Source code for madminer.fisherinformation.geometry

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import numpy as np
import random
from scipy.interpolate import griddata, LinearNDInterpolator, CloughTocher2DInterpolator
from scipy.stats import chi2

from ..utils.various import load_and_check

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class InformationGeometry: """ Functions to calculate limits using Information Geometry. After initializing the `InformationGeometry` class, a Fisher Information needs to be provided using one of the following functions * `InformationGeometry.information_from_formula()` defines the Fisher Information explicitly as function of the theory paramters `theta`. * `InformationGeometry.information_from_grid()` loads a grid of Fisher Informations which is then interpolated. Using information geometrical methods, the function `InformationGeometry.distance_contours()` then calculates the distance contours and equivalently the p-values throughout parameter space. """ def __init__(self): self.infotype = None self.dimension = 0 self.information_formula = None self.inverse = "exact"
[docs] def information_from_formula(self, formula, dimension): """ Explicitly defines the Fisher Information as function of the theory parameter `theta` through a formula that can be avaulated using `eval()`. Parameters ---------- formula : str Explicit definition of the Fisher Information as ndarray, which can be a function of the n-dimensional theory parameter `theta`. Example: formula="np.array([[1+theta[0],1],[1,2*theta[1]**2]])" dimension : int Dimensionality of the theory parameter space. """ self.infotype = "formula" self.dimension = dimension self.information_formula = formula
[docs] def information_from_grid(self, theta_grid, fisherinformation_grid, option="smooth", inverse="exact"): """ Loads a grid of coordinates and corresponding Fisher Information, which is then interpolated. Parameters ---------- theta_grid : ndarray List if parameter points `theta` at which the Fisher information matrices `I_ij(theta)` is evaluated. Shape (n_gridpoints, n_dimension). fisherinformation_grid : ndarray List if Fisher information matrices `I_ij(theta)`. Shape (n_gridpoints, n_dimension, n_dimension). option : {"smooth", "linear"} Defines if the Fisher Information is interpolated smoothly using the function CloughTocher2DInterpolator() or piecewise linear using LinearNDInterpolator(). Default = 'smooth'. inverse : {"exact", "interpolate"} Defines if the inverse Fisher Information is obtained by either first interpolating the Fisher Information and then inverting it ("exact") or by first inverting the grid of Fisher Informations and then interpolating the inverse ("interpolate"). Default = 'exact'. """ self.infotype = "grid" self.inverse = inverse # load from file theta_grid = load_and_check(theta_grid) fisherinformation_grid = load_and_check(fisherinformation_grid) self.dimension = len(fisherinformation_grid[0]) # Interpolate Information if option == "linear": self.infofunction = LinearNDInterpolator(points=theta_grid, values=np.array(fisherinformation_grid)) elif option == "smooth": self.infofunction = CloughTocher2DInterpolator(points=theta_grid, values=np.array(fisherinformation_grid)) else: RuntimeError("Option %s unknown", option) # Interpolate inverse information if self.inverse == "interpolate": inv_fisherinformation_grid = np.array([np.linalg.inv(info) for info in fisherinformation_grid]) if option == "linear": self.infofunction_inv = LinearNDInterpolator(points=theta_grid, values=inv_fisherinformation_grid) elif option == "smooth": self.infofunction_inv = CloughTocher2DInterpolator(points=theta_grid, values=inv_fisherinformation_grid)
