Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
import os
import json
import numpy as np
import torch

from ..utils.various import create_missing_folders, load_and_check

except NameError:
    FileNotFoundError = IOError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Estimator(object): """ Abstract class for any ML estimator. Subclassed by ParameterizedRatioEstimator, DoubleParameterizedRatioEstimator, ScoreEstimator, and LikelihoodEstimator. Each instance of this class represents one neural estimator. The most important functions are: * `Estimator.train()` to train an estimator. The keyword `method` determines the inference technique and whether a class instance represents a single-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator, a doubly-parameterized likelihood ratio estimator, or a local score estimator. * `Estimator.evaluate()` to evaluate the estimator. * `` to save the trained model to files. * `Estimator.load()` to load the trained model from files. Please see the tutorial for a detailed walk-through. """ def __init__(self, features=None, n_hidden=(100,), activation="tanh", dropout_prob=0.0): self.features = features self.n_hidden = n_hidden self.activation = activation self.dropout_prob = dropout_prob self.model = None self.n_observables = None self.n_parameters = None self.x_scaling_means = None self.x_scaling_stds = None
[docs] def train(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate_log_likelihood(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Log likelihood estimation. Signature depends on the type of estimator. The first returned value is the log likelihood with shape `(n_thetas, n_x)`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate_log_likelihood_ratio(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Log likelihood ratio estimation. Signature depends on the type of estimator. The first returned value is the log likelihood ratio with shape `(n_thetas, n_x)` or `(n_x)`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate_score(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Score estimation. Signature depends on the type of estimator. The only returned value is the score with shape `(n_x)`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
def calculate_fisher_information(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save(self, filename, save_model=False): """ Saves the trained model to four files: a JSON file with the settings, a pickled pyTorch state dict file, and numpy files for the mean and variance of the inputs (used for input scaling). Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the files. '_settings.json' and '' will be added. save_model : bool, optional If True, the whole model is saved in addition to the state dict. This is not necessary for loading it again with Estimator.load(), but can be useful for debugging, for instance to plot the computational graph. Returns ------- None """"Saving model to %s", filename) if self.model is None: raise ValueError("No model -- train or load model before saving!") # Check paths create_missing_folders([os.path.dirname(filename)]) # Save settings logger.debug("Saving settings to %s_settings.json", filename) settings = self._wrap_settings() with open(filename + "_settings.json", "w") as f: json.dump(settings, f) # Save scaling if self.x_scaling_stds is not None and self.x_scaling_means is not None: logger.debug("Saving input scaling information to %s_x_means.npy and %s_x_stds.npy", filename, filename) + "_x_means.npy", self.x_scaling_means) + "_x_stds.npy", self.x_scaling_stds) # Save state dict logger.debug("Saving state dictionary to", filename), filename + "") # Save model if save_model: logger.debug("Saving model to", filename), filename + "")
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Loads a trained model from files. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the files. '_settings.json' and '' will be added. Returns ------- None """"Loading model from %s", filename) # Load settings and create model logger.debug("Loading settings from %s_settings.json", filename) with open(filename + "_settings.json", "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) self._unwrap_settings(settings) self._create_model() # Load scaling try: self.x_scaling_means = np.load(filename + "_x_means.npy") self.x_scaling_stds = np.load(filename + "_x_stds.npy") logger.debug( " Found input scaling information: means %s, stds %s", self.x_scaling_means, self.x_scaling_stds ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("Scaling information not found in %s", filename) self.x_scaling_means = None self.x_scaling_stds = None # Load state dict logger.debug("Loading state dictionary from", filename) self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(filename + "", map_location="cpu"))
[docs] def initialize_input_transform(self, x, transform=True, overwrite=True): if self.x_scaling_stds is not None and self.x_scaling_means is not None and not overwrite: "Input rescaling already defined. To overwrite, call initialize_input_transform(x, overwrite=True)." ) elif transform:"Setting up input rescaling") self.x_scaling_means = np.mean(x, axis=0) self.x_scaling_stds = np.maximum(np.std(x, axis=0), 1.0e-6) else:"Disabling input rescaling") n_parameters = x.shape[0] self.x_scaling_means = np.zeros(n_parameters) self.x_scaling_stds = np.ones(n_parameters)
def _transform_inputs(self, x): if self.x_scaling_means is not None and self.x_scaling_stds is not None: if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x_scaled = x - torch.tensor(self.x_scaling_means, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) x_scaled = x_scaled / torch.tensor(self.x_scaling_stds, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) else: x_scaled = x - self.x_scaling_means x_scaled /= self.x_scaling_stds else: x_scaled = x return x_scaled def _wrap_settings(self): settings = { "n_observables": self.n_observables, "n_parameters": self.n_parameters, "features": self.features, "n_hidden": list(self.n_hidden), "activation": self.activation, "dropout_prob": self.dropout_prob, } return settings def _unwrap_settings(self, settings): try: _ = str(settings["estimator_type"]) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "Can't find estimator type information in file. Maybe this file was created with" " an incompatible MadMiner version < v0.3.0?" ) self.n_observables = int(settings["n_observables"]) self.n_parameters = int(settings["n_parameters"]) self.n_hidden = tuple([int(item) for item in settings["n_hidden"]]) self.activation = str(settings["activation"]) self.features = settings["features"] if self.features == "None": self.features = None if self.features is not None: self.features = list([int(item) for item in self.features]) try: self.dropout_prob = float(settings["dropout_prob"]) except KeyError: self.dropout_prob = 0.0 "Can't find dropout probability in model file. Probably this file was created with an older" " MadMiner version < 0.6.1. That's totally fine, we'll just stick to the default of 0 (no" " dropout)." ) def _create_model(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calculate_fisher_information(self, x, theta=None, weights=None, n_events=1, sum_events=True): """ Calculates the expected Fisher information matrix based on the kinematic information in a given number of events. Parameters ---------- x : str or ndarray Sample of observations, or path to numpy file with observations. Note that this sample has to be sampled from the reference parameter where the score is estimated with the SALLY / SALLINO estimator. theta: None or ndarray Numerator parameter point, or filename of a pickled numpy array. Has no effect for ScoreEstimator. weights : None or ndarray, optional Weights for the observations. If None, all events are taken to have equal weight. Default value: None. n_events : float, optional Expected number of events for which the kinematic Fisher information should be calculated. Default value: 1. sum_events : bool, optional If True, the expected Fisher information summed over the events x is calculated. If False, the per-event Fisher information for each event is returned. Default value: True. Returns ------- fisher_information : ndarray Expected kinematic Fisher information matrix with shape `(n_events, n_parameters, n_parameters)` if sum_events is False or `(n_parameters, n_parameters)` if sum_events is True. """ if self.model is None: raise ValueError("No model -- train or load model before evaluating it!") # Load training data"Loading evaluation data") x = load_and_check(x) n_samples = x.shape[0] # Estimate scores t_hats = self.evaluate_score(x=x, theta=np.array([theta for _ in x]), nuisance_mode="keep") # Weights if weights is None: weights = np.ones(n_samples) weights /= np.sum(weights) # Calculate Fisher information"Calculating Fisher information") if sum_events: fisher_information = float(n_events) * np.einsum("n,ni,nj->ij", weights, t_hats, t_hats) else: fisher_information = float(n_events) * np.einsum("n,ni,nj->nij", weights, t_hats, t_hats) # Calculate expected score expected_score = np.mean(t_hats, axis=0) logger.debug("Expected per-event score (should be close to zero): %s", expected_score) return fisher_information
[docs]class ConditionalEstimator(Estimator): """ Abstract class for estimator that is conditional on theta. Subclassed by ParameterizedRatioEstimator, DoubleParameterizedRatioEstimator, and LikelihoodEstimator (but not ScoreEstimator). Adds functionality to rescale parameters. """ def __init__(self, features=None, n_hidden=(100,), activation="tanh", dropout_prob=0.0): super(ConditionalEstimator, self).__init__(features, n_hidden, activation, dropout_prob) self.theta_scaling_means = None self.theta_scaling_stds = None
[docs] def save(self, filename, save_model=False): """ Saves the trained model to four files: a JSON file with the settings, a pickled pyTorch state dict file, and numpy files for the mean and variance of the inputs (used for input scaling). Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the files. '_settings.json' and '' will be added. save_model : bool, optional If True, the whole model is saved in addition to the state dict. This is not necessary for loading it again with Estimator.load(), but can be useful for debugging, for instance to plot the computational graph. Returns ------- None """ super(ConditionalEstimator, self).save(filename, save_model) # Save param scaling if self.theta_scaling_stds is not None and self.theta_scaling_means is not None: logger.debug( "Saving parameter scaling information to %s_theta_means.npy and %s_theta_stds.npy", filename, filename ) + "_theta_means.npy", self.theta_scaling_means) + "_theta_stds.npy", self.theta_scaling_stds)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Loads a trained model from files. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the files. '_settings.json' and '' will be added. Returns ------- None """ super(ConditionalEstimator, self).load(filename) # Load param scaling try: self.theta_scaling_means = np.load(filename + "_theta_means.npy") self.theta_scaling_stds = np.load(filename + "_theta_stds.npy") logger.debug( " Found parameter scaling information: means %s, stds %s", self.theta_scaling_means, self.theta_scaling_stds, ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("Parameter scaling information not found in %s", filename) self.theta_scaling_means = None self.theta_scaling_stds = None
[docs] def initialize_parameter_transform(self, theta, transform=True, overwrite=True): if self.x_scaling_stds is not None and self.x_scaling_means is not None and not overwrite: "Parameter rescaling already defined. To overwrite, call initialize_parameter_transform(theta, overwrite=True)." ) elif transform:"Setting up parameter rescaling") self.theta_scaling_means = np.mean(theta, axis=0) self.theta_scaling_stds = np.maximum(np.std(theta, axis=0), 1.0e-6) else:"Disabling parameter rescaling") self.theta_scaling_means = None self.theta_scaling_stds = None
def _transform_parameters(self, theta): if self.theta_scaling_means is not None and self.theta_scaling_stds is not None: if isinstance(theta, torch.Tensor): theta_scaled = theta - torch.tensor(self.theta_scaling_means, dtype=theta.dtype, device=theta.device) theta_scaled = theta_scaled / torch.tensor( self.theta_scaling_stds, dtype=theta.dtype, device=theta.device ) else: theta_scaled = theta - self.theta_scaling_means[np.newaxis, :] theta_scaled /= self.theta_scaling_stds[np.newaxis, :] else: theta_scaled = theta return theta_scaled def _transform_score(self, t_xz, inverse=False): if self.theta_scaling_means is not None and self.theta_scaling_stds is not None and t_xz is not None: if inverse: t_xz_scaled = t_xz / self.theta_scaling_stds[np.newaxis, :] else: t_xz_scaled = t_xz * self.theta_scaling_stds[np.newaxis, :] else: t_xz_scaled = t_xz return t_xz_scaled
[docs]class TheresAGoodReasonThisDoesntWork(Exception): pass