi = (np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], resolution), np.linspace(yrange[0], yrange[1], resolution)) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) xx, yy = xx.reshape((-1, 1)), yy.reshape((-1, 1)) theta_test = np.hstack([xx, yy]) squared_weights = [] for theta in theta_test: wi = morpher.calculate_morphing_weights(theta, None) squared_weights.append(np.sum(wi * wi) ** 0.5) squared_weights = np.array(squared_weights).reshape((resolution, resolution)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 5)) ax = plt.gca() pcm = ax.pcolormesh( xi, yi, squared_weights, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=crange[0], vmax=crange[1]), cmap="viridis_r" ) cbar = fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, extend="both") plt.scatter(basis[:, 0], basis[:, 1], s=50.0, c="black") plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) cbar.set_label(r"$\sqrt{\sum w_i^2}$") plt.xlim(xrange[0], xrange[1]) plt.ylim(yrange[0], yrange[1]) plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_nd_morphing_basis_scatter(morpher, crange=(1.0, 100.0), n_test_thetas=1000): """ Visualizes a morphing basis and morphing errors with scatter plots between each pair of operators. Parameters ---------- morpher : PhysicsMorpher PhysicsMorpher instance with defined basis. crange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the color map. Default value: (1. 100.). n_test_thetas : int, optional Number of random points evaluated. Default value: 1000. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ basis = morpher.basis assert basis is not None, "No basis defined" n_parameters = basis.shape[1] # Get squared weights thetas, squared_weights = morpher.evaluate_morphing(n_test_thetas=n_test_thetas, return_weights_and_thetas=True) # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=((n_parameters - 1) * 5.0, (n_parameters - 1) * 4.0)) for iy in range(1, n_parameters): for ix in range(0, iy): i_panel = 1 + (iy - 1) * (n_parameters - 1) + ix ax = plt.subplot(n_parameters - 1, n_parameters - 1, i_panel) sc = plt.scatter( thetas[:, ix], thetas[:, iy], c=squared_weights, s=20.0, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=crange[0], vmax=crange[1]), cmap="viridis_r", ) cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, ax=ax, extend="both") plt.scatter(basis[:, ix], basis[:, iy], s=100.0, lw=1.0, edgecolor="black", c="white") plt.xlabel(r"$\theta_" + str(ix) + "$") plt.ylabel(r"$\theta_" + str(iy) + "$") cbar.set_label(r"$\sqrt{\sum w_i^2}$") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_nd_morphing_basis_slices(morpher, crange=(1.0, 100.0), resolution=50): """ Visualizes a morphing basis and morphing errors with two-dimensional slices through parameter space. Parameters ---------- morpher : PhysicsMorpher PhysicsMorpher instance with defined basis. crange : tuple of float, optional Range `(min, max)` for the color map. resolution : int, optional Number of points per panel and axis for the rendering of the squared morphing weights. Default value: 50. Returns ------- figure : Figure Plot as Matplotlib Figure instance. """ basis = morpher.basis assert basis is not None, "No basis defined" n_parameters = basis.shape[1] # Plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=((n_parameters - 1) * 5.0, (n_parameters - 1) * 4.0)) for iy in range(1, n_parameters): for ix in range(0, iy): i_panel = 1 + (iy - 1) * (n_parameters - 1) + ix ax = plt.subplot(n_parameters - 1, n_parameters - 1, i_panel) # Grid xrange = morpher.parameter_range[ix] yrange = morpher.parameter_range[iy] xi = np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], resolution) yi = np.linspace(yrange[0], yrange[1], resolution) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) xx, yy = xx.flatten(), yy.flatten() theta_test = np.zeros((resolution ** 2, n_parameters)) theta_test[:, ix] = xx theta_test[:, iy] = yy # Get squared weights squared_weights = [] for theta in theta_test: wi = morpher.calculate_morphing_weights(theta, None) squared_weights.append(np.sum(wi * wi) ** 0.5) squared_weights = np.array(squared_weights).reshape((resolution, resolution)) pcm = ax.pcolormesh( xi, yi, squared_weights, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=crange[0], vmax=crange[1]), cmap="viridis_r", ) cbar = fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, extend="both") plt.scatter(basis[:, ix], basis[:, iy], s=100.0, lw=1.0, edgecolor="black", c="white") plt.xlabel(r"$\theta_" + str(ix) + "$") plt.ylabel(r"$\theta_" + str(iy) + "$") cbar.set_label(r"$\sqrt{\sum w_i^2}$") plt.tight_layout() return fig