def _information(self, theta): """ Low level function that calculates the Fisher Information as function of the theory parameter `theta` Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray Parameter point `theta` at which the Fisher information matrix `I_ij(theta)` is evaluated. Returns ------- fisher_information : ndarray Fisher information matrix with shape `(n_dimension, n_dimension)`. """ # check input format assert len(theta) == self.dimension, "theta should have length %r, not %r" % (self.dimension, len(theta)) # calculate information if self.infotype == "formula": information = eval(self.information_formula) elif self.infotype == "grid": information = self.infofunction(tuple(theta)) else: raise RuntimeError("Information not defined yet") # check output format assert np.shape(information) == (self.dimension, self.dimension), "information should have shape %r, not %r" % ( (self.dimension, self.dimension), np.shape(information), ) return information def _information_inv(self, theta): """ Low level function that calculates the inverse Fisher Information as function of the theory parameter `theta`. Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray Parameter point `theta` at which the inverse Fisher information matrix `I^{-1}_ij(theta)` is evaluated. Returns ------- inverse_fisher_information : ndarray Inverse Fisher information matrix with shape `(n_dimension, n_dimension)`. """ if self.inverse == "interpolate": return self.infofunction_inv(tuple(theta)) else: return np.linalg.inv(self._information(theta)) def _information_derivative(self, theta): """ Low level function that calculates the derivative of Fisher Information `\partial_k I_{ij}` at the theory parameter `theta`. Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray Parameter point `theta` at which the derivative of the Fisher information matrix is evaluated. Returns ------- fisher_information_derivative : ndarray Derivative of Fisher information matrix with shape `(n_dimension, n_dimension, n_dimension)`. """ epsilon = 10 ** -3 dtheta = np.identity(len(theta)) * epsilon return np.array( [(self._information(theta + dtheta[k]) - self._information(theta)) / epsilon for k in range(len(theta))] ) def _christoffel(self, theta): """ Low level function that calculates the Christoffel symbol (2nd kind) Gamma^i_jk at the theory parameter `theta`. Here Gamma^i_jk=0.5*I^{im}(\partial_k I_{mj} + \partial_j I_{mk} - \partial_m I_{jk}) Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray Parameter point `theta` at which the Christoffel symbol is evaluated. Returns ------- christoffel_symbol : ndarray Christoffel symbol with shape `(n_dimension, n_dimension, n_dimension)`. """ term1 = np.einsum("ad,cdb->abc", self._information_inv(theta), self._information_derivative(theta)) term2 = np.einsum("ad,bdc->abc", self._information_inv(theta), self._information_derivative(theta)) term3 = np.einsum("ad,bcd->abc", self._information_inv(theta), self._information_derivative(theta)) return 0.5 * (term1 + term2 - term3)
[docs] def find_trajectory(self, theta0, dtheta0, limits, stepsize=1): """ Finds the geodesic trajectory starting at a parameter point theta0 going in the initial direction dtheta0. Parameters ---------- theta0 : ndarray Parameter point `theta0` at which the geodesic trajectory starts. dtheta0 : ndarray Initial direction `dtheta0` of the geodesic limits : list of (tuple of float) Specifies the boundaries of the parameter grid in which the trajectory is evaulated. It should be `[[min, max], [min, max], ..., [min, max]`, where the list goes over all parameters and `min` and `max` are float. stepsize : int, optional Maximal stepsize `|Delta theta|` during numerical integration in parameter space. $Default: 1 Returns ------- list_of_theta : ndarray List of parameter points theta `(n_points, n_dimension)`. list_of_distance : ndarray List of distances from the staring point theta0 `(n_points, )`. """ # initiate starting point theta = 1.0 * theta0 dtheta = 1.0 * dtheta0 dist = 0 output_theta = [1.0 * theta] output_dist = [0] # calculate free-fall trajectory counter = 0 in_grid = True while in_grid and counter < 200: counter += 1 # normalize dtheta to stepsize dtheta = dtheta / np.linalg.norm(dtheta) # calculate ddtheta and distance ddtheta = -1.0 * np.einsum("abc,b,c->a", self._christoffel(theta), dtheta, dtheta) ddist = np.sqrt(np.einsum("ab,a,b", self._information(theta), dtheta, dtheta)) # determine stepsize to be used max_stepsize = 0.05 * np.linalg.norm(dtheta) / np.linalg.norm(ddtheta) use_stepsize = min(max_stepsize, stepsize) # update theta,dtheta, dist theta += dtheta * use_stepsize dtheta += ddtheta * use_stepsize dist += ddist * use_stepsize # save theta = np.array(theta) if np.isnan(dist): break output_theta.append(theta * 1.0) output_dist.append(dist * 1.0) # check if outside range for th, lim in zip(theta, limits): if th < lim[0] or th > lim[1]: in_grid = False return np.array(output_theta), output_dist
[docs] def distance_contours( self, theta0, grid_ranges, grid_resolutions, stepsize=None, ntrajectories=None, continous_sampling=False, return_trajectories=False, ): """ Finds the distance values from the point theta0 and the corresponding p-value within the parameter space bounded by `grid_ranges`. Parameters ---------- theta0 : ndarray Parameter point `theta0` at which the geodesic trajectory starts. grid_ranges : list of (tuple of float) Specifies the boundaries of the parameter grid in which the trajectory is evaulated. It should be `[[min, max], [min, max], ..., [min, max]`, where the list goes over all parameters and `min` and `max` are float. grid_resolutions : list of int Resolution of the parameter space grid on which the p-values are evaluated. The individual entries specify the number of points along each parameter individually. stepsize : float or None, optional Maximal stepsize `|Delta theta|` during numerical integration in parameter space. If None, stepsize = min([(max-min)/20 for (min,max) in grid_ranges]). Default: None ntrajectories : int or None, optional Number of sampled trajectories. If None, ntrajectories = 20 times the number of dimensions. Default: None continous_sampling : bool, optional If n_dimension is 2, the trajectories are sampled continously in the angular direction. Default: False return_trajectories : bool, optional Returns the trajectories (parameter points and distances). Default: False Returns ------- theta_grid : ndarray Parameter points at which the p-values are evaluated with shape `(n_grid_points, n_dimension)`. p_values : ndarray Observed p-values for each parameter point on the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. p_values : ndarray Interpolated distance from theta0 for each parameter point on the grid, with shape `(n_grid_points,)`. (list_of_theta, list_of_distance) : (ndarray,ndarray) Only returned if return_trajectories is True. List of parameter points theta `(n_points, n_dimension)` and List of distances from the staring point theta0 `(n_points, )`. """ # automatic setting of stepsize and ntrajectories if stepsize == None: stepsize = min([(limit[1] - limit[0]) / 20.0 for limit in grid_ranges]) if ntrajectories == None: ntrajectories = 20 * self.dimension if self.dimension is not 2: continous_sampling = False limits = (1.0 + 2.0 * stepsize) * np.array(grid_ranges) # determine trajectories thetas = [] distances = [] for i in range(ntrajectories): if continous_sampling: angle = 2.0 * np.pi / float(ntrajectories) * i dth0 = np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)]) else: dth0 = np.array([random.uniform(-1, 1) for _ in range(self.dimension)]) logger.debug("Calculate Trajectory Number %s with dtheta0=%s", i, dth0) ths, ds = self.find_trajectory(theta0, dth0, limits, stepsize) for th in ths: thetas.append(th) for d in ds: distances.append(d) thetas = np.array(thetas) # Create Theta Grid theta_grid_each = self._make_theta_grid_each(grid_ranges, grid_resolutions) theta_grid = self._make_theta_grid(grid_ranges, grid_resolutions) # Create Distance Grid distance_grid = griddata(thetas, distances, (theta_grid_each[0], theta_grid_each[1]), method="linear") # Create p-value Grid p_value_grid = self._asymptotic_p_value(distance_grid) # return if return_trajectories: return theta_grid, p_value_grid, distance_grid, (thetas, distances) else: return theta_grid, p_value_grid, distance_grid
def _make_theta_grid_each(self, grid_ranges, grid_resolutions): theta_each = [] for resolution, (theta_min, theta_max) in zip(grid_resolutions, grid_ranges): theta_each.append(np.linspace(theta_min, theta_max, resolution)) theta_grid_each = np.meshgrid(*theta_each, indexing="ij") return theta_grid_each def _make_theta_grid(self, grid_ranges, grid_resolutions): theta_grid_each = self._make_theta_grid_each(grid_ranges, grid_resolutions) theta_grid_each = [theta.flatten() for theta in theta_grid_each] theta_grid = np.vstack(theta_grid_each).T return theta_grid def _asymptotic_p_value(self, dist): """ Low level function to convert distances in p-values """ p_value = chi2.sf(x=dist * dist, df=self.dimension) return p_value